Commission Board Meeting on Wed, December 23, 2015 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information


4:00 p.m.

-Consider approval of the minutes for October 7, October 14, October 21, October 28, November 4, November 11 and November 18, 2015.


(1)  (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders

 (b) Consider approval of contract for Historic Resources Intensive Survey of Grant &   

 Palmyra Townships (Jackie Waggoner);

(c) Consider approval of contract for Historic Resources Reconnaissance Survey for Lecompton Township (Jackie Waggoner);

(d) Consider Recommendation to Purchase a Hydraulic Excavator for Public Works

 (Jackie Waggoner);

(e) Consider authorizing purchase of precise concrete culvert for Project No. 2014-65, Structure No. 20.46N-16.00E. (Keith Browning)

(f) Consider authorizing purchase of precise concrete culvert for Project No. 2015-53, Structure No. 04.17N-09.00E. (Keith Browning)

(g) Consider appointment of John Bullock, Stevens & Brand Law Firm, as County Counselor  

 (Craig Weinaug);

(h) Authorization to solicit construction bids for Project No. 2013-18Deck replacement for Bridge No. 08.74N-07.95 Route 1039 bridge over Washington Creek at Lone Star town (Keith Browning)

 (i)  Consider the 2016 Heritage Conservation Council Grant Program Materials  

 (Jan Shupert-Arick)

(j) Consider a Avaya phone system maintenance contract (Jackie Waggoner)

(k) Consider waiving the purchasing policy and extending the contract with Allen, Gibbs and Houlik for the 2015 and 2016 Audit. (Sarah Plinsky)

(l) Approval of disposal plan for McCollum demolition materials (Mary Miller)


(2) Consider approval of engineering services agreement with BG Consultants, Inc. for Project No. 2015-18, the realignment of Hamm Landfill Access Road (Keith Browning)   

(3) Authorization to solicit proposals for engineering services for slide repair at Lone Star Lake dam, Project No. 2015-1 (Keith Browning)

(4) Consider recommendations for participation in project with the City of Lawrence to renovate Fire Station #1 and connected Senior Services Offices (Craig Weinaug)

(5) Consider recommendations for revisions for ambulance charges (Mark Bradford)

(6) Consider approving Phase 1 Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of the Fairgrounds Capital Improvement Project and amend the Construction Management contract with Mar Lan Construction. (Sarah Plinsky)

(7) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

(b) Appointments

 -Board of Construction Codes Appeals (1) position 

 -Food Policy Council – (1) position

(c)  Public Comment

(d)  Miscellaneous

(8) Adjourn


December 23, 2015

Flory called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 with two members present. Commission Gaughan was absent.

MINUTES 12-23-15
Flory moved to approve the minutes of October 14, October 21, November 4, November 11 and November 18. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 2-0.

Flory moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:
► Commission Order Nos. 15-047 and 15-048 (on file in the office of the County Clerk);
► Contract with Hernly Associates in the amount of $14,000 to complete an Intensive Survey of Grant and Palmyra Township;
► Contract with Susan Ford in the amount of $22,500 to complete a natural, cultural and historic survey of the remaining unincorporated area of Lecompton Township;
► Staff to access the HGAC contract with C.W. Van Keppel for the purchase of a hydraulic excavator in the amount of $176,151 for Public Works;
► Authorized the Public Works Director to approve purchase of an 8’-span x 6’-high x 44’-long precast concrete box culvert from Oldcastle Precast at a total cost of $29,221.41 for installation of 20.46N-16.00E;
► Authorized the Public Works Director to approve purchase of a 7’-span x 6’-high x 50’-long precast concrete box culvert from Oldcastle Precast at a total cost of $32,002.27 for installation at 04.17N-09.00E;
► Appointment of John Bullock, Stevens & Brand Law Firm, as County Counselor and agreed to terms for legal services;
► Authorization to Public Works Director to solicit bids for Project No. 2013-18, deck replacement for Bridge No. 08.74N-07.95E, which carries Route 1039 over Washington Creek near Lone Star town;
► 2016 Heritage Conservation Council Grant Program Materials; and
► Accepted the quote from SKC entering into a 36-month agreement for hardware and software maintenance for Douglas County’s Avaya phone system at an annual cost of $22,858.32.

Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 2-0.

Flory moved to waive purchasing policy requirements and approved an Engineering Services Agreement with BG Consultants, Inc. for Project No. 2015-18, the realignment of Hamm Landfill Access Road (N 2100 Road). Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 2-0.

Thellman moved to authorize the Public Works Director to solicit proposals for geotechnical engineering services to determine a recommended repair method for a slope failure on the downstream face of the Lone Star lake dam. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 2-0.

FIRE STATION 1 12-23-15
The Board considered a recommendation to participate in the City of Lawrence, Fire Station #1 and Senior Center renovations.

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, stated the Fire Station #1 was built in 1954. Part of the building is used for Senior Services which have not been addressed during other renovations to Fire Station #1. In the past, the County shared costs with the City at 23% which has been fairly consistent for the County’s portion of costs. The estimate on renovations from 2010 was $500,000 and does not include the Senior Center portion of the building. Repairs being considered are the roof, windows and HVAC which will be in addition to the $500,000 estimated cost for the fire station. An architect would be hired to review the design.

Weinaug stated he is asking the Board to make a motion for Expression of Intent for the project and staff will continue formal negotiations.

Flory opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Flory moved to make an Expression of Intent for this project. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 2-0.

AMBULANCE 12-23-15
The Board considered revisions for ambulance charges. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator stated the Lawrence-Douglas County Fire and Medical have tried to adjust the ambulance charges to leverage against Medicare and Medicaid as much as possible. Half of the costs of providing ambulance services come from property taxes and the other half come from insurance. An increase in charge would minimize the cost of a mill levy.

Flory noted that the recommended charges are still at the low end of the regional cost comparison.

Flory opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Thellman moved to approve the phased cost increases over the next three years. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 2-0.

The Board considered approving Phase 1 Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of the Fairgrounds Capital Improvement Project(CIP) and amend the Construction Management Contract with Mar Lan. Sarah Plinsky, Assistant County Administrator, presented the item.

According to Plinsky, Phase 1 includes the meeting hall and associated parking lots. The Board also considered the following alternate items:

• $7421.00 from the Sustainability Service Fund to pay for LED lighting:
• Approximately $22,000 for a variety of audio visual upgrades and some of which will enhance ADA assess ability.

Staff asks for approval to fund phase 1 GMP for a total cost of $2,348,925. The re-estimate for the total project budget is above the initial project budget set aside. Decisions on how to fund the difference can be considered in the 2016 Capital Improvement Plan development process.

Plinsky stated the timeline has been adjusted for this project to three phases.
Additional items discussed concerning the project budget included:

- The fencing, rocking cost is above and beyond anticipated costs.
- Looking at alternatives to keep costs down and want to have some parts of the project completed by Douglas County Fair time.
- Phase 1 all funds (about a 7% increase from 2013).
- Sidewalks, not included in this project, can be fixed or upgraded in the special building fund.

Flory opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Flory moved to approve the Phase 1 GMP with the add alternatives in the approximate amount of $22,000 which includes the sound loop system. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 2-0.

Flory moved to appoint Scott Thellman, Juniper Hill Farms, LLC to serve on the Food Policy Council in the County Agricultural Producer position, replacing Sandra Lawson. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Flory moved to approve accounts payable the in the amounts of $1,596,794.98 to be paid on 12/24/15 and $1,483,234.49 paid on 12/17/15; and payroll in the amount of $863,499.152 to be paid on 12/24/15. Motion was seconded by Thellman carried 2-0.

Flory moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 2-0.

____________________________ ____________________________
James E. Flory, Chair Mike Gaughan, Vice-Chair

______________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk Nancy Thellman, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA