Commission Board Meeting on Wed, December 19, 2018 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information


*Public comment will be received for each item as it is discussed.

4:00 p.m.

- Consider approval of the minutes for August 1, August 8, August 15, August 22, September 5, September 12, September 26, and October 3, 2018. 

(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
 (b) Consider recommendation to approve Substance Abuse Treatment Services Contract with DCCCA (Gary Bunting)

(2) Consider petition to vacate utility easement for Kanwaka Township (Kevin Sontag)

(3) Consider approval of a proposal from Behavioral Health Leadership Coalition to increase the number of psychiatrists in Douglas County. (Bob Tryanski)

(4) Presentation from Lawrence Douglas County Fire and Medical on the service agreements and the emergency medical service in Douglas County. – No decision requested. Presentation only.

(5) Appointments:  
 -Board of Zoning Appeals (1) position open 10/17
 -Building Code of Appeals Board (2) positions open12/16
 -Community Corrections Advisory Board (1) position open 08/31/18 (educator)
 -Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (2) positions
 -Fire District No. 2 (2) positions 
 -JAAA Advisory Council (2) position
 -JAAA Board of Directors (1) position 
 -Joint Economic Development Council (2) positions
 -Lawrence-Douglas County Advocacy Council on Aging (2) open positions
 -MPO Bicycle Advisory Committee (1) position
 -Mental Health Board (1) position open 04/18
 -Property Crimes Compensation Board (1) position
-Senior Resource Center (1) position open 12/31/18 

(6) General Public Comment

(7) Commissioner and/or Administrator Miscellaneous

(8)  Adjourn


December 19, 2018

Thellman called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 19, 2018 with two Commissioners present, Thellman and Derusseau. Commissioner Gaughan joined the meeting after the Consent Agenda approval. 

Thellman moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:
►  Commission Order Nos. 18-060 and 18-061 (on file in the office the County Clerk);
►   Amended Mental Health Services Contract with DCCCA to provide substance abuse and treatment services for the correctional facility in the amount of $123,514.56 expiring December 31, 2019. 

Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 2-0.

Thellman moved to open a public hearing to receive comment on a request to vacate a portion of a utility easement located within Lot 2 of Arlo Jay Subdivision, a minor subdivision in the unincorporated of the County approximately three (3) miles south of Lecompton. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

No public comment was received. Thellman closed the public hearing and moved to accept the petition to vacate with Resolution 18-34 vacating a portion of a utility easement within Arlo Jay Subdivision. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

The Board considered the approval of a proposal from the Behavioral Health Leadership Coalition (BHLC) to increase the number of psychiatrists in Douglas County. Bob Tryanski, Behavioral Health Coordinator, presented the item.

In 2018, the Board of County Commissioners allocated new funds to increase the number of psychiatric service providers in Douglas County and support community partners as they work together to improve our behavioral health system. The BHLC is recommending that Douglas County continue to support the expansion of psychiatry through a shared-lease arrangement that gradually reduces costs to Douglas County over a three-year period. Under this structure, Douglas County will dedicate up to $350,000 of existing funds from the 2019 Behavioral Health Project Budget to support up to three new providers at Bert Nash and Heartland Community Health Clinic. Support will offset the salary and benefit costs of these new providers up to 60% in 2019; 50% in 2020, and 40% in 2021. Support beyond 2019 will be subject to annual review and approval by the County Commission through the County’s budget process. Total costs of the psychiatry supplemental in 2019 will not exceed $675,000.

Each agency will provide Douglas County with quarterly reports that include monthly summaries of the gap between revenue and expenses for each provider as well as the number of unique patients served, the number of patients encounters and estimated lag times between appointments.

 Patrick Schmitz, CEO of Bert Nash, spoke about the investment made by Douglas County for psychiatric services. The community should see significant improvement in 2019. Bert Nash has hired a full time psychiatrist and a physician’s assistant starting in January 2019. This will allow LMH, Bert Nash and Heartland to treat approximately 2300 additional patients next year. Schmitz also stated they plan to use a new program called Just-In-Time software for scheduling which will get patients in within a day or two to hopefully reduce crisis situations. Also new in 2019, patients will no longer be required to see a therapist before seeing a psychiatrist, plus Bert Nash has added a behavior health consultant and certified medical assistant.

Thellman moved to open the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Thellman moved to approve up to $350,000 of existing funds from the 2019 Behavioral Health Projects Budget to offset up to 60% of salary and benefit costs for three new psychiatrist providing services at LMH, Bert Nash CMHC, Heartland CHC and DCCCA. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.

Shaun Coffey, Interim Department Chief; and Tom Fagan, Lawrence Douglas-County Fire and Medical (LDCFM) Chief of Administration, made a presentation to the Board regarding the Lawrence Douglas County Fire and Medical service agreements and emergency medical service in Douglas County.

Coffey and Fagan presented an overview of the past service agreements between LDCFM, the City of Lawrence and Douglas County. Discussion included:
• Services for emergency medical services, hazardous materials response, technical rescue, coroner scene services and fire suppression;
• Increased call demands; response times beginning with the alarm handling starting with dispatch, through the process of getting a responder on site;
• History of agreements which combines Fire department and ambulance services.
• Financial obligations and budget; current responsibility of City of Lawrence at 74.36%/County 25.64% with the County making quarterly payments to the City of Lawrence.
• Emergency medical calls have more than doubled since 1997;
• There was an addition of an ambulance to the City of Eudora in 2017 paid at 100% by Douglas County;
• The Baldwin City Station is paid at the City of Lawrence 75%/County 25% rate; and
• The need for additional funding to increase service respond in NW Lawrence/Douglas County.

Recommendations made by the LDCFM were to pursue equitable financial obligations based on the provision of EMS services; to incorporate clear language for capital obligations and to review the Coroner Scene Investigator (CSI) program; review the provision of technical rescue in the County; minimize the exchange of monies to reduce errors; and clearly identify the governance and administration for who the Fire Chief reports.

Thellman said she would be interested in hearing what process will be used to figure this out. Sarah Plinsky, Interim County Administrator, stated she had met with the Assistant City Manager Diane Stoddard and they are looking at the process and project approach. They will come back to each governing body with recommendations. The agreement impacts other agreements and other agencies.

Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager, said the presentation sums things up well. The process is complicated. The City of Lawrence believes this has been a beneficial partnership and wants to come up with something that will work for everyone.

Thellman opened the item for public comment.

Seamus Albritton, Lawrence Professional Firefighters Association, said the position of firefighters and EMS is they support a reevaluation, but priority should fall on finding ways to improve safety and the system. He feels people base where they live on schools and safety. He believes a combined fire department and EMS is the best system. The demand on EMS services is growing. He asked that local government increase resources to maintain the level of safety citizens deserve. 

Presentation only. No action was taken.

Thellman moved to accounts payable in the amount of $782,546.59 to be paid on 12/20/18. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.
Thellman moved appoint Zach Thomas to the Property Crimes Board for a three-year term expiring 05/31/21. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

____________________________  ____________________________
 Nancy Thellman, Chair                     Michelle Derusseau, Vice-Chair
 ____________________________  _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                 Mike Gaughan, Member



County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66044