Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, August 28, 2017 - 6:30 PM

Meeting Information

6pm pre-meeting presentation: Tour Lee’s farm, learn about his beef production operation, including integration of no-till, cover cropping, and local marketing for grass fed beef.


  1. Administrative Items
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    2. Approval of June meeting minutes
    3. Review end of 2017 meeting dates, locations
    4. New member introduction, vote
    5. Vice Chair nominations, vote
    6. 2018 Membership changes
    7. Budget overview 


  1. Retreat Reflections


  1. Food Plan Communications


  1. Subcommittee Reports


  1. Full Council Priorities


  1. FPC Member Updates
    1. Conversation on Community-Driven Research: September 8 at KU (The Commons)


  1. Public Input


  1. Adjourn

6pm pre-meeting presentation: Tour Lee’s farm, learn about his beef production operation, including integration of no-till, cover cropping, and local marketing for grass fed beef.


In attendance: Christine Ebert, Marlin Bates, Jill Elmers, Michael Steinle, John Pendleton, Jennifer Kongs, Connie Fitzpatrick, Kim Criner, Lee Broyles, Scott Thellman, Aundrea Shafer, Inti Hirt, William Vesecky, Jan Hornberger


Absent: Elizabeth Burger, TK Peterson, Ashley Jones-Wisner, Michael Showalter, Pattie Johnston, Brent Smith, Joshua Falleaf 


Staff: Helen Schnoes


Public: Olivia Taylor-Puckett, Karen Willey, Pattie



  1. Administrative Items
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    2. Approval of June meeting minutes (Hornberger, Steinle—all approved)
    3. Review end of 2017 meeting dates, locations
      1. Motion to move to November 13 (Lee, Jennifer—all approved)
      2. Recommendations for November, December locations needed
    4. New member introduction, vote: Olivia Taylor-Puckett, Farmers Market representative
      1. “She’s the best thing that’s happened to us in a very long time,” John Pendleton.
      2. Vote to recommend Olivia to Lawrence City Commission—all approved
    5. Vice Chair nominations, vote
      1. Kim Criner (Kongs, Vesecky—all approved)
    6. 2018 Membership changes (see below, ideas for recruitment, new appointees to recommend)
      1. Bring ideas to the September meeting. Feel free to invite potential new members who fit the needed categories.
        1. Retail
        2. Institutional Food Purchaser
        3. Agricultural Producer (to replace Jill Elmers)
    7. Budget overview ($833 remaining for 2017)
      1. Members encouraged to bring ideas how to use (materials, conference registration, etc.)


  1. Retreat Reflections

Some members shared reflections on the July retreat.



  1. Food Plan Communications
    1. Marlin introduced that the Council will need to follow-up with community groups/members, and folks involved with the community engagement in 2016 for the Plan. Members are encouraged to reflect and bring ideas of who to engage about the Food System Plan (generally) and our new Council priorities (see below).


  1. Subcommittee Reports--New Priorities
    1. Goals 1 & 2 (Scott Thellman)
      1. 1.1.1: Maintain currently adopted policies for food systems economic development
      2. 1.2.1: Review the impact of Douglas County agritourism policies and implement changes as needed
        1. John gave an overview of past history re: agritourism, some local conversations going on now. Key changes in zoning staff—more interested in helping people (not just regulating them). Farm Bureau considering addressing agritourism in their resolutions.
      3. 2.3.4: Conduct an analysis of local impacts from pesticide drift
    2. Goals 3 & 4 (Christine Ebert)
      1. 3.1.1: Assess the policy barriers that may prevent grocery store locations in recognized food deserts
      2. 3.3.3: Establish supports for neighborhood retailers to stock and promote nutritionally-dense food options, including fruits and vegetables
      3. 4.1.2: Engage underserved and traditionally marginalized residents in public local food programs
      4. 4.1.5: Adopt a policy to encourage diversity in local government appointments to advisory boards and commissions
    3. Goal 5 (Jill Elmers)
      1. 5.1.2: Support organizations, institutions, and businesses to conduct food waste audits and implement best practices
        1. Health Department has current resources for this.
      2. 5.1.4: Adopt public procurement policies that guide waste reduction
      3. 5.3.1: Maintain implementation of the 2012 Solid Waste Task Force report and implementation of Douglas and Jefferson Counties Regional Solid Waste Management Plan.
        1. Checking in with City of Lawrence Solid Waste and determining how FPC can best support their priorities, and learn their anticipated timeline for consideration of expanded composting services in City operations.
      4. 5.3.2: Analyze the feasibility of expanding the City of Lawrence Solid Waste composting operations to include food waste and compostable food service items


  1. Full Council Priorities
    1. Group discussed a list of 7 proposed full-council priorities recommended by each subcommittee.
      1. 4.2.1 – Reduce and eliminate the sales tax on groceries. Each subcommittee identified this policy priority. Discussed that having Ashley Jones Wisner as a member and state policy expert could help this initiative. 
      2. 1.3.1 – Invest in signage, shared infrastructure, and coordinated marketing to support Douglas County farmers markets. John spoke to the value from the FPC and the USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program funding over the past two years. Market needs stronger communications with the City to make key decisions. How can there be more certainty than just a one year lease? Businesses depend on the market’s strength.
      3. Group voted, with each member receiving 2 votes. 4.21. and 1.3.1 arose as the key full council priorities.
    2. In September, group will focus discussion on consideration of resources, partners, milestones for future work.


  1. FPC Member Updates
    1. Kansas Chapter, American Planning Association – KS Award!

The Food System Plan won the Pioneer Award for innovation and creativity! The award will be presented at a lunch reception at noon on October 20, 2017, during the Annual Planning Conference in Salina, Kansas at the Hilton Garden Inn & Convention Center. 


  1. Conversation on Community-Driven Research: September 8 at KU (The Commons)
    1. Producers pointed out that a Friday morning in September was a very difficult time—wouldn’t be able to come. Winter and perhaps evening would be better in the future.
    2. Helen will resend invitation if others are interested in attending, inviting others.
    1. KHF Health Food Financing Initiative

The Kansas Health Foundation is currently partnering with Kansas State University's Center for Engagement and Community Development, The Food Trust and IFF and as part of the Kansas Healthy Food Initiative, which will leverage resources for grocers and investors to promote healthy food access points across Kansas and reduce food insecurity. This $4.2 million initiative will help to ensure vulnerable populations in neighborhoods have affordable access to healthy foods. To learn more about this initiative, please read the official news release and fact sheet.

    1. New Comp Plan released:
      1. The steering committee is accepting written input on the draft comprehensive plan through Monday, October 23, 2017. Also: name suggestions!
      2. Helen shared that overall it seemed there were good edits to highlight local foods and support Food System Plan implementation.
      3. In September, the Council can determine if it would like to submit written comments.
    2. Jennifer shared that there’s been key issues with drift from dicamba pesticide. Kansas Rural Center is circulating a  in Missouri and Arkansas
    3. John shared that Chefs Table sold out last week—a great example of local chefs working together to create a delightfully wonderful night that benefits Just Food.


  1. Public Input


  1. Adjourn (Thellman, Steinle—all approved)


Broyles Beef Farm
1013 N 200 Rd, Baldwin City, KS 66006, USA