Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, October 19, 2020 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

Monday, October 19, 2020

6:30pm to 8:30pm

1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence

Or click to join via Zoom

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of September meeting minutes  
    • Consider moving December 21 and January 18 meetings
    • 2021 Council leadership update
    • Budget overview: $658.29 remaining for 2020
      1. Virtual workshop: Mobilizing community food systems in the era of COVID-19 and the struggle for racial equity.
        1. Wednesday, November 18 @ 10:30am-1:30pm - $25/person
  2. Public Comment
  3. Food System Tour Reflections
    • Next steps on maintaining relationships
  4. FPC Engagement in Public Planning Processes
    • City of Lawrence Economic Development Strategic Plan
    • Lawrence Downtown Master Plan
    • Lawrence Transit Route Redesign
  5. Review Results of Food and Farm Council Self-Assessment Survey
    • Discussion facilitated by Director of Sustainability, Jasmin Moore
  6. Member Updates
  7. Adjourn

Next Meeting: November 16, 2020, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire

In attendance: Tamara Cash, Michele Dillon, Dietrich Earnhart, Melissa Freiburger, Sarah Hartsig, Elizabeth Keever, Tyler Lindquist, Heather McPeek, Rolf Petermann, Christina Ostmeyer, Michael Steinle

Absent: Marlin Bates, Jeffrey Maiden, Scott Thellman

Staff: Kim Criner Ritchie, Jasmin Moore

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
      1. Motion to approve by Liz, second by Christina. Motion passes.
    • Approval of September meeting minutes  
      1. Motion to approve by Michele, second by Tyler. Motion passes.
    • Consider moving December 21 and January 18 meetings
      1. Liz: Should the meeting time be revisited in general?
        1. Reserve for a potential retreat discussion.
      2. Motion to move meetings to Dec 14th and Jan 25th by Liz, second by Michele. Motion passes.
    • 2021 Council leadership update
      1. Sarah serving as Chair for rest of 2020.
      2. Tyler willing to serve as Chair in 2021. Seeking volunteers for Vice Chair. Will vote on both leadership positions in December.
    • Budget overview: $658.29 remaining for 2020
      1. Virtual workshop: Mobilizing community food systems in the era of COVID-19 and the struggle for racial equity. Wednesday, November 18 @ 10:30am-1:30pm - $25/person
        1. There will be breakout sessions on climate change and inequity available.
        2. Try to send someone from each working group. Could make available to community partners.
        3. Motion to approve up to 6 slots ($150) by Tyler, second by Dietrich. Motion passes.
      2. Other funding ideas:
        1. Possibly earmark remaining funding for retreat in January.
        2. Thank you gesture for attending food system tour.
          1. Hand-written note would go a long way. Also include copy of Food System Plan.
        3. Make sure videos are posted and share with whole council to consider further edits.
  2. Public Comment
    • Jeffrey Cornish, United Way: Engaged with Sacred Ground Community Center at Haskell. Making garden connections with them. Discussion of mobile pantry stops on campus.
    • Ryan Rains, the Lawrence Chamber: working on entrepreneurship programs.
    • Laura Marsh, the Merc: looking for way to connect their work and FPC.
  3. Food System Tour Reflections
    • Next steps on maintaining relationships
      1. Handwritten note (discussed above) could be a good first step and follow up.
      2. Make sure videos are posted on website to make accessible as well.
  4. FPC Engagement in Public Planning Processes
    • City of Lawrence Economic Development Strategic Plan
      1. Diversifying tax base & economic equity identified as priorities.
      2. Stay tuned for next phase.
    • Lawrence Downtown Master Plan
      1. Engagement sessions this week and next, opportunity to voice food system connections, FM site.
      2. Also economic development opportunities, implications of COVID-19.
    • Lawrence Transit Route Redesign
      1. Follow process for chance to voice importance of transportation and food access
    • These are the opportunities to take part in systems level / policy level work. In addition, share with our community partners and networks to enrich participation.
  5. Review Results of Food and Farm Council Self-Assessment Survey
    • Discussion facilitated by Director of Sustainability, Jasmin Moore
      1. Purpose of survey was to reflect on how the Council functions
      2. Top 3 priorities identified for leadership improvements from working group breakouts:
        1. Health Equity:
          1. Diversifying FPC engagement and meeting people where they are at.
          2. Health Equity possibly taking lead to look inward on increasing engagement for whole Council.
          3. Holding space for tensions and conflicts. How does FPC identify them and create welcome space where all are engaged. Evaluate meetings.
        2. Forward:
          1. Membership.
          2. Meeting people where they are.
          3. Engagement:
            1. Hold outreach efforts a couple times a year by going to the desired stakeholder.
            2. Asking who the experts are and seeking them out.
            3. Considering how technology is used for engagement.
        3. Aggies:
          1. Engaging other groups in community.
          2. Conflict resolution learning.
          3. Educational facilitation for Council on food system topics.
  6. Member Updates
    • Tyler:
      1. Attended County-wide Pantry Meeting – several FPC members were on the call.  
      2. Liz: Healthy Food for All is another group FPC should engage in.
    • Kim:
      1. Securing Local Food Systems grants (funded by round of 2 the CARES Act through SPARK in KS) were awarded to 14 Douglas County food business and non-profits – the most to any County in the state.
      2. Douglas County Commissioners approved $2,500 in round 1 of CARES for consultations to assist local food businesses with their SPARK applications. These resulted in 7 total awards to Douglas County and other food system partners.
  7. Adjourn
    • Motion to adjourn by Christina, second by Michael. Motion passes.

Next Meeting: November 16, 2020, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire


1006 New Hampshire OR Zoom