Commission Board Meeting on Tue, July 8, 2014 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

Budget Hearings

All times are approximate. Specific discussions may occur before or after the times scheduled.


8:30-8:45:  Handcuff Place (retirement apartments in Baldwin City) - Discuss a request for matching funds for a federal grant (Chris Waters)

8:45-8:55: Ballard Center (ESC) - Discuss request for part-time housing specialist (Kyle Roggenkamp)

8:55-9:05: Black Jack Battlefield (DMI) - Discussion of request for operating expenses (John Nichols)

9:05-9:15: Lecompton Historical (DMI) - Discuss request for an additional part-time employee (Paul Bahnmaier)

9:15-9:25: Clinton Lake Historical (DMI) - Discuss request to support intern program and utilities for addition (Martha Parker)

9:25-9:35: Douglas County Historical (DMI) - Discuss request to expand hours and update computer network (Steve Nowak)

9:35-9:50: Community Village Lawrence - Discuss request to support a VISTA employee (Kristopher Roberts)

9:50-10:05: Heartland Community Health Center - Discuss request for a part-time nurse (John Stewart)

10:05-10:15: Humane Society - Discuss request to help fund a master plan (Brandon Young)

10:15-10:30: District Attorney - Discuss request for a media/information technology specialist (Charles Branson)

10:30-10:45: Youth Services - Discuss request for a part-time juvenile services officer (Pam Weigand)

Thellman called the regular meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 8, 2014, with all members present.

BUDGET 07-08-14

The Board conducted 2015 budget hearings.

No action was taken.

Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting; Flory seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Nancy Thellman, Chair

Jim Flory, Vice-Chair


Jamie Shew, County Clerk

Mike Gaughan, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA