Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, September 17, 2018 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

6:00pm pre-meeting discussion – Learn about the work of Just Food, the Douglas County Food Bank!

  1. Action Item: Administrative Items
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    2. Approval of August meeting minutes
    3. Budget overview 
  2. Public Comment
  3. Action Item: Food Policy Council Communications
  4. Discussion Item: FPC Bylaw and Structure Update
  5. Action Items: Food System Plan, 2018 Full Council Policy Priorities

Goal 4, Objective 2 (Expand City- and County-led initiatives to make food more affordable)


4.2.1: Reduce and eliminate the sales tax on groceries

  • Review Kansas Alliance for Wellness Food Council Implementation grant to finalize for submission  

Goal 1, Objective 3 (Increase local food purchasing)


1.3.1: Invest in signage, shared infrastructure, and coordinated marketing to support Douglas County farmers markets

  • Report out on next steps:
    • Letter for Comprehensive Plan
    • Sustainability Office report
  1. Discussion Item: Common Ground Community Garden Program 
  2. Discussion Item: Working Groups  
  3. FPC Member Updates
  4. Adjourn

In attendance: Tamara Cash, Kim Criner, Christine Ebert, Jill Elmers, Connie Fitzpatrick, Inti Hirt, Ashley Jones-Wisner, Jennifer Kongs, John Pendleton, Michele Dillon, Aundrea Shafer


Absent: Marlin Bates, Elizabeth Burger, Lee Broyles, Jason Champagne, William Vesecky, TK Peterson, Michael Steinle, Olivia Taylor-Puckett, Scott Thellman


Staff: Helen Schnoes


Public: Tyler Lindquist, Trevor Stevens


  1. Action Item: Administrative Items
    • Determine quorum of members (reached at 6:36pm), agenda approval (Pendleton, Elmers—all approved)
    • Approval of August meeting minutes (Inti, Jones-Wisner—all approved)
    • Budget overview (3,523.35 remaining + $3,623.87 for Harvesting Opportunity follow-up)
      1. Tour was suggested, but group agreed it would be hard to plan short-term. Identified that the Kaw Valley Farm Tour is first weekend in October ($10 per vehicle).
        1. Kongs approved ($200 for Kaw Valley Farm Tour), Hirt seconded—all approved
        2. There are 3 questions for members to consider on the tour and report back about – relating to Council’s work  + next opportunities:

- Which farms did you visit, and what are their offerings?

- What did you learn about the regulations the farm has to comply with, especially as it relates to agritourism?

- What markets does the farm use to sell through - farmers market, CSAs, on-farm, wholesale, etc.

      1. Jones-Wisner motioned to approve funds for October mini-retreat for catered dinner ($500)—Ebert seconded; all approved
        1. India Palace or Culinaria suggested as locations to consider for catering
      2. Conferences could be a great opportunity for using remaining budget to support member learning. Helen will send out list of possible conferences; members are encouraged to bring requests to October for fall registration (conferences can be in 2019).
      3. Inti suggested that if funds remain and there seems a need to continue engagement of facilitator the Council could consider extending the contract approved in September.
      4. Connie mentioned it could be helpful to pursue translation of urban ag policy guide for Lawrence – printing + design + translations (send recommendations). Group agreed to research and bring more detailed funding request to October meeting. Project presents an opportunity to consider partnering with Centro Hispano.
  1. Public Comment
  2. Action Item: Food Policy Council Communications
    • Champions are Jennifer Kongs, Tamara Cash, Elizabeth Burger. Met to discuss new materials to share with community partners about FPC work and Food System Plan. Presented plan for communications for Council to consider.
      1. 4 print items + email versions
        1. Folded piece re: Food System Plan – what it is, how to engage, etc.
        2. Large post cards with information about what each working group is doing
        3. Focus on the Council – one-pager
        4. Thank you postcards to community partners from making Food System Plan
      2. Elmers made a motion to support the Communications Group moving forward with the items as proposed – Jones-Wisner seconded, all approved
        1. Drafts will be presented in October 15
        2. Each Communications member is on a different working group, so will pull from their respective work for the drafting of the postcards  
      3. Also discussed: Would it be helpful for Council to develop a social media kit to share with partners – include data, initiatives, etc. Looking forward, the Council has opportunity to consider the on-going discussion of how to update the community, which will be informed by FPC Bylaw and Structure update this fall.


  1. Discussion Item: FPC Bylaw and Structure Update (handout provided) 
    • Staff and ad hoc group reviewed purpose, past work, and presented approach for preparing group for the October meeting. Of eight sections with different areas of FPC work, the group suggested areas two areas to continue with, two areas to review and determine how Council should engage going forward, and four areas where Council should withdraw its role, with potential for other community partners to take up the work.
    • Members asked to review proposal and sections of the Food System Plan as homework for the October mini-retreat.



  1. Action Items: Food System Plan, 2018 Full Council Policy Priorities


Goal 4, Objective 2 (Expand City- and County-led initiatives to make food more affordable)


Champions: Health Equity, Marlin, Kim

4.2.1: Reduce and eliminate the sales tax on groceries

  • Review Kansas Alliance for Wellness Food Council Implementation grant to finalize for submission
    • Group reviewed previously approved grant funding priorities since it had been withdrawn
    • Kongs moved, Fitzpatrick seconds to have Health Equity re-examine grant at next meeting and reprioritize the funding – all approved

Goal 1, Objective 3 (Increase local food purchasing)


Champions: Jill, Ashely, Michael, Tyler, John, Olivia  

1.3.1: Invest in signage, shared infrastructure, and coordinated marketing to support Douglas County farmers markets

  • John reported that the market met with planning staff to learn what is coming with the Downtown Master Plan. Lawrence Farmers Market is partnering with a KU architecture class to do drawings of potential FM structures, looking at 3 locations to help people imagine possibilities. Considering public vs private land to stoke discussion, aware that public surface parking lot could be sold.
    • KU course will have October focus group and final showing in December. FPC members encouraged to participate in both.
  • Report out on next steps:
    • Letter for Comprehensive Plan – no progress. Group discussed need to reconvene and consider what to draft.
    • Sharing of Bryson’s report, National Farmers Market Scan – Jill brought up that this group of Champions needs to meet. How can these findings be taken out?



  1. Discussion Item: Common Ground Community Garden Program
    • October 5 Tour + Fall Strategic Discussion
      1. Helen shared an update about the Common Ground program, a community garden program that opens up City of Lawrence land for local food production by residents. Started in 2011 with significant engagement of the Food Policy Council. The Lawrence-Douglas County Sustainability Office manages the program. A one-year grant project is ending that included a programmatic review of Common Ground, looking at strengths, challenges, and opportunities for the program going forward. To help launch a strategic discussion this fall, a celebration of the program’s 7th season will take place Friday, October 5 at 4pm at John Taylor Park in North Lawrence, home to the Garden Incubator, one of the original Common Ground sites. FPC members are encouraged to join City and County leadership, program participants, and community partners for the event.




  1. Discussion Item: Working Groups  
    • Members of the food waste working group shared about the success of their mini-retreat to confirm priorities, chart next steps for 2018. They encouraged other working groups to consider taking advantage of this opportunity, as the Council approved supporting funds in August.  


  1. FPC Member Updates
    • Inti – She organized a few days a week for Merc to donate to Lawrence Community Shelter. She’s developing guidelines and could share with other businesses. She will share with the food waste working group.
    • Kim was accepted to Leadership Lawrence! She thanked the Council for its support of half of her tuition. Several members of this class have connections to the Food Policy Council.
    • Tyler reported that Kim, Helen, and Michael visited the Hamm recycling facility. It was very educational—impressive how efficient their process is to sort and sell recycling materials. Tyler found it reaffirming that Lawrence facility is highly regarded nationally and internationally. It’s a market-driven system.
    • Connie shared about the on-going progress of painting the Women of Color mural outside the Lawrence Public Library.
    • Helen reported updates on drafted Community Health Plan Strategies, with opportunities for FPC to connect with future work:
      1. “Grow Food Recovery efforts to divert useable food from the landfill into pantries”
      2. “Improve transit access to existing locations; explore whether bus grocery bag limit can be changed”
    • Helen shared about Mother Earth News article about FPC policy change in 2015-2016 to update urban agriculture policies in Lawrence (the story was also featured in the Lawrence Journal-World Sunday pullout)
    • Michele updated on her time in Germany, Poland, Serbia was excellent


  1. Adjourn – Shafer, Hirt—all approved


Just Food
1000 E 11th St, Lawrence, KS 66046, USA