Commission Board Meeting on Wed, March 25, 2015 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information

Amended agenda



4:00 p.m.


(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders; and

 (b) Consider Authorization to purchase precast concrete culverts Project No. 2014-65; Structure  

  No. 20.46N-16.00E (Keith Browning);

 (c) Consider acquisition of easement for Project No. 2014-05; County Route 1055

  (Keith Browning);

 (d) Notice to Township Board on application for cereal malt beverage license request for Clinton     Marina Parking Lot Special Event on June 20, 2015 (Clerk’s Office);

 (e) Authorization to solicit construction bids for Project Nos. 2014-08 & 2014-09 Route 1055  pavement rehabilitation from Route 12 to Route 460 at Vinland Replacement of Bridge No.  05.07N-17.00E (Keith Browning);

 (f) Consider approval of Federal Fund Exchange Program agreement with KDOT

  (Keith Browning);

 (g) Consider authorization to solicit construction bids for Project Nos. 2013-17 & 2014-05  rehabilitation of Bridge No. 11.86N-15.00E Route 1055 pavement reconstruction north of  Wakarusa River Ridge.


(2) Request for reimbursement of a portion of 2014 property taxes (Hugh Carter)

(3) Consideration of previous budget request for $500,000 to support Peaslee Center renovations (Hugh Carter)

(4) Request for loan of up to $150,000 for Lawrence Workforce Center renovations (Hugh Carter)

(5) Consider authorization for project to reconfigure Hamm Landfill access road entrance off of US-24 highway (Keith Browning)

(6) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  

 (b) Appointments

 -Board of Zoning Appeal (1) eligible for reappointment 10/2014

 -Douglas County Senior Services Board of Directors (2) positions

 -Heritage Conservation Council-(2) positions - 05/2015

 -Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission (1) position -05/2015

 (c)  Public Comment

  (d)  Miscellaneous

(7) Adjourn

March 25, 2015

Flory called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 with all members present.


Flory moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Commission Order No. 15-019 (on file in the office of the County Clerk);

►  Authorized the Public Works Director to approve purchase of a 12’-span x 6’-high x 38’-long precast concrete box culvert and 32 feet of 24”-diameter concrete pipe from Cretex Concrete Products at a total cost of $36,807.72 for installation at 20.46N-16.00E;

►  Acquisition of Easement for Project No. 2014-05; County Route 1055 Road No. 290 (E1700 Road); with Quinn A. Miller, Lawrence, KS; Tract No. 2;

►  Notice to Township Board  for a Cereal Malt Beverage license for Clinton Marina parking Lot Special Event at 1329 E 800 Road on

 June 20, 2015;

►  Authorized to solicit bids for Project No. 2014-08, Route 1055 pavement rehabilitation from Route 12 to Route 460 at Vinland, and Project No. 2014-09, replacement of Bridge No. 05.07N-17.00E;

►  Agreement No. 49-15, federal fund exchange agreement with KDOT; and

►  Authorization to solicit bids for Project No. 2013-17, rehabilitation of the Route 1055 bridge over the Wakarusa River, and Project No. 2014-05. Route 1055 reconstruction from the Wakarusa River Bridge to approximately 950’ north of the bridge.

Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, asked the Board to consider temporarily closing E1750 Road, a Palmyra township road near Baldwin City. Residents are using this road as opposed to the posted detour around the construction on 1055. Browning feels the increased traffic along E1750, which is narrow with deep ditches, poses a safety hazard. Browning stated he has spoken with Sandy Elliott, Township Trustee, and she agrees with the temporary closing.

Phase one of the improvements to 1055 will be completed late April 2015 and the road will reopen for a short time. In June, the County will begin Phases 2 and 3 replacing culverts, widening shoulders and removing trees, which will close 1055 until October.

Browning proposed reducing the speed limit along E1750 Road, setting up closing barriers making the south portion open only to those living along the road, and totally closing the north portion of E1750.

Flory opened the item for public comment.

Luc Vanderbuerie, 465 E 1750 Road, stated concerns that the increased traffic and dust along E1750 is a safety hazard. He agreed with the need to close the road.

Bruce Brown, 405 E 1750 Road, asked if E1750 Road was maintenance by the City of Baldwin or the County. He would like to see the road paved.

Browning replied, E1750 is maintained by Palmyra Township.

Shawna Vanderbuerie, 465 E 1750 Road, stated she is also concerned about safety on E1750 because of the increased traffic as the road has sharp curves.

Flory asked if legally the County has a right to close a township road.

Browning replied technically E1750 is considered a County road, but we have assigned maintenance to Palmyra township. Palmyra doesn’t have the authority to implement speed limits on township roads. Browning stated he feels the County has an obligation to assist townships when needed without totally taking over maintenance.

Thellman asked of Browning will contact the emergency services about the road closure. Browning stated he will notify emergency services and notify and the Sheriff’s office.

Flory asked if the approval of the road closing requires a resolution to enforce the closure. Browning stated the Public Works Director has the right to implement temporary regulations under special circumstances. The County Counselor agreed this is appropriate and the County Commission can also direct the Public Works Director to close the road.

Thellman stated this is a logical step to take especially since the neighbors are supportive.

Thellman moved to direct the Public Works Director to implement the temporary closing of E1750 Road. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Hugh Carter, Chamber of Commerce; and Marvin Hunt, Director of the Dwayne Peaslee Technical Training Center, made a presentation to the Board on the proposed center to open in August 2015. The center will offer training courses, many for college credit through Flint Hills Training College; and Neosho and Johnson County Community Colleges.

Carter asked the Board for a reimbursement of a portion of the 2014 property taxes. The Economic Development Corporation of Lawrence and Douglas County (EDC) purchased a building located at 2920 Haskell Avenue in Lawrence to be used for educational and charitable purposes, namely the Peaslee Center. Part of the 15,000 square foot space will be leased to Hiper Real Estate Holdings, L.L.C.. for the Lawrence Workforce Center. Until the conversion is completed, the entire building is subject property taxes. EDC requests that the County agree to refund the sum of $20,239.45 with respect to the 2014 tax year.

Carter asked the Board to consider the previous budget request for $500,000 to support Peaslee Center renovations. In August 2014, EDC submitted a budget request to the City of Lawrence and Douglas County requesting support for the renovation and operation of the Peaslee Center, asking for a combined one-time contribution of $500,000. The County Commission told EDC to comeback with a scope of work, a detailed construction budget and draft of the curriculum. Those items are complete and have been submitted. The Peaslee Center requests consideration from the County for $500,000 for renovation (to be matched by the City of Lawrence).

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, confirmed there are adequate funds available in the CIP Contingency fund.

The final request was for a loan of up to $150,000 for renovations to accommodate the Lawrence Workforce Center. This is part of a combined request of $300,000 to the City and County. The terms propose a 10-year loan  with an interest rate equal to the average return of idle City and County funds, plus 1%.

Flory opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Three motions were made as follows:

1) Gaughan moved to the $20,239.45 2014 Real Estate Taxes Refund request. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

2) Thellman moved to direct staff to apply the appropriate funds, $500,000 expenditure for renovations to the Peaslee Center. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

3) And, Gaughan moved to direct staff to draft the loan documents appropriate for a loan up to $150,000, as part of a combined request of $300,000 from the City and County. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.


Keith Browning, Public Works Director, brought a request to the Board from Hamm Landfill to consider approving the reconfiguration of the Hamm Landfill access entrance off of US-24 highway. The existing entrance has been problematic for trucks during icy weather. The plan is to move the entrance 650 feet to the east to provide a straight alignment for the access road. Browning stated a westbound right-turn lane for the entrance is also preferred.

Hamm has already approached Jefferson County, who would be funding the project with the surcharge of $0.15/ton on deliveries to the landfill. Those monies are collected by Douglas County and distributed quarterly to Jefferson County for the improvement, maintenance and repairing of the landfill road. Currently the fund totals approximately $516,000. Browning stated the County engineer estimates the proposed project would cost $400,000 not including the eastbound left-turn lane on US-24 highway, which would be contingent upon KDOT funding. An agreement between both counties laying out the responsibilities will be required.

Charlie Sedlock, Hamm Inc., stated there are ample funds collected and available through Jefferson County for this type of road improvement. He feels a left-turn lane is necessary for safety reasons.

Flory opened the item for public comment.

Flory moved to authorize the Public Works Director to proceed with soliciting proposals to provide the design engineering services for realigning a portion of the Hamm Landfill access road looking at all options including a left turn lane. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.


Flory moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $318,626.18 to be paid on 03/26/15; and payroll for the amount of $863,862.69 paid on 03/24/15. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Flory moved to adjourn the meeting; Gaughan seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

____________________________  ____________________________

 James E. Flory, Chair                      Mike Gaughan, Vice-Chair


 ___________________________  _____________________________  

Jamie Shew, County Clerk               Nancy Thellman, Member



County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA