Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, June 21, 2021 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

Monday, June 21, 2021

6:30pm to 8:30pm

1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence

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  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of May 17 meeting minutes  
    • Food System Update to County Commission
      1. Wednesday, June 30 at 5:30pm
    • Budget overview: $5,704.43 balance for 2021
      1. Consider budget request for conference speaker to provide remote dial-in attendance at flexible meeting locations. More details to come.
    • No-cost registrations available for FPC members to attend Kansas Leadership Center “Your Leadership Edge” program.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Update on Internal Equity Advisory Group
  4. September Event Planning
    • FPC-centered conferences:
      1. The Power of Food: Cultivating equitable policy through collective action, first national forum for food policy councils – September 20-22 in Kansas City.
        1. Consider budget request for Council member registrations: $300 / person, plus mileage @ ~$60 / day for driver.
        2. Kansas Alliance for Wellness offering limited number of scholarships, max of 2 per Council. Deadline to apply: July 2.
      2. Kansas Alliance for Wellness state-wide food policy council convening – September 22-23 in Kansas City.
        1. Two registrations per Council provided. More details to come.
    • DCFPC-hosted event: City Commission Candidate Forum
    • Consider cancelling September 20 full Council meeting in lieu of other conference and event participation.
  5. Update from FoRWaRD Working Group
  6. Member Updates
  7. Adjourn

Next Meeting: July 19, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and TBD

Present: Tamara Cash, Sarah Chenoweth, Dietrich Earnhart, Melissa Freiburger, Elizabeth Keever, Mary Kirkendoll, Tyler Lindquist, Laura McCulloch, Heather McPeek, Scott Thellman

Absent: Marlin Bates, Cody Haynes, Ashley Hornberger, Christina Ostmeyer, Rolf Petermann

Staff: Kim Criner Ritchie

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
      1. Motion passed. Motioner and second not captured due to technical difficulties.
    • Approval of May 17 meeting minutes  
      1. Motion passed. Motioner and second not captured due to technical difficulties.
    • Food System Update to County Commission
      1. Wednesday, June 30 at 5:30pm
    • Budget overview: $5,704.43 balance for 2021
      1. Consider budget request for up to $150 to purchase a conference speaker to enable remote dial-in attendance at flexible meeting locations.
      2. Motion to approve up to $200 by Elizabeth, second by Dietrich. Motion passes.
    • No-cost registrations available for FPC members to attend Kansas Leadership Center “Your Leadership Edge” program.
  2. Statement on Temporary Restraining Order Against BIPOC Farmers
    • Consider recommendation to the County and City Commission to sign on to a statement of “[deploration of] the issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from implementing Section 1005 of the American Rescue Plan Act, to assist BIPOC farmers in paying off their Farm Service Agency direct or guaranteed loans.”
    • Motion by Melissa to recommend to the City and County Commissions to sign on to statement, second by Scott. Motion passes.
  3. Public Comment
    • Pantaleon Florez III, Incubator Farmer, Food Safety Fellow
      1. Talking to the US Senate Ag committee about interest in funding incubator farm programs.
      2. Incubator Farm will launch apprenticeship program and curriculum development for Incubator Farm through NRCS grant.
  4. Update on Internal Equity Advisory Group
  5. September Event Planning
    • FPC-centered conferences:
    • Discussion of Johns Hopkins equity cohort training, application due 28
      1. The Power of Food: Cultivating equitable policy through collective action, first national forum for food policy councils – September 20-22 in Kansas City.
        1. Consider budget request for Council member registrations: $300 / person, plus mileage @ ~$60 / day for driver.
        2. Hold consideration for July meeting.
        3. Kansas Alliance for Wellness offering limited number of scholarships, max of 2 per Council. Deadline to apply: July 2.
      2. Kansas Alliance for Wellness state-wide food policy council convening – September 22-23 in Kansas City.
        1. Two registrations per Council provided.
        2. Staff will bring any funding requests to July meeting.
    • DCFPC-hosted event: City Commission Candidate Forum
      1. Possible locations: Art Center $100/hour + $15/hour tech support + $150 streaming fee; Library; Flory Building
      2. Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon identified as target times: August 21st and 22nd or September 11th or 12th
      3. Motion to approve by to $800 for Arts Center rental fees by Tamara, second by Scott.
    • Consider cancelling September 20 full Council meeting in lieu of other conference and event participation.
      1. Motioner to cancel not recorded, second by Sarah. Motion passes.
  6. Update from FoRWaRD Working Group
  7. Member Updates
  8. Adjourn
    • Motion to adjourn by Tamara, second by Liz. Motion passes.

Next Meeting: July 19, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and TBD


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1006 New Hampshire St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA