Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, November 15, 2021 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

Monday, November 15, 2021

6:30pm to 8:30pm

1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence

Or click to join via Zoom

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of October 18 meeting minutes  
    • Membership Updates:
      1. Welcome, Kaitlin! Sustainable Ag NGO Liaison
      2. 2022 Member Preview (see packet materials)
    • 2022 Leadership nominations
    • Consider rescheduling December meeting currently on 12/20
    • Budget overview: $4,734.28 balance for 2021
      1. Consider approving up to $1,000 for compilation and design of Agricultural Economic Development report.
      2. Consider allocating funding to send members to Community Food Systems Annual Event. February 25, 2022 in Des Moines. $65/person + mileage.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Consider approval of prioritized list of state-wide food policy initiatives (see packet materials).
  4. Update from Laura and Cody on the FPC Community of Practice centered on racial equity and economic justice (see packet materials).
  5. FPC members may wish to attend the Listening Session on increasing the County Commission to 5 members.
    • December 9th at 6pm.
  6. Update on Climate Action Plan process.
    • Consider what Food System follow up conversations might look like.
    • Example: host dinner for agricultural producers.
  7. Reminder: FPC work session with the Planning Commission on solar utility regulations.
    • November 18th at 3:30pm. Four members representing FPC.
  8. Member Updates
  9. Adjourn

Next Meeting: December TBD, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire

In attendance: Tamara Cash, Sarah Chenoweth, Dietrich Earnhart, Cody Haynes, Ashley Hornberger, Elizabeth Keever, Mary Kirkendoll, Tyler Lindquist, Laura McCulloch, Christina Ostemeyer, Kaitlin Stanley, Scott Thellman 

Absent: Marlin Bates, Melissa Freiburger, Rolf Petermann

Staff: Jamie Hofling, Jasmin Moore

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
      1. Motion to approve by Kaitlin, second by Scott. Motion passes.
    • Approval of October 18 meeting minutes  
      1. Motion to approve by Scott, second by Elizabeth. Motion passes.
    • Membership Updates:
      1. Welcome, Kaitlin! Sustainable Ag NGO Liaison
      2. 2022 Member Preview (see packet materials)
    • 2022 Leadership nominations
    • Consider rescheduling December meeting currently on 12/20
      1. Motion to move meeting to December 13th by Elizabeth, second by Scott. Motion passes.
      2. Motion to approve $1,500 for catering at year-end review by Scott, second by Ashley. Motion passes.
    • Budget overview: $4,734.28 balance for 2021
      1. Consider approving up to $1,000 for compilation and design of Agricultural Economic Development report.
        1. Motion to approve up to $1,000 to produce report by Ashley, second by Scott. Motion passes.
      2. Consider allocating funding to send members to Community Food Systems Annual Event. February 25, 2022 in Des Moines. $65/person + mileage.
        1. Motion to approve up to $1,500 for registrations and pre-conference costs by Dietrich, second by Elizabeth. Motion passes.
      3. Proposal by Dietrich for Forward to create resident survey focused on household food waste management and diversion to be distributed through the Lawrence utility bill, aiming for February. Insert cost has been quoted as $600.
        1. Motion to approve $600 for utility insert by Scott, second by Sarah. Motion passes.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Consider approval of prioritized list of state-wide food policy initiatives (see packet materials).
    • Motion by Tyler to approve the following prioritization – Farm to School moved to 4 and Cottage Food moved to 5 from initial proposal – at the state level by the KFAN lobbyist, second by Tamara. Motion passes.
      1. Address the sales tax on food.
      2. Expand access to WIC, as well as locations where benefits can be used.
      3. Increase SNAP enrollment among eligible individuals and families.
      4. Increase funding for Farm to School programs.
      5. Review cottage food regulations to identify barriers for value-added producers.
      6. Establish a statewide food, farm, and policy council.
  4. Update from Laura and Cody on the FPC Community of Practice centered on racial equity and economic justice (see packet materials).
  5. FPC members may wish to attend the Listening Session on increasing the County Commission to 5 members.
    • December 9th at 6pm.
  6. Update on Climate Action Plan process.
    • Consider what Food System follow up conversations might look like.
    • Example: host dinner for agricultural producers.
  7. Reminder: FPC work session with the Planning Commission on solar utility regulations.
    • November 18th at 3:30pm. Four members representing FPC.
  8. Member Updates
  9. Adjourn
    • Motion to adjourn by Elizabeth, second by Laura. Motion passes.

Next Meeting: December TBD, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire


1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence or Zoom
1006 New Hampshire