Commission Board Meeting on Wed, August 24, 2016 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information


Amended Agenda


4:00 p.m.


(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;

(b) Acceptance the 2015 Financial Statements (Sarah Plinsky);

(c)  Consider initiation of a Text Amendment to Section 20-319-4 Conditional Uses  Enumerated of the Zoning Regulations to add small scale industrial uses, with standards, to the list of uses which are permitted when approved as Conditional  Uses. (Mary Miller);

(d) Consent Agenda approval of resolution establishing 40 mph speed limit E 1200 Road  from N 1100 Road to Route 458 (Keith Browning);

(e) Consent Agenda approval of resolution establishing 40 mph speed limit N 1100 Road  from E 1200 Road to US-59 highway (Keith Browning);

(f) Extension request for Conditional Use Permit, CUP-15-00229, for Burning Barrel, a  

 specialty butcher shop (Value Added Agriculture) located at 292 N. 2100 Road.

 (Mary Miller); and

(g) Consider authorizing Emergency Communications Director to approve the 2016 service and maintenance agreement (Randy Roberts)


(2) Finalize and approval 2015-2019 Capital Improvement Plan (Sarah Plinsky/Keith Browning)

(3) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

  (b) Appointments

  -Board of Construction Codes Appeals (1) position 12/15

  -Emergency Management Advisory Board & Local Emergency Management Committee Reorganization member list

  (c)  Public Comment

  (d)  Miscellaneous  

(4) Adjourn


August 24, 2016

Flory called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday,

August 24, 2016 with Commissioners Flory and Thellman present. Commissioner Gaughan arrived at a later time.


Flory moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Acceptance of the 2015 Financial Statements;

►  Initiate a text amendment to Chapter 12 of the County Code, Zoning Regulations for the unincorporated territory of Douglas County, Kansas to add a small scale industrial use category to the enumerated list of Conditional Uses and to establish standards for the use;

►  Resolution 16-20 establishing a 40 mph maximum speed limit E 1200 Road from N 1100 Road to Route 458 in Wakarusa Township, also known as Route 458;

►  Resolution 16-21 establishing a 40 mph maximum speed limit on N 1100 Road from E 1200 Road to US-59 in Wakarusa Township;

►  One-year extension (to August 12, 2017) to the approval of Conditional Use Permit, CUP-15-00229, for Burning Barrel, a specialty butcher shop (Value Added Agriculture) located at 292 N 2100 Road;

►  Authorized the Emergency Communications Director to approve the 2016 service and maintenance agreement with Motorola Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $98,267.04 for the renewable annual contract cover the period of August 1, 2016 through July 31, 2017 for P25 800 MHz Digital Simulcast Radio System. 

Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 2-0.


Shelly Hammond, AGH, presented the Commission with a summary of their 2015 Audit/Financial Statements audit review. AGH gave an “unmodified” opinion in the financial statement which is a clean opinion and the highest opinion the County can receive. 

Hammond stated the financial statements are free of any misstatements. She brought to the attention of the County Commissioners a new disclosure requiring counties to share information on their participation in KPERS. So far, Hammond stated she has not seen any significant impacts on bond standings throughout the state of Kansas due to this requirement.


Gaughan moved to approve the CIP plan for 2015-2020. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Jenny Christie, Douglas County resident, stated she lives north of Burning Barrel property, Conditional Use Permit, and has a condition making her highly sensitive to gluten. Christie said outdoor smoking affects her medically. 

Paul Henderson, Douglas County resident, stated he is concerned the Burning Barrel owner is currently utilizing the existing building on his property has opposed to using a shipping container as approved in the CUP. 

Flory responded what is before the Commission today for consideration was only an extension of the time frame on the CUP, which is a common request.


Thellman moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $1,261,130.61 paid on 08/18/16 and $458,776.36 to be paid on 08/26/16; and payroll in the amounts of $934,519.45 paid on 08/19/16 and $33,335.88 paid on 08/15/16. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Flory moved to appoint Bob Newton to a one-year terms as the County Commission appointee to the Emergency Management Advisory Board and the following members to the Local Emergency Planning Committee for 2016-2017:

Function Groups



Appointed by Governing Bodies


Bob Newton, appointee of Douglas County Commission


Bill Winegar, appointee of Baldwin City Council


Truman Waugh, appointee of Lawrence City Commission


Ken Keiter, appointee of Eudora City Council


Wayne Riley, appointee of Lecompton City Council




Agency Head and/or Appointee

Transportation ESF#1

Robert Nugent, Lawrence Transit System/KU Transit System


Richard Haig, Lawrence Municipal Airport Advisory Board



Emergency Communications ESF#2

Randy Roberts, Emergency Communications Center



Public Work & Engineering ESF#3

Keith Browning, Douglas County Public works


Tammy Bennett, City of Lawrence Public Works


Jeanette Klamm, City of Lawrence Utilities


Sean Reid, Douglas County Zoning and Codes



Fire ESF#4

Mike Baxter, Fire Chief’s Association



Emergency Management ESF#5

Andrew Foster, University of Kansas Public Safety



Human Services/Mass Care ESF#6

Jane Blocher, Douglas County Red Cross


Lt. Matthew McCluer, Salvation Army

Resource Management ESF#7

Erika Dvorske, Roger Hill Volunteer Center



Health & Medical ESF#8

Sonia Jordan, Lawrence/Douglas County Health Department


Tom Damewood, Lawrence Memorial Hospital



Roy Morehead, Untied States Public Health Service



Search & Rescue ESF#9

Shaun Coffey, Lawrence Douglas county Fire Medical



HazMat ESF #10

Shaun Coffey, Lawrence Douglas county Fire Medical



Agriculture/Natural Resources ESF#11

Midge Grinstead, State Animal Response Team


John Bradley, DVM – Bradley Animal Hospital


Kate Meghji, Lawrence Humane Society



Utility/Natural Resources ESF#12

Tommy Johnson, Black Hills Energy


Stone Junod, Westar Energy



Law Enforcement ESF#13

Ken McGovern, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office


Trent McKinley, Lawrence Kansas Police Department


Greg Neis, Baldwin City Police Department


Bill Edwards, Eudora Police


Chris Keary, KU Public Safety Office



Public Information ESF#15

Megan Gilliland, Lawrence Communications Manager


Bob Newton, Emergency Management



Chemical Preparedness

Joseph Baranski, Hallmark Cards


Khalil Byrd, ChemTrade


Kay Johnson, ProSoCo


Jamison Honeycutt, United States Public Health Service



Community Group

Kristin Vernon, Headquarters Counseling Center


Nicole Rials, Bert Nash Mental Health




Ron May, Lawrence Public Schools


Kristin Magette, Eudora Public Schools


Mike Russell, University of Kansas


Teresa Clounch, Baker University


Gary Goombi, Haskell Indian Nations University




Chris Lesser, ProSoCo


Larry Gray, LCL


Jason Schuler, United States Public Health Service



Facility Industry

Joe Souders, API Foils



Social Service Agency

Shannon Oury, Lawrence Housing Authority


Mathew Faulk, Bert Nash Mental Health




2016-2017 Officers & Executive Committee Members


Tom Damewood, Chair


Trent McKinley, Vice Chair


Shaun Coffey


Jeanette Klamm


Mike Russell

Gaughan moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

____________________________  ____________________________

 James E. Flory, Chair                        Mike Gaughan, Vice-Chair



 ____________________________  _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk                  Nancy Thellman, Member








County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA