Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, November 13, 2017 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

No pre-meeting discussion with host.


  1. Administrative Items
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    2. Approval of October meeting minutes
    3. 2018 Membership changes – introductions of interested new members
    4. Budget overview
  1. Public Input
  2. Food System Plan, Full Council Policy Priorities

Goal 4, Objective 2 (Expand City- and County-led initiatives to make food more affordable)

4.2.1: Reduce and eliminate the sales tax on groceries


Goal 1, Objective 3 (Increase local food purchasing)

1.3.1: Invest in signage, shared infrastructure, and coordinated marketing to support Douglas County farmers markets


  1. Subcommittee Updates
    1. Goals 1 & 2
    2. Goals 3 & 4
    3. Goal 5
  2. Community Engagement + Funding
  3. FPC Member Updates
  4. Adjourn


**Next Meeting: Monday, December 18 @ 6:30pm @ Merchants Pub + Plate (8th & Mass St.)

In attendance: Elizabeth Burger, Jill Elmers, Connie Fitzpatrick, Pattie Johnston, Marlin Bates, Jennifer Kongs, Olivia Taylor-Puckett, Ashley Jones-Wisner, Lee Broyles, Tamara Cash, Brooke Miller, Scott Thellman, Christine Ebert, Aundrea Shafer, John Pendleton, Michael Steinle


Absent: Brent Smith, Inti Hirt, Joshua Falleaf, Kim Criner, Jan Hornberger, TK Peterson, William Vesecky


Public: Michele Dillon, Jason Champagne



1. Administrative items

a. At quorum; agenda approved

b. October agenda approval: John Pendleton not listed as neither present nor absent (he was absent); John Pendleton moved to approve with amendment; Michael Steinle second; unanimous approval

c. Report from Aundrea Shafer and Rick Martin on Closing the Hunger Gap:

            i. Impactful national and global perspective, including solidarity angle

            ii. Highly recommended Council listen to a talk by Malik Yakini

iii. Some key takeaway ideas: indigenous ways in the food system; taking money-making out of the food system and replacing the focus with human rights; youth food policy councils; opposing gentrification; examples of community development, research, storytelling and food access from across the country

iv. also followed data-collection and organization track; ways to help clients by reviewing systems (from government to home) = community-based research

v. also looked at community programming examples, including gang rehabilitation through art, gardening and self-sufficiency skills

vi. takeaways to consider implementing at Just Food: mobile farmers market/food pantry option; fruit and vegetable prescriptions; café training program to create jobs and point-of-sale fundraisers with public events

d. 2018 membership changes: will make movement on these in December to recommend to County and City Commission

i. agricultural producers: Jaqueline Smith with Central Grazing (Scott Thellman) – she is interested but not yet able to make a meeting

ii. retail or institutional: Michael Beard (Scott Thellman) – interested, Scott will continue to pursue

iii. Barbara Stumbling Bear from Haskell: institutional food producers (with Helen now; lead from Connie)

iv. retail food outlet? Scott could reach out to Checkers (Jim Fisher)

v. retail food outlet: Christina (interested from Free State); Scott offered to reach out to Jimmy (chef at Free State)

vi. senior food and nutrition program: Michele Dillon potential (works at Jayhawk in aging resource area; resident of Lawrence)

vii. potential member: Jason Champagne (Elizabeth Berger) – Cordon Bleu trained chef born and raised in Baldwin, has nutrition degrees and cooking classes; lives in Eudora; started business Native Chef LLC (mobile chef/cooking classes/educational + motivational speaking) – consider calling food entrepreneur to work him in as a willing and interested volunteer


2. Public input


3. Food System Plan, Full Council Policy Priorities

a. 4.2.1: Reduce and eliminate the sales tax on groceries: ongoing conversations at the local level and the role the food policy council could play

- update from members working on a statewide project: work is being done, but nothing that the council could do at this time


4. Subcommittee Updates

a. Aggies: Goals 1 & 2:

- agritourism = need for clarification on the policies in Douglas County; believe they could be overwhelming and shocking to people wanting to be in this industry; decided to ask designer/copywriter to develop some media for digital and print options for distribution for extension, farmers market, explore Lawrence, etc.; in the process of writing an RFP to put someone on the job

- pesticide drift session: Jennifer or Marlin will attend session at KRC conference Friday to get statewide update

b. Health Equity:

- bus stop assessment: discussed creating prompts for bus stops to help riders with finding local food, but current system of bus transfers makes this hard to geotarget. But Bob[j3]  Nugent with transit is open to creating these sorts of prompts on the buses.

- Stock Healthy Shop Healthy = stocking healthy food to increase individuals getting health foods; healthy food for all is helping get that off the ground; K-State extension program on Haskell Food Mart to bring in Healthy food for all to do the initial stages of implementation

c.  FoRWARD: Rick Martin came to talk about zero-waste efforts at Limestone PKB; working to spread that through other restaurants via the restaurant association

            - his recommendations: first, community awareness campaign

- second, what to do in smaller communities without strategic help? Potential to cross-pollinate ideas from Lawrence to those areas

- third, potential incentive programs for restaurants to adopt best practices? What would an incentive be, especially before more consumers know? Certificates? Emblems?

- note: home-to-home compost options for the community is moving along more quickly, but not for industry

- also potential of food waste composting in Kansas having an issue/not being legal


5. Community Engagement + Funding

a. Kansas Alliance for Wellness: What could the subcommittees need to achieve goals set and outcomes desired?

- potential items:

            - transit placards on buses

            - conferences for members, city staff, city commissioners

- member education around food waste/bringing in a consultant to do an analysis on most impactful way to navigate a program/shift

- communications campaign for multiple projects: zero-waste; agritourism

- budget for translation for documents into Spanish

- expanded community outreach into communities where there is less food system knowledge; where we can reach out into communities that we haven’t involved as much and find the best ways to get their input

b. new communication pieces

            - see the last two points under (a)

- keep money to create one-pagers for each subcommittee/needs of each subcommittee

- help create a narrative to hand to decision-makers, not just broader community as well

- social media outreach included with physical one-pagers

c. Discuss outreach for communicating to people on subcommittee lists to share updates about what we’re doing as a council

            - Aggies: want more printed copies of the full plan (15)

            - Healthy equity:

- FoRWARD: frame as a thank you – look at this awesome thing you helped us do as a nice post card with a graphic and information about the food plan (possible to print full copies?)

- 3 goals: 1, thank you; 2, here’s what you helped create; 3, see something you want to dive in with?

- maybe a need for 50 or so printed copies for the subcommittees to distribute with the postcards suggested by FoRWARD


V!. FPC Member Updates

a. on KFU’s full meeting agenda to vote to be involved in taking action on state food sales tax

b. library putting together its seed catalog for February; next seed sorting is on 11/30 from 3 to 8 pm

c. SAB is going to recommend a stream buffer ordinance to the city commission

d. announced APAKS pioneer award

e. comp plan steering committee is meeting on Nov. 27 at 4 pm for anyone wanting to attend

f. K-State is hosting its annual meeting on December 5 with local wine, beer and Merchants food; 6 to 7 pm


VI. Adjourn.

a. Scott moved; Ashley seconded; unanimous.


Community Health Facility (Second Floor)
200 Maine St, Lawrence, KS 66044