
Emergency Communications 911

Douglas County

Contact Us

Hours: Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm
Contact: ECC/911


Plan ahead for any emergency by getting 911 the information to help you fast and keep your family safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Smart911 is a free national service provided to you by Emergency Communications (911) of Douglas County, Kansas. It is 100% private and secure, and it could save your life, or the life of someone you love.

Create a Safety Profile for your household that includes the vital personal and medical information you would want response teams to have in the event of an emergency. Then if you dial 9-1-1, your profile is immediately available allowing call takers and first responders to assist you faster and more effectively.

  • Help EMS treat you:
    Including information about your family's medical issues – like heart conditions, allergies and stroke history can help to ensure that EMS will arrive with the appropriate equipment and information to help. If you or your family member cannot effectively communicate with 9-1-1, they will instantly know your location and details on what may be causing your emergency.
  • Help Police protect you:
    The more information you provide to responders, the faster they can determine how to assist you. Today when a child goes missing, it takes time for police to obtain a photo of the missing child. With a Smart911 Safety Profile, police will have that photo instantly. By including all the mobile phones that are tied to your home address, police will have your location immediately, even if your call is dropped.
  • Help the Fire department rescue you:
    In the event of a fire, your Safety Profile can provide detailed information on your home. You have the ability to include information on how many people live in your house, their bedroom locations, if anyone has mobility limitations, and even descriptions of your pets. Additional details can include utility shut off valves, your floor or apt # if you live in a building, and even access points to your home.

Yes, your information is 100% private. Your family's profile information is complete private and secure. The details you enter on our secure and protected website are only shared with 9-1-1 dispatchers and first responders in the field, and only when you or your family members dial 9-1-1. Your information is 100% private.