Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) Meeting on Fri, September 14, 2018 - 9:00 AM

Meeting Information

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

Strategic Planning Retreat


Friday, September 14, 2018

9:00 am – 4:00 pm

I.  Welcome and Intros

II.  Law Enforcement Contact Study Brief

III. Progress Update

IV. Strategic Planning

V. Communicating our Work 

VI. Lunch

VII. Goals and Priorities

VIII. Draft Strategic Plan

IX. Next Steps

X. Wrap-up

Douglas County

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

Strategic Planning Retreat Minutes

Friday, September 14, 2018

9:00 am – 4:00 pm



Those in attendance included: Pam Weigand, Mike Gaughan, Eunice Ruttinger, Jennifer Ananda, Emily Hail, Judge Kittel, Chuck Epp, Edith Guffey, Charles Branson, Lori Alvarado, Judge Miller, Sheriff McGovern and Shaye Downing (briefly).  Ex-Officio members included: Craig Weinaug, Tom Markus and Melinda Wynn. Also in attendance were, Captain Trent McKinley, Sarah Plinsky, Michelle Derusseau, Dr. Emily Kennedy and Robert Bieniecki.




Douglas County traffic and pedestrian stop data collection and analysis


Dr. McDevitt explained that in most jurisdictions, this type of study is initiated as a result of a court order.  He said that Douglas County Leadership is committed and having a group such as the CJCC is rare but beneficial to a jurisdiction willing to listen to data and recommendations.


• Develop and implement a process for documenting traffic and pedestrian stops

• Analyze the data to determine if any disproportionalities exist

• Formulate any solutions and assist in developing any necessary procedure and processes related to disproportionate minority contact


Role of Stakeholders


• Provide multiple perspectives

• Raise additional research questions

• Improve quality and acceptability of final product


• Time commitments of stakeholders

• Difficult conversations often develop

Phase I: Planning

Identify existing data collection possibilities in participating agencies

• Past; paper forms, human error, missing forms

• Present;  electronic, linked to CAD/RMS, time efficient


Decide on analytic approach

• Identify/research design of initial analysis

• Local concerns

• Priorities

• Limitations (availability of benchmark data)

• Select design of initials analysis

• Consider secondary form of analysis

Develop training for officers

• Define each data element being collected

• Provide a set of guidelines to officers

Audit Process

• Check for accuracy and consistency using an alternative source of information

• Ensure officers are collecting information in a consistent manner

• Present preliminary findings to identify any issues early in the process of data collection

Develop community participation process

• Set up regular meetings involving stakeholders and community leaders

Phase II: Data Collection

Initial Data collection review

• Examine the first six months of data collected for any missing information, duplicate information, and/or measurement error

• Identify preliminary patterns and trends: by spatial patterns, census tract, precinct, neighborhood, city (example when KU games going on

• Identify preliminary patters and trends: temporal patterns (gun shootings); seasonal effects, major events or policy changes

Phase III: Analysis

Using external benchmarks

• Traffic Crash Data – an estimate of the driving populations based on crash data

(showed example of State of Vermont) Ski resorts affected numbers, vast majority of drivers were white

• Observation Surveys: An estimate based on trained observers record of drivers and passengers in the most heavily traveled roads in a jurisdiction

• Modified populations estimate

• Driving populations estimate (DPE)

A measure based on factors that both push drivers out of surrounding communities and draw drivers into target cities from surrounds communities


Using internal benchmarks

• Analysis of agency level traffic and pedestrian strop practices

• Calculations of stops, searches, search outcomes, citations and other post-stop actions


• Meet with project constituencies to discuss project results and develop recommendations, as appropriate, after analyses of program results and input from representatives of the minority communities and law enforcement

• Prepare and disseminate annual pedestrian and traffic stop reports

10:10 a.m. 15 minute break


The CJCC Resolution 16-07 was create on 02/09/16. The group first met 04/05/16. Robert Bieniecki started 08/15/16. First CJCC retreat as held 08/27/16. Three work group were formed meeting monthly in 2017 and early 2018.

• Alternatives to incarceration to reduce jail population

• Disproportionate minority contact in the criminal justice system

• Disproportionate minority contact specific to the jail

The CJCC received updates from:

• Criminal Justice Services (Pretrial Release, Behavioral Health Court, House Arrest; and Community Corrections.

• DCCF Re-entry

• Crisis Interventions Team Council

• MH Co-Responder Unit

• Stepping up workgroup

The CJCC heard presentations from:

• Jail Re-entry Program – Mike Brouwer

• Jail overcrowding – Sheriff McGovern

• Municipal Court – Judge Miller

• Jail population fluctuation – Jason Matejkowski

• Court Services/Bond Supervision – Michelle Roberts, Mike Brouwer

• Implicit Bias – Lawrence PD

• Jail Expansion – Justice Matters

• DA Diversion Programs – Charles Branson

• Lawrence PD Statistics – Captain Tent McKinley

• KDOC-JS 7TH JD Reinvestment Grant – Holly Myers

• Data Driven Justice Behavioral Health Design Institute – Captain Houk

• Prosecutor Led Diversion – Robert Hood/Charles Branson

• Trauma Informed Care – UCS  Valorie Carson

• Stepping Up Initiative 4Key Measures – CSG Rise Haneberg

• Stepping Up Intensive Technical Assistance – CSG Kati Habert

The CJCC initiated the following studies:

• Huskey & Associates

• Literature review:  Jail Diversion, Crisis Center, & Mental Health Court

• Exploration of Douglas County Jail Population Fluctuations

• Jail Forecast

• Criminal Case Processing

• Stepping Up Intensive Technical Assistance

• Law Enforcement Contact Study

CJCC Work:

• Programs: pretrial release average 100 defendants daily; 446 served; CE Pretrial Software integrations/court reminders; House release Program (both adult and juvenile. Average 30 defendants daily); behavioral health court (18 current, 12 in 2017).

• Stepping Up Initiative: NACO/Stepping Up Innovator County, selected as an intensive technical assistance site/Council of State Governments; NACO/SAMSHA Best Practices academy facilitator 2017

• DA Office Woman’s Substance Use Disorder pilot program; Drug Court research; alternatives to incarcerations research; disproportionate minority contact research; Law Enforcement contact study; data driven justice initiative; and My Resource Connection.



Accomplishments:  most significant over past 2 years (group discussion)

• Hiring full time staff to support the CJCC

• Meeting and talking on a regular basis so have full understanding, relationship have developed outside of council has strengthened. Good things have come out of council. Routine issues have improved because the system has been strengthened

• Elevation of awareness of the criminal justice system and issues in community

• Implemented programs that are generating results; working on significant issues that take a lot of time

• Progress toward better data collection, data informed decision making

Improvement (group discussion)

• Data. Difficult to collect for decision making, not always sure what we should be tracking.

• Role of council is to help education each other by bringing roles and perspectives to discussion to determine solutions

• Because of silos, set aside time for each stakeholder to process and understand issues, previously done during the first year of CJCC

• Institutionalize information for new appointees

• Differences between those on the Council who work together in the Criminal Justice System and those not part of system


Adaptive Leadership

• Look at tackling big issues: Technical problems vs. Adaptive challenges

Technical Challenge:

• Look to experts for solution,  define narrowly


Adaptive Challenge:

• No clear solution, work toward progress,  many parts to the problem

• Stakeholders: trial and error; collaboration; learning involved

• Community sees stakeholders as technical leaders but they are not


COMMUNICATING OUR WORK (comments from groups)

• When reporters are present during race discussions, or NAACP, people don’t always speak up, complicates working as a council

• Risk of putting data out when you can’t explain it, personal and professional risk





• If council holds back to protect themselves, the community won’t learn

• Always going to be in an environment of a low percentage of people with color

• Most of the time our groups will be primarily white

• We perceive race conversation about just minority, it is okay to have conversations about disparity

• Need to engage the community relative to minorities



1-3 YEARS WHAT IMPACT: Why three years? Because things will change. Should we look at 10 years? Not the same people will be on the council.


Next year:

• New member onboarding/orientation

• CJCC diversity training

• Improve data collection

• Analyze cause of jail length or incarceration

• Better communicate work to the public

• Identify training opportunities regarding race

• Mapping/ flow chart of current criminal justice system to help council and to better communicate with the public

• Pursue data unification

• Establish goals/direction for the Juvenile Justice System

• Improve access and availability to substance abuse treatment

• Clear communication plan

• Law Enforcement Contact Study

• Better job sharing internally

• Establish key metrics

• Self-evaluation against bylaws

• Answer the question “How do you keep moving forward when key personalities change?”

• New member onboarding/orientation

• Re-evaluate sub-committee work group’s scope of work/continued operation

CJCC subcommittee structure discussion

• Criminal Justice System disproportionate minority contact workgroup, don’t disband, having good discussions

• Possibly combine the work of both groups working on disproportionate minority contact

• Groups need to be short of a quorum

• Groups can work on multiple topics

• Identify work and goals and leave the retreat with soft ideas on who will do the work


 Next 2-3 years:

• Data systems

• Mapping/flow chart of the criminal justice system in our community to identify efficiencies and improve public communication

• Management of population with substance abuse issues

• Alternatives to incarceration options

• Community engagement

• Establish problematic goals/direction for the Juvenile Justice System

• Pursue data unification

• Expand the membership of CJCC

• Expand alternatives to incarnation to include risky and violent behaviors

• Crime prevention

• Establish a crime prevention plan that identifies best practices

CJCC Group needs to break down 2-3 year goals.

• Consolidated data set

• Funded studies/traffic stops

• Analysis report

• Analyzation of data: length of stay in jail

• Communication plan externally/how often to report to community

• CJCC learning education

• Scope of work: compare bylaws, identity gaps

• Evaluate subcommittee work and make recommendations.



• Consolidate this information with a recommendation/work plan

• Assign work to subcommittees

• Importance of meeting attendance



Thursday, October 18, 2018 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018.




Flory Building-Douglas County Fairgrounds
2110 Harper St, Lawrence, KS 66046, USA