Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) Meeting on Thu, October 18, 2018 - 11:00 AM

Meeting Information


October 18th, 2018

11:00am – 12:30pm

Meeting at Douglas County Public Works

1. Review and approve CJCC meeting minutes from June 12th, 2018

2. Stepping Up Initiative presentation on initial data analysis - Council of State Governments Justice Center.  Kati Habert/Deputy Program Director Behavioral Health, Jessica Gonzales/ Senior Research Associate

3. CJCC Retreat debrief - Robert Bieniecki

4. New business/discussion

5. Public comment

*Next meeting November 13th, 2018

October 18, 2018

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Meeting

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Attendance included: Pam Weigand, Mike Gaughan, Eunice Ruttinger, Jennifer Ananda, Edith Guffey, Lori Alvarado, Chief Burns, Judge Peggy Kittel, Shaye Downing; Robert Bieniecki, CJCC Coordinator; Ex-Officio members included: Craig Weinaug, Mike Brouwer and Melinda Wynn. Also in attendance: Michelle Derusseau and Dr. Emily Kennedy.


STEPPING UP INITIATIVE PRESENTATION ON INITITAL DATA ANALYISIS - Council of State Governments Justice Center: Katie Habert, Deputy Program Director Behavioral Health; Jessica Gonzales, Senior Research Associate and Dr. Dianna Dragatsi, Consultant.

The following data was presented to understand the Douglas County jail population.

• 4% of population has serious mental illness

• 17% in jail have serious mental illness

• 72% of jail population has co-occurring substance use disorder

• 4 outcome measures: how to reduce SMI booked in jail; shorten length of stay; connect to treatment; reduce rates of recidivism

• Douglas County one of only a handful of counties that can give good data on bookings

• In process of data driven analysis and comprehensive process-analysis

• Findings and recommendations will be presented in December 2018 and a final report in March 2019

Reducing number of bookings: 2017 information

• 2017 had 5,353 bookings

• 2077 (39%) with mental health alert

• 467 (9% bookings with SMI)

• 198 SBIRT (screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment)

• 28% of all bookings remained in the jail for 3 hours or less (did not go through full booking process, so can’t determine mental health status

• The 9% is less than the national average

Failure to Appear is the top charge for people booked into jail in 2017

• Failure to appear can also include other charges. Showed breakdown of failure to appear with SMI flag; no flag, MH flag

• Looked at sex, age, homelessness

• Average length of stay with SMI stayed 14 days longer

• MH flags average stay was 6 days longer.

• Average length of stay overall was lower in 2017 than in 2016 (27% decrease). But much longer for people with MH issues

• Length of stay is longer for felony charges

• People with SMI have been booked more frequently

• 15% of people with an SMI were booked 4 or more times; 2% of people with no SMI or MH flag were booked 4 or more times

• 48% of people with SMI returned to the jail within six months of release

• 48% with SMI came back for failure to appear

• With additional data, hoping to have more data accuracy to give ideas on resource allocation, policies in place that are working thing about scale, programs to add.

• Come back in December to finalize data analyses

Next Steps for Douglas County

• Continue data analyses

• Continue to review existing programs, policies and practices to establish a process  flow map support by data

• Increase percentage of connection to care for people with SMI in jail

• CSG justice center will use quantitative and qualitative discussion

• Finalize in March 2019


Gaughan asked what the potential is for matching systems across Bert Nash, DCCCA and the jail. What is the potential outside these systems? Can we build on this to extend to courts? CSG is willing to do continue data matches on whoever wants to share information. However, the goal is for Douglas County to be able to analyze this information on its own. They will make recommendations on a process that will be sustainable.

Will you consider adding Emergency Department and Homeless Shelter as points of contact into this data? Yes. Need to look at all agencies that come in contact with law enforcement. Would make for richer data center.


• Building into the system ways to analyze data

• Need recommendations on things we can do better with our current system now, policy considerations, input from key players

• Consider high rate of recidivism, why it happens.  Treatment is not in place or follow up is not happening and people are ending up back in jail because there are no options. Nowhere else for them to go. Look at what happens when they leave jail. Take into account the substance users which is correlated with recidivism

• Having options in the community will help keep people from ending up back in jail (behavior health campus, crisis team)

• More substance abuse screening at the beginning

• Correlation between social economic status and percentage of SMI jail stays

• Concerns with substance screens at pretrial because it can be a probation violation to admit to substance use

• Determine cumulative time people with SMI and MH spent in jail during the year and where are they spending their time. Total number of bed days; how many resources are using


• Need small group to work on completing strategic plan. Look at strategies and goals. (Shaye, Eunice, Mike and Jennifer)

• Consider reviewing the CJCC bylaws


• Bieniecki asked about interest in a meeting in December to hear results from CSG

• During a CJCC meeting last fall, the council discussed weighing in on jail expansion, it was determined the council would not

• Difficult for all of us to be in consensus because of who we all experience and see the system. There should be alternatives. People think we are speaking as one voice. Could be problematic.



• Gaughan moved to approve the minutes from June 12, 2018. Motion was seconded by Downing and passed

• Ananda moved approval of the CJCC Retreat minutes from September 14, 2018. Motion was seconded by Ruttinger and passed. Downing abstained.



• Next Meeting: November 13, 2018. Location: Flory Building at Douglas County Fairgrounds.


Weigand moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Alvarado and passed.




Public Works Training Room
3755 E 25th Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66046