Commission Board Meeting on Wed, July 24, 2013 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information

Amended Agenda (revised wording to Item #3)

4:00 p.m.
 (1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
  (b) Approval of DOT Form 1302, Request for Construction Project, for replacement of E 1000 Road bridge over Washington Creek (Keith Browning)

(2) Consider waiving the bidding process and authorize staff to execute a contract with KanREN for one-year cost of $21,300 with the option to renew for four additional years for Douglas County's Internet Service Provider (ISP).(Jim Lawson)

(3) Consider authorizing staff to purchase equipment and services in the amount of $82,289.41 to complete phase 2 of the county telephone system replacement project.(Jim Lawson)
(4) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  
 (b) Appointments        
  -Lawrence Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission - Vacancy
 (c)  Public Comment
 (d) Miscellaneous  
 (5) Adjourn


Gaughan called the regular meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. on Wednesday,
July 24, 2013 with all members present. 

Gaughan moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:
►  Commission Order Nos.13-019 and 13-020 (on file in the office of the Clerk); and
► Kansas Department of Transportation DOT Form 1302, request for construction Project for the replacement of E1000 Road Bridge over Washington Creek.
Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

The Board considered approving a contract with KanREN to provide Internet Services to Douglas County. Jim Lawson, Director of Information Technology, presented the item.

The current contract, $24,948 annually with AT&T, will expire in January 2014. Staff is asking the Commission to waive the formal bidding process and approve a new contract with KanREN to begin in September, overlapping the AT&T contract by three months. Lawson said that Douglas County has maxed out our bandwidth. The Sheriff's office has a separate contract and they also need additional bandwidth. An upgrade with KanREN will allow enough additional width to include the Sheriff's needs. KanREN, a non-profit organization, provides service to universities and governments. The County is currently using a 20 Mb bi-directional internet connection. If approved, the contract with KanREN would be for 100 Mb at $21,300 per year. Lawson stated he compared the bid from KanREN to the bids received by City of Lawrence's as their internet usage is practically identical.

It was the consensus of the Board the upgrade and move to KanREN made sense.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Flory disclosed he is on the BTBC Board, which are the landlords for KanREN, so he will abstain from voting on this item.

Gaughan moved to waive the formal bidding process and authorize Douglas County Staff to accept and sign the quotation from KanREN for a (1) one-year contract at a cost of $21,300 with the option to renew for four additional years. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 2-0 with Commissioner Flory abstaining.  

The Board considered a request from staff to purchase equipment and services in the amount of $82,289.41 to complete Phase 2 of the county telephone system replacement project. Jim Lawson, Director of Information Technology, presented the item.

Lawson stated Phase 2 will replace the phone system hardware in our remote locations (Jail, Public Works shop, Youth Services, South Lawrence Treasurer/Zoning and Fairground locations) and will connect them back to the central phone system located in the Judicial Law Enforcement building. Once completed, he expects an approximate savings of $38.000 per year when all locations are working on one system.

Flory asked if funds have been set aside to cover this project. Lawson responded money was set aside in the Reserve Funds and should come in slightly under the projected amount.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Flory moved to authorize staff to purchase the good and services, as listed below, in the amount of $82,289.41 with the authorization for staff to approve any incidental costs not to exceed 5% of the total amount. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.






Move 191 Plexar numbers to our main phone system



All Gateways and phone system boards for all locations, installation and programming


State of Kansas contract 05771

R&R Communications

All needed network wiring, racks and terminations



All network switches, fiber modules, patch cables


Government contract

To bid

Phone price provided is average cost for 95 phones


Informal bid

Ted Upstill

Move analog telephone wiring and remove old phone system hardware when project complete




Gaughan moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $357,091.90
to be paid on 07/25/13. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.

Nancy moved to appointment Eric Struckhoff to fill the unexpired term of Chad Lamer on the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Gaughan moved to adjourn the meeting; Flory seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 

____________________________  ____________________________
 Mike Gaughan, Chair                         Nancy Thellman, Vice-Chair


 ____________________________  _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                    Jim Flory, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA