Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting on Mon, October 17, 2016 - 6:00 PM

Meeting Information

  1. Welcome and Overview – 6:00pm


  1. Dinner & administrative items – 6:15pm
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    2. Approval of September meeting minutes
    3. Budget review
      1. Aundrea Shafer request to attend Women Food & Ag Network conference in Nebraska City. ($200)
      2. Proposal to use remainder on printing and photography for the food plan.


  1. Food System Plan Overview – 6:35pm
    1. What is our charge and what have we done?
    2. Consensus on timeline, criteria for inclusion, and goals


  1. Small Group Objectives Brainstorm – 7:30pm


  1. Large Group Discussion – 8:15pm


  1. Wrap-up & What’s Next – 8:40pm

Each DCFPC member will attend one event in lieu of a regular Council meeting in November.

  1. Thursday, November 10, 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Lecompton Community Building, Lecompton

  1. Saturday, November 12, 10:00am to 11:00am

Union Pacific Depot, Lawrence

  1. Monday, November 14, 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Douglas Co. Fairgrounds, Meeting Hall, Lawrence

  1. Tuesday, November 15, 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Community Center, Eudora

  1. Wednesday, November 16, 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Lumberyard Arts Center, Baldwin City


  1. Adjourn – 9:00pm   

In attendance: Elizabeth Burger, Josh Falleaf, Jen Humphrey, Marlin Bates, Scott Thellman, Jan Hornberger, Ashley Jones-Wisner, Rita York Hennecke, John Pendleton, William Vesecky, Chris Tilden, Larry McElwain, Jill Elmers, Michael Steinle

Absent: Jennifer Kongs, Pattie Johnston, Carol Gilmore, Carolyn Wulfkuhle, Kim Criner, Brent Smith, Aundrea Shafer, TK Peterson, Russell Mullin

Staff: Helen Schnoes

Public: Robin St. James, Emily Hampton, Melissa Freiberger, Connie Fitzpatrick, Rachael Lackey, Betty Pickerel, Cyara Le, Erick Ogwangi, Owie Tsosie


  1. Welcome and Overview – 6:00pm


  1. Dinner & administrative items – 6:15pm
    1. Determine quorum of members, agenda approval (Pendleton, Steinle—all approved)
    2. Approval of September meeting minutes (Elmers, Tilden—all approved)
    3. Budget review
      1. Proposal to use remainder on printing and photography for the food plan.
      2. Group determined to offer $60 Merchants gift cards to the three farms that participated on the Fall Farm Tour for policymakers organized at the end of September. Helen agreed to follow up with County budget office on procedures.
      3. Group approved use of the remainder of the monies for public relations in support of the food plan, including photography and printing.
      4. Vote: Burger, Hornberger—all approved
    4. Marlin Bates reminded the group that there will be no regular DCFPC meetings in November or December. (See below for November dates.) Next full council meeting will be January 23, 2017.
      1. Subcommittees will continue working on their respective projects:
        1. Community Subcommittee: CSA Toolkit revision
        2. City Subcommittee: Review and updates to Common Ground application & process
        3. County Subcommittee: Next steps with UDSA Farmers’ Market Promotion Program grant project


  1. Food System Plan Overview – 6:35pm
    1. What is our charge and what have we done? (See presentation slides.)
    2. Consensus on timeline, criteria for inclusion, and goals
      1. The group came to consensus over the following items. Consensus represented a general sense that the majority of members felt “I can live with the decision, although I do have some concerns about it.” It was understood that the items of consensus may still change/evolve over the coming months:
        1. Time horizon for the plan: 10 years
          1. Short-term (1-2 years)
          2. Medium-term (3-7 years)
          3. Long-term (8-10 years)
        2. Criteria: How we will evaluate if objectives and policies should be included in the plan.
          1.  Impact: Do best practices suggest this approach could help us reach a goal—or multiple?
          2.  Need: Does this approach address an existing community barrier, resource gap, etc?
          3.  Community Interest: Have we heard about this topic from the community? 
          4.  Feasibility & Funding: Could this really get done given our resources & reality?
          5.  Influence: Does this approach fall within the Plan’s jurisdiction and power (city/county)?
        3. Working Goals for the Food Plan. The purpose of these working goals is to have a sense of the broad concepts that will structure the plan, so we  can have more detailed conservations about how we will guide local actions and policies to help reach them:
          1. As our cities grow we prioritize natural resource conservation, maintain working lands, promote soil health, and build resilience.
          2. Our community recovers, recycles, generates, and composts to eliminate waste in our local food system.
          3. Our food culture celebrates diverse cultural heritage and fosters community cohesion/inclusion.
          4. Our built environment fosters a healthy and accessible food system.
          5. Local agricultural producers, food entrepreneurs, and food sector workers thrive in our regional economy.
        4. The group discussed some language and framing edits. These will be incorporated into revised working goals presented in November.


  1. Small Group Objectives Brainstorm – 7:30pm
    1. At small tables, groups discussed possible steps to take as local government and the community to work towards the working goals.


  1. Large Group Discussion – 8:15pm
    1. The groups drew together to share some of the ideas they had generated for the “objectives” that could help work towards the working goals. (See compiled list included separately.)


  1. Wrap-up & What’s Next – 8:40pm

Each DCFPC member will attend one event in lieu of a regular Council meeting in November.

  1. Thursday, November 10, 6:00pm to 7:30pm Lecompton Community Building, Lecompton (Michael, Ashley, Chris)
  2. Saturday, November 12, 10:00am to 11:00am Union Pacific Depot, Lawrence (William)
  3. Monday, November 14, 6:00pm to 7:30pm Douglas Co. Fairgrounds, Meeting Hall, Lawrence (Jen, Jill, Scott)
  4. Tuesday, November 15, 6:30pm to 8:00pm Community Center, Eudora (Marlin, Chris, Rita, John)
  5. Wednesday, November 16, 6:00pm to 7:30pm Lumberyard Arts Center, Baldwin City (Jan, Elizabeth, Chris)


  • Group discussed what when well during the “retreat”:
    • Upside down triangle of the process helped show where we came from, where we’re going—even while we’re still at 20,000 feet
    • It was appreciated by FPC members and Community Coordinators to have a shared gathering and discussion
    • Small group format and consensus process were useful tools to structure our conversation and advance our work
    • Helpful to have data presented with each goal.
  • Group also discussed what could be improved for the future:
    • More group discussion
    • More introductions between FPC members and the Community Coordinators would have been good—especially to learn more about what the CC’s have been doing to collect stories.
    • More examples of “goals,” “objectives,” and “policies” to help equip participants with background to productively brainstorm
    • Explain why the tables and individuals are organized as they are
    • Representation of “the work”


  1. Adjourn – 9:00pm   


Fire Station #5
1911 Stewart Ave, Lawrence, KS 66046, USA