Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Meeting Tue, Jul 19 2016 6:00 AM

Meeting Information


Agenda for CJCC Meeting #6: July 19th 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

1. Review minutes and approve

2. Introduction of the new CJCC member: Professor Chuck Epp

3. Update from staffing subcommittee on the CJCC Coordinator Search – Susan Hadl

4. Update on the bond supervision program – Mike Brouwer and Michelle Roberts

5. Continued “Presentations” of the CJ agencies and activities in Douglas County.
• Judge Fairchild
• Michelle Roberts

6. Update on jail population study – Jason Matejkowski & Margaret Severson
• New slides, corrections and edits, and explanation regarding the “no bond” status
• Additional questions and discussion

7. Website for CJCC:

8. Next Meeting: August 9th

9. Full Day Retreat: August 27th – Location TBA

July 19, 2016

Douglas County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Meeting (CJCC)

County Commissioner Mike Gaughan, chair, called the regular meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 19, 2016.

Gaughan apologized to the Council for an oversight of neglecting to inform them of an item for the County Commission consideration that addressed Treanor Architects’ contract for jail expansion. To make sure all members are aware of County Commission items, all Council members have been added to the email agenda list for upcoming County Commission meetings.

Edith Guffey said she had initiated an email to the Council members stating her concerns about the public view of the Council’s creditability when they are not unaware of all jail related agenda items.

Gaughan added the County Commission will be attending the next CJCC meeting on August 9 to provide some direction and open discussion with the Council.

Leslie Soden said she would like to see the Commission identify threads that intersect with this Council. She added she does not want to have vague discussion and currently we seem to have no priorities. Soden said she hopes the retreat will create some action.

Those in attendance included: Mike Gaughan; David Johnson, Scott Miller, Leslie Soden, Tarik Khatib, Edith Guffey, Susan Hadl, Michelle Roberts, Judge Fairchild, Susan Hadl, Bob Tryanski (joined later), Craig Weinaug and Mike Brouwer. Also attending from the KU School of Social Welfare assisting the meeting Jason Matejkowski.

Susan Hadl moved approval of the CJCC minutes for 06-28-16. Motion was seconded by Tarik Khatib and carried.

Charles Epp, new council member, introduced himself and gave a brief description of his background experience with the criminal justice system and racial profiling.

Susan had stated the council received 51 applications which have been narrowed down to five. The subcommittee has interviewed two of the five so far. The goal is to have someone hired before the August 27 retreat.

Bond Supervision
Mike Brouwer and Michelle Roberts gave an update on the Bond Supervision program. Brouwer and Roberts have been working on the program for two years. As the jail population expands this program is a tool to help determine who might qualify for supervised alternatives to jail incarceration. First it must be determined if the candidate is likely to appear for court, comply and whether they are a safety risk. Brouwer and Roberts partner with the District Attorney’s office and the first appearance judge to evaluate the offender’s court history to make a determination. This program is partner-locked with Johnson County who has been doing this for 10 years. The program in Johnson County has been expanded to include all levels of charges. Brouwer explained the scoring system that determines the risk level is based on the charge and sentencing guidelines. Some may qualify for supervision in the form of a phone call, or a face to face appointment weekly, where others may qualify for an ankle bracelet.

Currently Johnson County is averaging 575 people on their bond supervision program. Douglas County may be willing to let more people out on supervision if a GPS monitoring system was available, but there is expense involved. Many can’t afford the $15 per day fee. There would be a trade on how much it is to keep someone in jail as opposed to having staff watch people on a monitor. Currently the Sheriff and Michelle have volunteered staff for the last two years.

Craig Weinaug stated the cost for each prisoner assigned outside our district court is approximately $70-80 per day plus transportation to farm out to another facility. If released on an OR Bond, the savings using supervised methods could potentially offset the cost of additional staff.

Michelle Roberts explained how supervised probation works. Defendants are encouraged to meet with an attorney. Many are allowed to provide services to the community to work off their court costs, attorney fees and fines at a cost of $7 per hour. DUI cost is $5 per hour. Roberts stated many people think probation is about being heavy handed, but probation officers wear two hats. They try to be helpful and set the defendant in the right direction. Those on probation are referred to Job Services; they get help with resumes and can take classes. They are sent to a place where they can sharpen their job skills. Staff has a list of businesses in the area that do hire felons. There is surveillance where staff goes out in the evening and personally checks on people. Douglas County has eight officers that average 95-97 offenders per month.

Gaughan added the 2017 Budget includes bond supervision as part of the Mental Health Court budget.

Additional Information on District Court
Judge Fairchild added that Michelle Robert’s staff is paid for by the state. There are six District Court judges, five of whom handle criminal cases and one (Pro Tem) that handles preliminaries. The Protem judge is paid for by Douglas County of which Fairchild said he is very thankful. The County has funded a lot of positions because the state won’t. The County is currently paying for two surveillance officers and one part-time position. All mandated positions by the state are funded through the state. The courts can make requests, but they are perpetually denied.

Judges hear the following cases:
• Judge Robert Fairchild –(District 1) half civil/half criminal and probate and a few other things.
• Judge Sally Pokorny- (District 2) half domestic/half criminal cases;
• Judge B. Kay Huff- (District 3) covers half criminal/half civil cases;
• Judge James McCabria-(District 4) half domestic/half civil cases;
• Judge Paula Martin- (District 5) half civil/half criminal cases; and
• Judge Peggy Kittel- (District 6) criminal and children in need care cases; and
• Judge James T. George – (Pro Tem) first offender and juvenile cases.

Fairchild said the state keeps shoving more and more duties on the court services officers but we have no way of increasing positions, unless the County funds the position which is not their job. But the County is willing to help. Community Corrections are partly funded by the state.

There was discussion that the mental health court is another service cost of which Douglas County has arranged to fund and Judge Pokorny has agreed to take on the role of Mental Health Court judge.

Jason Matejkowski, KU School of Social Welfare, provided an update on the summary on the Exploration of Douglas County Jail Population Fluctuations preliminary report. The summary handout discussed is available on the CJCC website.

Bob Tryanski stated he would like Treanor Architects to make a presentation to
the Council on the jail expansion design to date to get everyone on the Council up
to speed.


• Next meeting, Tuesday, August 9, 11:00 a.m., County Commission chamber.
• The County Commissioners will attend;
• Susan Hadl is making arrangements for the retreat scheduled for August 27. Time to be announced.

Gaughan moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Soden and carried.





County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA