Commission Board Meeting on Wed, March 1, 2017 - 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM

Meeting Information



4:00 p.m.

(1) Study Session – FY 2018 Budget Preliminary Planning (Cammy Owens)-No backup



6:00 p.m.

-Consider approval of the minutes for January 25, February 1, February 8 and February 15.


(2) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders;

 (b)  Consent Agenda approval of agreement with Johnson County Replacement of culvert on  

     E 2400 Road, Structure No. 03.28N-24.00E (Keith Browning);

 (c)  Consider authorization to solicit bids for polymer concrete overlays for Bridge Nos.  21.30N-06.15E, 07.25N-06.50E, 18.00N-11.24E, 00.64N-05.50E, Project No. 2015-70    

    (Keith Browning); and

 (d) 2017 Tow Service Provider Agreements and Resolution Establishing Maximum Charges for Authorized Tow Service. (Jill Jolicoeur)


(3) Crisis Center and Mental Health Services Update (Sarah Plinsky)-No backup 

(4) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

 (b) Appointments  

 -Board of Construction Codes Appeals (1) position 12/15

 -MPO Bicycle Advisory Committee (2) positions

 -Community Corrections (1) position

 -Board of Zoning Appeals (1) position 10/16

 -Lawrence-Douglas County Mental Health Board – (1) joint position 04/17

 -Metropolitan Planning Commission – Positions (2) 05/17

 (c)  Public Comment

 (d)  Miscellaneous   

(5) Adjourn




March 1, 2017

Gaughan called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 with all members present.


Staff led a preliminary planning discussion on the fiscal year 2018 Budget. No action was taken.


At 5:15 p.m. the Board recessed until 6:00 p.m.


At 6:00 p.m. the Board returned to regular session.

MINUTES 03-01-17

 Gaughan moved approval of the minutes for January 25, February 1, February 8 and February 15, 2017. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Gaughan moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Commission Order No. 17-011 (on file in the office the County Clerk);

►  Agreement with Johnson County laying out duties and responsibilities for  each county in a project to replace Structure No. 03.28N-24.00E; and

►  Solicit bids for Project No. 2015-70, multi-layer polymer concrete overlays for Bridge Nos. 21.30N-06.15E, 07.25N-06.50E, 18.00N-11.24E and 00.64N-05.50E;

Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Pulled from the agenda:


The Board considered the 2017 Tow Services Provider Agreement and Resolution establishing maximum charges for authorized tow service. Jill Jolicoeur, Assistant to the County Administrator, presented the item.

Jolicoeur stated she met with local tow operators for their annual meeting and received feedback regarding changes to some of the tow rates.

Derusseau stated she doesn’t feel comfortable raising rates after comparing the current Douglas County rates to other surrounding cities and counties, Shawnee, Lenexa and Overland Park, and Johnson County. She proposed leaving the rates as is and continuing the current Resolution 16-04.

Gaughan said he felt comfortable with that recommendation.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

No action was taken.


Sarah Plinsky, Assistant County Administrator, updated the County Commissioners on the status of the Crisis Center and Mental Health Services with collaborative partners: Bert Nash, LMH, DCCCA, Heartland Health, Healthcare Access, Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department, City and County staff, Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority, Bob Tryanski, and Dr. John Whipple.

Plinsky said at the last update, staff was asked to examine population data by service area in need for the crisis center and for mental health program in the community. This is the first step in evaluating a staffing plan for a facility. Earlier this month, the BOCC approved a request to hire a Director of Behavioral Health Projects who will be essential in collecting data, managing the process and working with stake holders to see the project as a whole. Staff has had numerous conversations with the collaborative partners, consumers and private providers and visited several crisis centers and a crisis center summit. What we know so far is an effective solution is an integrated solution. No single organization can solve these challenges. There are some immediate service area needs and gaps. There are more immediate and benefit from proximity to other services already being provided in this community. There are some service areas being met quite effectively outside out community. An expansion of outpatient services and case management services and providers for those service both medical providers and therapeutic providers will be needed in any solution to provide a full continuum of care in the community after a crisis. These are things we know regardless of how the solutions approached.

Russ Johnson, CEO of Lawrence Memorial Hospital, briefed the Commission on a development of a new Crisis Center located in LMH to be used in lieu of the emergency room for someone in need of mental health treatment. Johnson said he feels it can be done relatively quickly and use Bert Nash to help think through how it will work with Crisis Intervention. We feel the clinical proximity to the ER is vital. The people they work with also have medical concerns as well as need mental health treatment. Johnson stated as recently as this morning, after meeting with Bert Nash, we are looking at:  1) expanding facility options within existing footprint, 2) clinical and operational aspects, 3) more effective discharge and a warm hand-off process, which is key to the process, and 4) the area of addiction to make sure it’s included in the model. This will be a better clinical opportunity and a chance to work with the Bert Nash team. It is important to understand this is an extension to what the hospital is doing now.


David Johnson, CEO of Bert Nash, said the location at LMH will be a calmer environment right from the start with a separate entrance other than the emergency room. This is a great step forward in collaboration with community partners.

Karen Shumate, Lawrence Memorial Hospital, discussed how the LMH crisis center would affect officers dropping off patients and how it affects them.

Gaughan asked how the crisis unit would be reimbursed. Shumate said the health care reimbursement is never good. Some services are reimbursable. Most have no insurance. We have people to figure out the bill and help the County figure out what can be reimbursed. Gaughan asked if care at the new clinic would be as costly as the ER. Shumate said at this point she can’t answer that, though she feels the overhead will be lower. She is hoping the clinic will eventually decrease the amount of transfers to Osawatomie.

Plinsky stated there are clearly additional steps that need to be done while we continue to implement the policies, procedures and work plan for the crisis stabilization services provided inside LMH. We hope to integrate the work for that effort with the rest of the work we are doing on the continuum of crisis services and mental health programming in the community. We will continue to work with our providers to identify gaps in care, monitor the data from the crisis stabilization center at LMH, evaluate service expansion and level of care, the people we are serving, and determine the variety of needs we can provide there. We also need to continue to do more work to quantify our data on detox services and variety of addiction related services needed in this community, determine spaces needs and proximity to services, and what will be effective for medical and social detox from a social sobering perspective. We will continue to look at existing outpatients needs and how that will integrate with what we are planning with the crisis center.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment.

John Stewart, Heartland Community Health Services, spoke in support of the crisis center. Heartlands role in this adventure is an exciting one. Stewart sees this beyond a warm hand off, but an opportunity to stand and look collectively at what we can do for the patient together. 

Beth Llewellyn, Healthcare Access, said she is in support of the collaboration amongst the programs in the community. Healthcare Access and Heartland are looking at collaborative grants to better serve and leverage funds through a collaborative spirit.

Shannon Oury, Executive Director Douglas County Housing Authority, said LDCHA is on board to move forward with Bert Nash to provide housing for those released from the crisis center.

Thellman said she envisions a campus that provides medical and mental health treatment as transportation is an issue with many residents. She asked if a campus would be valuable.

Johnson said it’s not just the nearness that makes the difference, but also the collaboration with services that makes the difference. What we are talking about doing is changing the experience of people coming into the program. The hospital has found itself providing service they never thought to do. This goes beyond the Osawatomie experience.

Bob Tryanski, consumer and mental health advocate, stated we have an opportunity as a community to build a model for other communities. Recovery is possible and treatment works. He asked that we keep the consumer and those that have lived the experience involved. Tryanski said he is moved by the officials in the room willing to get this right. 

Chris Hagel, National Alliance of Mental Illness, said he is thankful to all those helping to make the mental health improvements to our community. He feels there are those that could benefit from services now rather than later.

Thellman said wanted to extend the County’s appreciation for everyone’s presence here tonight and the countless hours of hardworking staff, our new collaborative partners Lawrence Memorial Hospital, the beautiful relationship coming about with LMH, Bert Nash, Heartland and HCA and the public health department. It’s a privilege to be a part of something clearly going in a direction that is good for the entire community. Thellman clarified there is still a lot left to do. We hope to have more frequent updates.

Derusseau added through all the meetings she sat through in 2016 visiting with our partners, one of the common words she heard was “collaboration.” She is glad to have the opportunity to see this all come together.

No action taken.


Gaughan moved to appoint Dr. Ellen Paulson to the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Board for to fill the unexpired term of William Fleming ending 06/30/18. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Gaughan moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $2,800.00 paid on 02/24/17 and $2,858,034.32 to be paid on 03/02/17. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.

Gaughan moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Derusseau and carried 3-0.

____________________________   ____________________________

 Mike Gaughan, Chair                         Nancy Thellman, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________   _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Michelle Derusseau, Member



County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA