Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting Mon, Jun 17 2019 1:30 PM

Meeting Information

*6:00pm Pre-meeting Presentation and Meal: Learn more about Haskell Indian Nations University’s Food Recovery Effort, which was recognized earlier this year by the Environmental Protection Agency.


Food For Thought for Today’s Meeting:

“I raise up my voice — not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard… We cannot succeed when half of us are held back." – Malala Yousafzai, Activist for Female Education and Nobel Prize Laureate.

  1. Action Item: Administrative Items 
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of May meeting minutes
    • Member vacancies
    • Letter of Support: Lawrence Farmers Market applying for a USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program grant to fund select recommended actions of the SCALE Report for Douglas County Farmers Markets.
    • Working Group partnership with Sustainability Advisory Board subcommittees.
    • Budget overview and requests 
      1. Fall Community Food Policy Forum ($7,399 – total, FPC $3,018; KAW $4,381)
  2. Public Comment
  3. Staff Report
  4. Presentation and Discussion: Community Health Plan and Health Equity Report (Sarah Hartsig and Sonia Jordan)
  5. Discussion Item: Working Groups discuss their Food System Plan goals and health equity
  6. Report out: KC Food Policy Coalition luncheon (Sarah Hartsig)
  7. Future Agenda Items 
    • FPC Social and 2-year Food System Plan Celebration (July)
    • Kansas Leadership Center exercise (August)
  8. Key Takeaways Review
  9. Member Updates 
    • Pendleton's Country Market and tornado damage
  10. Adjourn


**Next Meeting: Monday July 15, 2019 at Fields & Ivy (new brewery) 23rd St. and Haskell at 6:30pm

Food For Thought for Today’s Meeting:

“I raise up my voice — not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard… We cannot succeed when half of us are held back." – Malala Yousafzai, Activist for Female Education and Nobel Prize Laureate.


In attendance: Kim Criner, Tamara Cash, Marlin Bates, Michael Steinle, Christina Ostmeyer, Michele Dillon, Connie Fitzpatrick, Sarah Hartsig, Elizabeth Burger, William Vesecky


Absent: John Pendleton, Tyler Lindquist, Jason Champagne, Scott Thellman


Staff: Jasmin Moore, Amilee Turner


Public: AshLee Lattner


  1. Presentation and Discussion: Health Equity Report (Sonia Jordan) Presentation attached.
  2. Farmers Market Display: The Farmers Market permanent location display at the Farmers Market was disrupted by the tornado. FPC members would like to get another display scheduled in partnership with the KU Architecture students.
  3. Action Item: Administrative Items 
    • Determine quorum of members (7:30 p.m.), agenda approval with amendment. (Marlin, Christina—approved) 
    • Approval of May meeting minutes.  (Michele, Tamara —approved)
    • Letter of Support: Lawrence Farmers Market applying for a USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program grant to fund select recommended actions of the SCALE Report for Douglas County Farmers Markets. (Michele, Christina —approved)
    • Budget overview and requests 
      1. Health Equity work group request for additional funds ($400) for inclusion of an additional study location. (Marlin, Christina—approved) 
      2. Fall Community Food Policy Forum ($7,399 – total, FPC $3,018; KAW $4,381). The adhoc group identified in May (Tyler, Christina, Kim, Sarah) has not yet met. Motion by Elizabeth to support the concept of forum and direct the adhoc group to bring back a more detailed budget request. Second by Marlin. Motion approved.
    • Member vacancies. Marlin still working on his contacts to recruit agricultural producer.
    • Working Group partnership with Sustainability Advisory Board subcommittees. There are several overlapping priorities between FPC and SAB, including food waste and emissions reductions. Members from FPC and SAB will meet together to advance their work.
  4. Public Comment 
    • Amilee Turner, Summer Sustainability Fellow with the City of Lawrence and Douglas County Sustainability Office.
    • AshLee Lattner: 
      1. August 28-29 is the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Growth Summit in Manhattan. This event is absolutely critical for our specialty crop and livestock folks to engage in! Outcomes of the Growth Summit essentially guide KDA’s efforts and programming for each sector of agriculture. AshLee will be co-facilitating the specialty crop session and would like to collaborate with FPC to get the most reach possible.
      2. Community Development Society Annual Conference- July 14-17,  Columbia, MO
  5. Staff Report 
    • County Commission approved a project charter for a 2-year effort to create an Open Space Plan for the county. Open Space grant in development in partnership with Douglas County Community Foundation to accelerate the planning process. The FPC may be interested in engagement, especially as it relates to agricultural land and resilience of landscapes.
    • A new community orchard was planted by community members as a part of the Common Ground program in Burroughs Creek Park (City of Lawrence).
  6. Presentation and Discussion: Community Health Plan (Sarah Hartsig) Presentation attached.
  7. Discussion Item: Working Groups discuss their Food System Plan goals and health equity. List the policy areas that have an impact on health equity. There was not time for this item. It was suggested that Working Groups include this activity in their working group meeting before the July FPC meeting.
  8. Report out: KC Food Policy Coalition luncheon (Sarah Hartsig). Sarah and Tyler attended. Thankful for the opportunity to attend. Materials attached.
  9. Future Agenda Items 
    • FPC Social and 2-year Food System Plan Celebration (July)
      1. Working groups should think about who should be invited. If anyone has someone in mind, let Helen know so that an official invite can be sent.
      2.  Member profiles and pictures (Jason)
    • Kansas Leadership Center exercise (August)
    • Fall Community Forum (July)
  10. Key Takeaways Review 
    • Many gaps to be filled and lots of positive progress. Great presentations by Sonia Jordan and Sarah Hartsig.  Health Dept Health Equity and Community Health Plan.
  11. Member Updates 
    • Michele: Jayhawk Area on Aging is in full swing on the senior Farmers Market access and vouchers. Very popular program. Seniors use vouchers to buy food for Farmers Markets. Marlin mentioned there are magnets available to distribute with information about all the farmers markets in Douglas County.
  12. Adjourn Elizabeth, Michael, 8:35


Haskell Indian Nations University
155 Indian Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66046