Commission Board Meeting on Wed, April 10, 2013 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information

4:00 p.m.

 (1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Review and Consider Approval Community Corrections FY2014 Comprehensive Plan and FY2014 Budget (Deborah Ferguson);
(c) Authorization to bid an overlay project on Route 1057 (N1000-K10), Route 458 (E1900 to E2200), Route 460 (E2000 to E2200), and E 900 Rd (Keith Browning);
(d) Authorization to bid an overlay project on Route 1061, K-10 to N 1200 Rd (Keith Browning);
(e) Authorization to renew a contract with Midwest Striping for 2013 Pavement Marking (Keith Browning);
(f) Consideration of permanent easement for bridge No. 10.80N-24.00E (Johnson County Line)-(Michael Kelly);
(g) Consider the Temporary Set-Aside Agreement and Cross Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement associated with Certificate of Survey, CSU-12-00271, for approximately 26 acres located in the NE quarter of Section 22, Township 13 South, Range 19 East. Submitted by Grob Engineering Services, LLC for Dwight and Kimberly Purvis, property owners of record-(Mary Miller);
(h) Consider Comprehensive Plan Amendment, CPA-5-5-11, to Chapter 6 of Horizon 2020 to add policies for the Auto-Related Commercial Centers designation. Adopt on first reading, Joint City Ordinance No. 8841/County Resolution No., for Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA-5-5-11) to Chapter 6 of Horizon 2020 to add policies for the Auto-Related Commercial Centers designation-(Dan Warner);
(i) Consider Comprehensive Plan Amendment, CPA-4-2-12, to Chapter 6 of Horizon 2020 to create CC600 District policies and to Chapter 14 Specific Plans, to revise the West of K-10 Plan and A Nodal Plan for the Intersection of West 6th Street & Kansas Highway 10 (K-10) designating the node of 6th Street and K-10 as a CC600. Adopt on first reading, Joint City Ordinance No. 8740/County Resolution No. ,for Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA-4-2-12)  to Chapter 6 of Horizon 2020 to create CC600 District policies and to Chapter 14 Specific Plans, to revise the West of K-10 Plan and A Nodal Plan for the Intersection of West 6th Street & Kansas Highway 10 (K-10) designating the node of 6th Street and K-10 as a CC600. (PC Item 1; approved 6-2 on 2/27/13, CC 1st Reading 3/26/13 approved 5-0)-(Amy Miller); and
(j) Consider Text Amendment, TA-13-00035, to Section 12-319-1 of the Zoning Regulations of the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas County to include Nanobrewery in the list of uses permitted with Conditional Uses and to establish any necessary standards for the use. Initiated by Planning Commission on 1/30/13. (PC Item 6; approved 8-0 on 3/25/13)- (Mary Miller)

(2) Consider agreement with Penny's Aggregates, Inc. for cost reimbursement for pre-dredging study and report concerning proposed sand facility (Keith Browning)

(3) Consider agreement with Conestoga-Rovers & Assocs., Inc. to provide pre-dredging study and report concerning proposed Penny's Sand facility (Keith Browning)

(4) Consider waiving the formal bidding process and authorize staff to utilize the Houston-Galveston Council Agreement for purchase of three (3) ambulances from American Emergency Vehicles (AEV) for a purchase price of $630,874.00. (Sarah Plinsky)

 (5) (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)  
       (b) Appointments  
  -Lawrence Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission 05/13
  -Heritage Conservation Council 05/13
  -Property Crimes Compensation Board 04/13   
       (c)  Public Comment 
       (d) Miscellaneous  

(6)  Adjourn


Gaughan called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 with all members present. 

Gaughan moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

 ►  Community Corrections FY2014 Comprehensive Plan and FY 2014 Budget;
 ►  Authorized the Public Works Director to solicit bids for Project No. 2013-6, pavement rehabilitation project on Route 1057, Route 458, Route 460 and E 900 Roads, with an add-alternate contract item for pavement rehabilitation work on Route 458 from E 2300 to E 2400 Road;
 ►  Authorized the Public Works Director to solicit bids for Project No. 2012-9, pavement rehabilitation on Route 1061 from K-10 to N 1200 Road;
 ►  Acquisition of right-of-way for Project No. 07511800; Road No. 25 (E2200 Road); Tract No. 1 for Troy L. and Katrina A. Unrein, 610 Tanglewood Drive, Billings, MT;
 ►  Temporary Set-aside Agreement ; and Cross- access Easement and Maintenance Agreement for the Cluster Development Certificate of Survey for property at 1167 E 1200 Road with Dwight C. and Kimberly S. Purvis [CSU 12-00271];
 ►  Comprehensive Plan Amendment, CPA-5-5-11, to Chapter 6 of Horizon 2020 to add policies for the Auto-related commercial Centers designation; and approve Joint Ordinance No. 8841 of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, and County Resolution No. 13-07 of Douglas County, Kansas, amending Horizon 2020, the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Lawrence and unincorporated Douglas County, Chapter 6 - Commercial, by establishing therein policies governing auto-related commercial centers, by adopting and incorporating therein by reference - "Horizon 2020, the Comprehensive Plan for the city of Lawrence and unincorporated Douglas County, March 2013 edition, " as prepared and published by the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office;  and
►  Comprehensive Plan Amendment, CPA-4-2-12, to Chapter 6 of Horizon 2020 to create CC600 District policies and Chapter 14 Specific Plans; and approve Joint Ordinance No. 8740 of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, and Resolution No. 13-08 of Douglas County, Kansas, amending Horizon 2020, the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Lawrence and unincorporated Douglas County, Chapter 6 - Commercial, by establishing therein policies governing CC6600 (Community Commercial) Districts, and Chapter 14 - Specific Plans, by revising therein the "West of K-10 Plan" to designate the Sixth Street and K-10 Node as  a CC600 (Community Commercial) node and deleting therefrom the existing "A Nodal Plan from the Intersection of West Sixth Street and Kansas Highway 10 (K-10)",  by adopting and incorporating therein by reference - "Horizon 2020, the Comprehensive Plan for the city of Lawrence and unincorporated Douglas County, March 2013 edition, " as prepared and published by the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office.

Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Pulled from agenda
PLANNING 04-10-13
The Board considered the approval of Text Amendment, TA-13-00035, to Section 12-319-1 of the Zoning Regulations of the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas County to include Nanobrewery in the list of uses permitted with Conditional Uses and to establish any necessary standards for the use. The item was initiated by the Planning Commission on 1/30/13, and approved by the Planning commission on 03/25/13 with an 8-0 vote. Mary Miller, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Staff, presented the item.

Gaughan stated he would like to delete Item No. 4 (under 12-319-4.46 Nanobreweries standards) A nanobrewery may employ up to three full-time employees as recommended by the planning condition. It was the consensus the Board agreed to delete this condition.

Gaughan moved to approve Text Amendment, TA-13-00035 to the Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas County, deleting No. 4 under the standards of Section 12-319-4.36. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Gaughan moved to authorize the chair to sign an agreement, on behalf of the Board, with Penny's Aggregates, Inc. for the cost reimbursement for a pre-dredging study and report concerning proposed sand facility outside Eudora. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.

The Board considered an agreement with Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Inc. to provide a pre-dredging study and report concerning proposed Penny's Sand facility. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, presented the item.

Thellman asked why only one core will be drilled to 70 feet, and the rest will stop at 40 feet. Concern over contaminants traveling through a deep, highly transmissive rock layer was raised during earlier public discussions of the sand facility. She feels the point is to determine the rate and direction of subsurface water flow and it seems the drilling should be deeper than 40 feet. Kirk H ffner, Soil Consultant with Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Inc., stated the cost increases the deeper you drill. The idea is one well taken to bedrock along with the shallower wells will provide the necessary lithologic information to allow determination of hydraulic conductivity. The shallower monitoring wells will also provide better information on any movement of contaminants.

Thellman stated an important point is trying to keep contaminants out of the pit lake, then pushing soil back into the pit. Thellman wants to make sure there will be a soil analysis. H ffner said there will be five locations they will be drilling to test the soils, which was built into the not-to-exceed price of $59,392.00. There was discussion, and per consensus of the Board, to add a test pit to the pre-dredging contract.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comments were received.

Gaughan moved to approve the agreement with Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Inc. for a pre-dredging study and report concerning the proposed Penny's Sand facility. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0. 

The Board considered waiving the formal bidding process and authorized staff to utilize the Houston-Galveston Council Agreement for the purchase of three (3) ambulances from American Emergency Vehicles (AEV) for a purchase price of $630,874.00. Mark Bradford, Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Chief, presented the item.

Bradford stated he is seeking the purchase of three additional ambulances (one budgeted from FY2012, one from FY2013 and one additional request).The present style is no longer available so he plans to purchase a medium duty Chevrolet G4500 being used in neighboring counties. The life expectancy is predicted at 5-7 years, which is lower than past purchases. However, he predicts a greater potential resale residual price. Bradford explained his rotation strategy and unit replacement schedule and stated funding for the purchase is available in the Equipment Reserve. The FY2103 transfers are included and are sufficient for this purchase.
Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comments were received.

Flory moved to 1) waive the formal bidding process and authorized staff to utilize the Houston-Galvaston Council agreement for the purchase; and 2) purchase three (3) ambulances from American Emergency Vehicles (AEV) for a purchase price of $630,874.00 ($209,958.00 each), plus $1000 H-GAC). Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Gaughan moved to accept Jeremy Farmer's resignation on Joint Economic Development Board affective April 26, 2013 and then to appoint Scott Criqui,
to fill the unexpired position. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0. 

Flory moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $431,165.57 to be paid on 04/11/13 and a manual check in the amount of $25,000.00 paid on 04/04/13; payroll in the amounts of $817,844.04 paid on 04/05/13, $798,033.40 paid on 03/22/13, $13,091.13 paid on 03/15/13, $813,512.70 paid on 03/08/13, $795,308.54 paid on 02/22/13, $220.00 paid on 02/08/13, $862,129.98 paid on 02/08/13, $785,480.78 paid on 01/25/13, $342,518.98 paid on  01/11/13, and $513,778.49 paid on 01/11/13; KPERS in the amounts of $90,795.46 paid on 04/05/13, $93,977.88 paid on  03/22/13 , $95,470.97 paid on 03/08/13, $93,922.54 paid on 02/22/13, $100,177.27 paid on  02/08/13, $92,308.80 paid on  01/25/13, $40,612.32 paid on  01/11/13, and $60,918.49 paid on 01/11/13; and FICA in the amounts of $59,718.62 paid on 04/05/13, $58,218.17 paid on 03/22/13, $20.11 paid on  03/15/13, $59,398.63 paid on  03/08/13, $58,040.90 paid on  02/22/13, $63,146.93 paid on  02/08/13, $57,064.42 paid on 01/25/13, $25,074.59 paid on 01/11/13 and $37,611.90 paid on 01/11/13. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Gaughan moved to adjourn the meeting; Flory seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 

____________________________  ____________________________
 Mike Gaughan, Chair                         Nancy Thellman, Vice-Chair


 ____________________________ _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Jim Flory, Member



County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA