Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Meeting Tue, Jun 28 2016 6:00 AM

Meeting Information


Agenda for CJCC Meeting #5: June 28th 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

1. Review minutes and approve
• Agreed on date for the retreat: Saturday, August 27 (full day)
• Location options?
2. Update on recommendation of 15th CJCC member

3. Update from staffing subcommittee on CJCC Staff Search

4. Continued “Presentations” of the CJ agencies and activities in Douglas County.

5. Presentation of jail population study – Jason Matejkowski & Margaret Severson
• Discussion and questions

6. Revisiting discussion about members’ contribution to staffing and supporting the work of the CJCC.
• Discussion on existing collaborations between partners, and barriers to collaboration.
• Discussion on agency outcomes: how do members track their agency data and outcomes?
• Risks and responsibilities in the collection and analysis of data in law enforcement agencies

7. New website for CJCC:

8. Next Meeting: July 19th


June 28, 2016

Douglas County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Meeting (CJCC)

County Commissioner Mike Gaughan, chair, called the regular meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 28, 2016.  

Those in attendance included: Mike Gaughan; David Johnson, Scott Miller, Lori Alverado, Leslie Soden, Tarik Khatib, Edith Guffey, Bob Tryanski, Charles Branson, Shaye L. Downing, Susan Hadl, Michelle Roberts, Craig Weinaug and Mike Brouwer. Also attending from the KU School of Social Welfare assisting the meeting were Margaret Severson and Jason Matejkowski.

Mike Gaughan moved approval of the CJCC minutes for 04/26/16. Motion was seconded by Scott Miller and was approved unanimously.

Gaughan met with persons of interest about adding a member to the council. Charles Epp, who has expertise on the intersection of race and criminal justice, was recommended. Gaughan then met with Epp who expressed interest in becoming a member of the CJCC.

Gaughan circulated Charles Epp’s resume and the item was tabled for consideration later in the meeting.

After the Council reviewed Charles Epp’s bio, David Johnson moved to nominate Charles Epp to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and to forward the appointment to the County Commission for consideration. Motion was seconded by Bob Tryanski and carried.

Susan Hadl stated the staffing subcommittee received 41 resumes for the staff position. The subcommittee will be on July 5 at 9:00 a.m. to review the applications.

Jason Matejkowski, KU School of Social Welfare, provided a summary on the Exploration of Douglas County Jail Population Fluctuations preliminary report.

There was a lot of data; some information was inconclusive due to limitations of the data system. Some discussion was had including questions. Certain clarifications will be made to the analysis and report, and once completed the report will be placed on the website.

Gaughan asked the council members to download the presentation from the County website and compile a list of questions to email Jason so he can have an opportunity to prepare an answer to the questions.


• Next meeting, Tuesday, July 19, 11:00 a.m., County Commission chamber.
• Presentations by Judge Fairchild; Michelle Roberts; and Mike Brouwer to give update on electronic monitoring an in-house arrest.

Leslie Soden moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was seconded by Lori Alverado and carried.











County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA