Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, January 14, 2019 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

UPDATE (1/13/2019) -- The January 14 meeting of the Douglas County Food Policy Council has been canceled. 


  1. Action Item: Administrative Items
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of December meeting minutes
    • Election of 2019 Council officers
    • Budget overview 
  2. Public Comment
  3. Food System Plan Priority Item – Permanent Farmers Market Location

Action: Discuss FPC role and engagement in February Final Friday event with KU Architecture students who designed concept farmers market structures as final in fall 2018

  1. FPC Bylaws Transition – update from working group

Action: Consider recommendations from working group for implementation of bylaw changes following City and County Commission approval of proposed changes.

  1. Staff Report
    • Annual report and revised joint ordinance/resolution presentation to County Commission (1/30) and agenda items for City Commission (2/5)
    • Common Ground community garden program 2019 outlook
    • Kansas Leadership Center Transformation Grant – February 21 event @ Flory Meeting Hall
  3. FPC Member Updates

Action: Members share about events, happenings, exciting developments, conference or training opportunities, new articles/videos/other media of interest to the Council and its efforts.

  1. Future Agenda Items
  2. Adjourn

**Next Meeting: FPC ANNUAL PLANNING RETREAT | February 25, 2019 @ 5:00pm – 9:00pm


If you have questions about the agenda, contact Helen Schnoes, Sustainability & Food Systems Planner, at 785-832-5157 at


Douglas County Courthouse
1100 Massachsetts St. Lawrence, KS 66044