Commission Board Meeting on Wed, August 22, 2018 - 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM

Meeting Information


Amended Agenda


4:00 p.m.


(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

(b) Consider approval of a county resolution authorizing the establishment of a petty cash fund in the office of the Department of Criminal Justice Services Director (Paula Rapp); and

(c) Consider approval of (2) applications for an authorized emergency vehicle permit:  Michael L. Hirschmann and Daniel M. Quick (Sheriff’s office)


 (2) Acceptance of the 2017 Financial Statements (Tara J. Laughlin, AGH)

(3) Consider offer from anonymous donors to fund portion of a comprehensive study of the criminal justice system in Douglas County.-No backup

(4) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

 (b) Appointments  

 -Board of Zoning Appeals (1) positions 10/17

 -Building Code of Appeals Board (2) positions 12/16

 -Community Corrections Advisory Board (1) position open (edu); (1) 08/31/18

 -Fire District No. 2 (2) positions 

 -JAAA Advisory Council (2) position

 -JAAA Board of Directors (1) position 

 -Joint Economic Development Council (2) positions

 -Lawrence-Douglas County Advocacy Council on Aging (2) open positions

 -MPO Bicycle Advisory Committee (1) position

 -Mental Health Board (1) position 04/18

 -Property Crimes Compensation Board (1) position

 -Senior Resource Center (1) positon 12/31/18 

 (c)  Public Comment

 (d) Miscellaneous



6:00 p.m.

(5) Consider a County resolution authorizing a special question election on the November ballot in Douglas County imposing a quarter cent sales tax to finance mental health services. 

(6) Adjourn

August 22, 2018

Thellman called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 with all members present.



Thellman moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Resolution 18-21 authorizing the establishment of a petty cash fund in the office of the department of Criminal Justice Services Director; and

►  Emergency Vehicle Permit for Michael L. Hirschmann and Daniel M. Quick from the Sheriff’s office.


Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.



Tara J. Laughlin, AGH, made a presentation to the Board on the 2017 Financial Statement. It was the opinion from the audit everything was comparable to the 2016 audit year. No changes were recommended from an accounting perspective. The opinion was a modified opinion, known as a “clean” opinion and reflects books and records of the County.


There was no public comment and no questions from the Commission.


Thellman moved to accept the 2017 Financial Statement as presented. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.



The Board considered an offer from an anonymous donors to fund a portion of a comprehensive study of the criminal justice system in Douglas County. The Board received a first offer of $30,000 and then an additional offer for $10,000. 


Thellman stated it is clear the County’s efforts toward any of the studies in the criminal justice system will be paid for with public tax payer dollars. The availability of private funds should not be a factor in the County Commissioners’ decisions to decide on what studies needs to be completed.


The County is willing to fund studies as past history has shown. Thellman said she wanted to make that statement before other donors come forward. She thanked the donors for their very generous offer.


Gaughan stated in the future he expects to seek grant dollars through organizations, when initiated by partners, agencies, and other municipalities when the time is right. The study of police stops is an example.


Thellman opened the item for public comment.


Jerry Pope, 1295 N 873 Road, stated the two offers for contributions are not from Justice Matters. He urged the County Commission to accept the contributions for this purpose.


Graham Kreicker, 1421 W 2nd Street, stated he feels the studies that have been presented are too limited. He is 100% in favor of the County doing a comprehensive study with a company that has a national reputation.


Additional comments were received. No action was taken by the Commission.



Thellman moved to accounts payable in the amount of $445,654.31 to be paid on 08/23/18; and payroll in the amounts of $1,016,623.58 paid on 08/03/18, $1,060,149.90 paid on 08/17/18, $2,380.00 paid on 08/20/18 and $34,885.00 to be paid on 08/24/18. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.


____________________________  ____________________________

 Nancy Thellman, Chair                      Michelle Derusseau, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________ _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                  Mike Gaughan, Member



County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA