Commission Board Meeting on Wed, February 27, 2019 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information


ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION:  Public comment will be taken for each regular agenda item as each item is discussed.  Individuals will be limited to one comment per agenda item.

Individuals are asked to come to the microphone, sign in, and state their name.  We ask that you sign in so that we can get the spelling of your name correct in the minutes of the meeting.  Speakers should address all comments/questions to the Commission.


4:00 p.m.

-Kansas Association of Counties employee recognition awards

-Consider approval of the minutes for February 20, 2019.


(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

(b) Authorize the Sheriff to complete the purchase of 11 Sheriff vehicles from the 2019 Budget vehicle equipment reserve. (Ken McGovern);

(c) Authorization to contract with Treanor Architects to manage the jail security system upgrade at a total cost of $85,660 funded from the Sheriff’s equipment reserve. (Gary Bunting); and

(d) Accounts Payable


(2) Consider approving the proposed resolution which revises the current CJCC bylaws and rescinds Count Resolution 16-11 (Robert Bieniecki)

(3) Appointments:  

• Board of Zoning Appeals (1) position open 12/31/18

• Building Code of Appeals Board (1) position open 12/16 (plumber)

• Community Corrections Advisory Board (2) positions open (General/Social Services)

• Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (2) position (District 1 and District 2 Commissioner Appointees)

• JAAA Advisory Council (2) positions

• JAAA Board of Directors (2) positions

• Heritage Conservation Council: (1) position (Architect)

• Lawrence-Douglas County Advocacy Council on Aging (10) open positions

(4) General Public Comment will be at the end of each meeting with a limit of one comment per person and keep their comments brief.  Individuals may not give unused time to other speakers.  As a general practice, the Commission will not discuss/debate these items, nor will the Commission make decisions on items presented during this time, rather they will refer the items to staff for follow up, if necessary.

(5) Committee Reports

(6) Commissioner and/or Administrator Miscellaneous

(7) Adjourn

February 27, 2019

Derusseau called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 with all Commissioners present.


MINUTES 02-27-19

The minutes for February 20, 2019 were deferred to the March 6, 2019 meeting.


Derusseau moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Commission Order Nos.19-015 and 19-016 on file in the office the     County Clerk;

►  Authorized the purchase of three 2019 Chevy Tahoe police vehicles,    four 2019 Dodge Durango Pursuit Vehicles, one 2019 Chevy Express Transport Van, one 2019 Ford Escape, one 2019 Ford Fusion and one Ford F250 truck in a total amount of $338,304.95 from the 2019 Sheriff’s   Office budget with the following vendors: Roberts Chevrolet, Shawnee Mission Ford and Landmark Dodge utilizing the MACPP joint vehicle bid;

►  Authorized a contract with Treanor Architects to manage the jail security system upgrade at a total cost of $85,660 funded from the Sheriff’s equipment reserve; and

►  Accounts payable in the amounts of $127.53 paid on 02/22/19 and $289,257.09 to be paid on 02/28/19; and payroll in the amounts of $1,067,402.15 to be paid on 03/01/19, and $1,050,048.69 paid on 02/15/19.

Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


CJCC 02-27-19

The Board considered approval of revised bylaws for the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC). A summary of the bylaw changes include: removing the goals and inserting a statement to create a strategic plan, membership changes to increase participation and implement term limits, eliminating the Vice-Chair position, and inserting a statement that the Board of County Commissioners must approve all changes to the bylaws.

Derusseau opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Derusseau moved to approve the Resolution No. 19-07 which revises the current CJCC bylaws and rescinds County Resolution No. 16-11. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0. 



Derusseau moved to appoint Rich Barr to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a three-year term to expire 10/31/21. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Derusseau moved to appoint Chuck Folks to the plumber position on the Building Code of Appeals Board for a four-year term to expire 03/31/22. Motion was seconded by Kelly and carried 3-0.


Kelly moved to reappoint Edith Guffey to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council District 1 Commissioner Appointment position to a one-year term (completing four years of services as determined by the new bylaws passed 02/27/19) expiring 01/31/20. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and   carried 3-0.

Derusseau moved to reappoint Emily Hail to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council District 3 Commissioner Appointment position for a second two-year to term to expire 01/31/2021. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Ellen Johnson, 918 Kentucky Street, asked the County Commission to consider providing 24-hour animal control officers to pick up stray animals in the City and County. She said if there is no funding to hire new employees, she suggested cross training officers are that are already employed by the Sheriff’s Office. She said the County needs to protect citizens and pets, strays can cause property damage and there needs to be population control with animals.

Derusseau stated the County only has jurisdiction over what is outside of the city limits of Lawrence. She asked staff what Douglas County’s animal control policy is outside the city limits. Sarah Plinsky, Interim County Administrator, responded she doesn’t know but is sure we do not have staffed animal control officers.

Derusseau said she believes the County works with the Humane Society during business hours with the assistance of the Sheriff’s Office, and that the Humane Society is working on Code Revisions. She asked staff will follow up on the status of that process. Derusseau suggested Johnson contract the City of Lawrence regarding animal control within the City limits.



Derusseau adjourned the meeting.


____________________________  ____________________________

 Michelle Derusseau, Chair               Patrick Kelly, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________  _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                 Nancy Thellman, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66044