Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, May 13, 2019 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

I.    Action Item: Administrative Items 

    -    Determine quorum of members, agenda approval 

    -    Approval of April meeting minutes 

    -    Member vacancies 

    -    Budget overview + requests  

II.    Public Comment 

III.    Action Item: FPC Comments to submit to Planning Commission for Plan 2040 Chapter 7: Community Resources Draft 

IV.    Discussion Item: Update from Forward Working Group (Food Waste: Goal 5 of Food System Plan) 

V.     Discussion Item: Working Groups discuss their Food System Plan goals and economic development 

VI.    Staff Report 

VII.   Future Agenda Items 

VIII.   Key Takeaways Review 

IX.    Member Updates 

X.    Adjourn 

**Next Meeting: Monday June 17, 2019 at Haskell Indian Nations University at 6:30pm 

Food For Thought for Today’s Meeting:

“I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to go.” ― Langston Hughes


In attendance: John Pendleton, Kim Criner, Tamara Cash, Marlin Bates, Michael Steinle, Christina Ostmeyer, Michele Dillon, Tyler Lindquist, Connie Fitzpatrick, Sarah Hartsig, Scott Thellman, Jason Champagne


Absent: Elizabeth Burger, William Vesecky


Staff: Helen Schnoes


Public: Tom Buller, AshLee Lattner, Elizabeth Stephens



  1. Action Item: Administrative Items
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of April meeting minutes (Michele, Michael – approved)
    • Member vacancies
      1. Ag producer – Marlin mentioned Justin Anderson (Western Douglas County livestock producer) was recommended by someone at K-State Extension; Marlin will follow-up
      2. Sustainable Ag / Local Non-profit (Helen had the idea of a scientist at KU, water?)
        1. No Till on the Plains – may be close? Helen will follow up with Tom Buller
    • Budget overview and requests (FPC $3,217.50; KAW $5,819.67)
      1. Request: Space rental and food @ Haskell University for June meeting ($175)
        1. Helen will finalize logistics. Jason will follow up with Barbara Stumblingbear
        2. Marlin had the idea of also engaging the students/staff at Haskell who received an award for food waste from the EPA Region 7
        3. Move: Thellman, Steinle – all approved
      2. Request: Greater KC FPC Luncheon ($39 per interested FPC member)
        1. Motion to send up to four – Bates, Thellman – all approved
          1. Tyler, Sarah 
      3. Preliminary Proposal: Fall Community Food Policy Forum (no budget request yet)
        1. The group discussed using FPC budget and grant funds for member conference attendance and travel to instead bring some food systems speakers to Lawrence to serve as council member training and be accessible to the broader community. Kim thinks it fits with the role of the FPC as convener. Sarah reminded that the Douglas County Community Foundation is doing a community discussion on food security in June – could look for ways to build on that event.
        2. An ad hoc group was formed to discuss further and bring a proposal for Council consideration in June : Tyler, Christina, Kim, Sarah
      4. Report out: Connie’s immigration and health conference
        1. Connie shared about her attendance to the conference “New Americans: Journey to a Healthy Mind”, which explored the effects of migration and was held at Wichita Tech as a one day conference. There were a lot of health workers, some universities. A lot of Spanish speakers. Two speakers who are doing research from Mexico about immigration. Some topics included:
          1. Latinx worker in the in hog industry in Garden City who shared about his work there, going through depression, and the idea that “the body has memory” – change of environment, food, the way you relate to the people around you can impact you. Now he’s working back.
          2. Data about when you migrate and statistics in depression, change in culture.
          3. Connie will share some additional materials. There was also a book.
          4. Connie sees this as connected to work that the Health Equity group is doing about the culturally-specific stores may be hubs, and value of knowing what they offer, and that food is part of mental health, too. Interested in seeing about additional connections.
  2. Public Comment
    • Elizabeth Stephens – Just Food. Here listening tonight. First Food Policy Council meeting. Here to provide insights as to how Just Food is helping with hunger relief and waste reduction.
    • Tom Buller – Horticulture Educator with K-State Research and Extension—Douglas County.
      1. Teaching garden at Fairgrounds – set to teach folks about urban ag-scale in the community. The Douglas County Conservation District received a grant 2 years ago, but we’ve been stuck trying to comply with building codes. The grant funded two high tunnels which Tom bought a year ago. In 2016 there was an urban agriculture text amendment, but this didn’t address Building Codes – the Lawrence Development Services staff interprets needs for a building permit for a high tunnel on public land. Could be an area of future policy research / recommendations? May be a need to research “membrane structures” to allow under code. Additional problem on public land is that you need a Grade B or better (larger-scale) licensed contractor to pull a permit.
        1. Scott asked about concrete or non-concrete to anchor the tunnel in the ground. Tom said that if the structure is up for >180 days in a row it’s permanent, not “temporary.” But “Shade Structures” are exempt from building permits… County interpreted that non-concrete is temporary.
        2. Aggies will stay in touch with Tom
      2. Community Foods Project grant application – partners collaborating with USD497. Three goals – boost fruit & veg consumption, boost student access via school gardens, increase market ties between producers with the school district. Grant is due early in June, before next FPC meeting, so Tom curious if the group is willing to write a letter. Tom shared that the goals are connected to the Food System Plan – help show the connection to a broader community. Helen shared about her interest in including economic impact and using some of the tools presented in Harvesting Opportunity. There are faculty members at KU who are interested in evaluation of farm to school programming. See if kids eat more if they visit a farm, grow it at their school, etc.
        1. Tamara moved to approve drafting FPC letter of support, seconded by Ostmeyer—asked Tom for a draft letter of support / bullet points – all approved.
    • AshLee Lattner – Encouraged keeping Farm Bureau in mind: partner on the NIFA grant, thinking about the fall community forum idea.


  1. Action Item: FPC Comments to submit to Planning Commission for Plan 2040 Chapter 7: Community Resources Draft (Draft Plan available online + FPC draft comments in agenda packet)
    • Council reviewed a draft of edits to the Food Systems Development section of draft Plan 2040, identified a number of edits to make before approving. Bates motioned to approve as recommended, Hartsig seconded – all approved. The comments and an included introductory letter will be presented to the Planning Commission for their May 20 meeting to review this section.
    • Helen will check on timing for May 20 meeting and report back.


  1. Discussion Item: Update from Forward Working Group (Food Waste: Goal 5 of Food System Plan)
    • Michael Steinle shared about research conducted by KU students in a spring evaluation class to help gather some preliminary data to guide future FPC efforts, other community partnerships.
      1. Gleaning – producer à Jill Elmers worked with a group that sought to better understand farm-level gleaning. Only 5 respondents, but some ideas that Jill will bring back to the working group for further discussion.
      2. Gleaning – food bank  (Aundrea Shafer at Just Food led this project; data was not presented)
      3. Restaurants (16 responses) à Tyler Lindquist collaborated with this group and local restaurants. Hoping for the opportunity to present results to Lawrence Restaurant Association and determine next step.
      4. Consumers à Michael and Tyler shared some preliminary findings from an online survey that a group working with Elizabeth Burger developed and distributed. A number of misperceptions about food waste, opportunity for education/engagement.
    • Michael will share the takeaways to distribute with FPC members
      1. Perceptions different than “actual” waste
      2. Is infrastructure / system optimal to increase recovery?
    • Elizabeth Stephens shared that Just Food has relationship with USD497 to being on food recovery—looking to see what can carry forward.
    • ID stakeholders involved with process is key as well—learned a lot about who to reach out to.
    • Michael also shared about Sustainability Advisory Board’s work on crafting a recommendation on single-use plastics.  Worked with KU graduate public administration class for some precedence research on other policies. Making sure the data they’re using for the research is good to carry forward to the City Commission. Other cities are including other materials, like Styrofoam, in local policy interventions . Michael will aim to get proposed ordinance to FPC for review in June to bring to the City Commission. Focus right now on bags as starting point, focus on what’s right for Lawrence.


  1. Discussion Item: Working Groups discuss their Food System Plan goals and economic development
    • Connie pulled together elements from Goals 3 and 4
      1. Current work around culturally-specific grocery stores a key connections
      2. Connections to some future interest in experiences of immigrant food systems workers
      3. Policy 3.2.1 Expand food production on public land. Expansion may include new and future open space, where appropriate (i.e., gardens and orchards in the Common Ground program and school-based gardens).
      4. Policy 3.2.6 Encourage private developers to incorporate food production in their projects and landscapes. Actions could include Fleet Farming, facilitating relationships with local technical experts, example language for amending Home Owners Association covenants, and collaboration on community-based demand analysis.
      5. Policy 4.1.1 Develop new relationships with community groups and businesses working with underserved and traditionally marginalized residents to identify collaborations to address community needs. For example, this could include partnerships with culturally specific grocery stores and markets.
      6. Policy 4.4.1 Target entrepreneurship support to help minority-owned and ethnic food businesses
      7. Policy 4.4.3 Facilitate connections between area agricultural producers and ethnic food retail outlets. Connections could include mobile food vendors, specialty grocery owners, and restaurateurs. Consider using the Douglas County Local Food Wholesale Directory, hosting gatherings, and identifying target crops area farmers can grow.
    • Marlin pulled together elements from Goals 1 and 2
      1. Goal one, mostly what WASN’T included (1.4.1, 1.4.4, 1.4.5)
      2. Goal two, quite a bit in Objective 1 (ag land protections)
    • Forward was mostly focused on getting their main presentation together for this month, but Tyler found a paper about the economics of food waste from the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization. Producer side = food loss (over/under abundance based on weather)
    • Kim asked if this is helpful, helps the Council identify future steps.  
      1. Marlin said it shows how much the Food System Plan touches economic development
      2. Helen suggested the Council set up a conversation with economic development leaders. Marlin recommended inviting some Chamber folks to the August meeting in Baldwin. Tamara thought there was an opportunity to share more about the role of the FPC and how it could help. Tyler mentioned he was talking with Wally Meyer at the KU Business School and he’s interested. Connie shared she attended a Multicultural Business Association’s conference which included MidAmerican Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Mountain Plains Minority Supplier Development Council, others.
      3. Helen will follow up with Marlin, Tamara, Tyler, and Connie about next steps for further engagement in August.


  1. Staff Report              
    • Downtown Master Plan – June 5 and 6 à FPC / LFM architecture display before then?
      1. Planning Dept planning to share flyers at LFM to promote the open houses
      2. Market thinks it’s a good idea to put them up regardless, but John says it’d be good to have support from Food Policy Council members. 8:30am would be a sweet spot for members to be there to support. Helen noted FPC members who are interested to follow up with John and the market coordinator about opportunities.
    • Helen shared that on Wednesday May 15 the County Commission was likely to approve a project charter for a 2-year effort to create an Open Space Plan for the county. Helen shared there would likely be a good  opportunity for FPC engagement, especially as it relates to agricultural land and resilience of landscapes.
    • Helen shared that the first Food Systems Plan newsletter was sent out recently. FPC members can sign up to receive, share with family/friends/partners. Will be quarterly to share progress updates.
    • Helen shared that she presented to the City of Lawrence Arts Commission recently and there’s interest in a collaboration with the Common Ground community garden program. More conversations to come this summer.
  2. Future Agenda Items
    • Presentation on Community Health Plan and Health Equity Report (June)
      1. Sustainability Advisory Board Single-use plastic recommendation
    • FPC Social and 2-year Food System Plan Celebration (July)
    • Kansas Leadership Center exercise (August)
      1. Engage economic development professionals as part of meeting


  1. Key Takeaways Review
    • Tamara: Opportunities to explore for more Food Policy Council awareness – use the Food System graphic
    • Marlin: Call for more meetings in barns!
    • John: How wonderful the partnership is with the Master Gardeners to collect food at the end of the Farmers Market. So efficient for the farmers – unbelievable.
    • Kim: Impressed with the research from Forward – great to see the results.


  1. Member Updates
    • Michael: Went to City Commission last week. Stayed for The Hub (watched online to end). Hadn’t seen Lawrence that active for a long time. Three people who spoke about the hub site at 11th and Mass as a good Farmers Market location. (Helen thought this could be from the KU architecture collaboration as that was one of the sites, shared at winter farmers market and February Final Friday with community.)
    • Kim: Completed Leadership Lawrence. Thanked the group for the support and it was valuable.
    • Connie: Her group with the Eastside Intercultural People’s Cultural Center got funding to do an East Lawrence cookbook. Will be collected with a story. Spread the word!
    • Michele: Michele is a local coordinator for placing foreign exchanged students – needs a space for a LHS student. Michele has cards and happy to share more information. Just needs to live in the school boundaries. Need a bed, food, desk.


  1. Adjourn – Ostmeyer, Steinle – all approved


Juniper Hill Farm
1547 N 2000 Road Lawrence, KS 66044