Commission Board Meeting on Wed, June 20, 2012 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information

The County Commission will meet at 4:00 p.m. for administrative items and 6:35 p.m. for public items. Please see backup for agenda at 4:00 p.m. listing.


Gaughan called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2012 with all members present. 

MINUTES 06-20-12
Gaughan moved to approve the minutes of May 30, 2012. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0. 
Gaughan moved approval of the following Consent Agenda items:

► Commission Order No. 12-027 (on file in the office of the Clerk); and
► Use of Lone Star Lake and Marina for the 7th Annual Midwest Mayhem Triathlon to be held July 15, 2012.
Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.
Dave Corliss, City Manager, presented the Board with a request from City of Lawrence to plat county owned property west of East Hills Business Park and adjacent to the former Farmland property now owned by the City of Lawrence. The City plans to redevelop the Farmland Property into a "green" business park and therefore wants to initiate a special assessment benefit district soon for the first phase of improvements to the property. 

Darron Ammann, representative from Bartlett and West Engineering, was also present. 

The Board discussed City owned property east of the fairgrounds currently used as overflow parking for fair events. This land, according to the proposed land map, is to be platted and potentially sold for industrial use.

Flory commented it was his understanding the property east of the fairgrounds (listed on the current concept plan as future industrial development) was originally designated public use and was being considered for potential fairgrounds expansion. Flory said he prefers the idea of the City and County agreeing to designate this area for fairground use. He asked if the City is willing to still consider this option or if this discussion is "off the table" as the County Commission will receive a presentation by the Fairgrounds committee at the 6:35 p.m. meeting. Corliss replied the idea is not "off the table." In the Master Plan adopted by the City and County, this area is labeled for civic purposes. Corliss added at that time the property was owned by a trust. The County and City Commission have a major policy issue as whether or not we want the ground to be used for fairground or other civic purposes, or whether we want an industry to come to this community and locate on this property. Presently, the City is trying to get the locations of the streets determined and all of the utility infrastructures in place so lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 could be combined for the appropriate primary job employer, or they could have one small user and maybe accommodate fairground or other civic use. 

Flory said the civic property could be an effective buffer between some of the existing land uses and industrial use. Corliss added it is his understanding some of property is being used for fairground parking overflow and he sees no reason to preclude that until such time the City wants to devote that property to other use. 

Thellman stated she wants to hear the Fairgrounds Committee's presentation and then hear what each Commissioner is thinking individually. She said the concept laid out with the emphasis on 21st century design and sustainability is appreciated.

Corliss indicated that the City intended to finance the streets through special assessments but the special assessments on the streets that were planned adjacent to County properties would be deferred until an industry purchases that property. If the City and the County agree to waive the assessments as a part of the effort to recruit an industry, the City would not expect the County to pay those assessments. Corliss anticipated that these issues would be negotiated between the City, County and the purchaser at the time of sale.

There was discussion that if the County wanted to purchase property for fairground purposes, the City was willing to entertain that option now or in the future. Or, the City might entertain the possibility of reserving the lot next to the fairgrounds as civic property. However, the City is prepared to move forward with getting the utilities, sewer and road services available for the purposed area.

Gaughan stated for clarification the City is here tonight to move forward on the public platting process. He is happy with the way the property is laid out in the plan presented.
Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Flory moved to indicate to the City of Lawrence the Board's approval to move forward with the platting of the County owned property west of East Hills Business Park and concurred with the work for special assessments for the area; and directed the County Administrator to work with the City of Lawrence on preparing the special assessments; and noted the County will be in discussions with the City regarding the civic use of property adjacent to the fairgrounds. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

The Board considered participating in the proposed Neighborhood Revitalization Area (NRA) for 810/812 Pennsylvania, a building known as the Cider Building. Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager, presented the item.

Tony Krsnich, project developer, presented the Board with his proposal for redevelopment which includes an art gallery, rental space for small starter businesses, green initiatives such as solar panels on the roof and electric car hookups. The historic P hler Building, located nearby, is also in the process of renovating for apartments. Krsnich is requesting a 10-year, 95% rebate on the incremental tax revenues and that the City, Douglas County and USD 497 all participate in the revitalization program.

Gaughan asked Krsnich to describe the economic development process for the project. Krsnich projects in the first year the development will create six permanent jobs, year two will bring four additional jobs from development seed companies; and years three and four will bring at a minimum two jobs per year, all in addition to the planned office occupants.

Brit Crum-Cano, Economic Development Coordinator for the City of Lawrence, discussed the cost benefit analysis and feels Krsnich's project meets the eligibility qualifications by the State and the City for the NRA.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.
Thellman stated she took a tour of the renovated P hler Building and the Cider Building and said the work done is amazing. The revitalization is to a much needed area. The real emphasis is on the arts, human relationships and building a community. It's a valuable project for the community and it's partnering with Tenants to Homeowners.

Gaughan stated his support for the project.

Gaughan moved to approve the NRA request and authorized staff to work with the City of Lawrence and USD 497 to determine its participation in the proposed NRA district and authorized the execution of a City-County-School District cooperation agreement regarding the administration of the NRA plan contingent upon approval by City. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

The Board discussed a proposed Joint Economic Development Council (JEDC) as proposed by the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce. The council is a community partnership whose purpose is to facilitate primary job creation and retention within Douglas County. JEDC will review budget requests submitted by the Chamber Board to the City and County for economic development.

It was the consensus of the Board that they are supportive of the council. The next step is to direct staff to prepare the amendments for the necessary resolutions to put the plan in action.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

No action was taken.
The Board considered a recommendation for a GPS/ AVL Fleet Management System (Global Positioning System/Automatic Vehicle Location) for Public Works. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works; Doug Stephens, Operations Manager; and Jackie Waggoner, Purchasing Director, were present for the discussion.

The GPS/AVL Fleet Management System is designed to provide vehicle performance data, location tracking and operations monitoring as general capabilities. It also can also monitor unauthorized vehicle use, vehicle speed and location, report project costs for snow and ice removal, coordinate and track material delivered to job sites and track deteriorating road conditions along with enhancing safety of workers. 

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.
No public comment.

MG moved to waive formal bidding process and contract for CPS/AVL Fleet Management with Locations Technologies for $45,156.00. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.

The Board considered the recommendation to purchase a new boiler for the United Way Building. Jack Waggoner, Purchasing Director; and Bill Bell, Maintenance Director, presented the item.

Bell recommended replacing the boiler with a 95% plus efficient Aerco boiler similar to the one installed at the courthouse in 2010 which has achieved a 47% energy use reduction. Based on the results of the Courthouse boiler, he estimates a potential annual savings of $3,400 (40% of their annual natural gas expenditure of $8,519).

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Flory moved to approve the purchase of an Aerco boiler from Blackmore & Glunt in the amount of $34,174, and the installation with Chaney, Inc. for a cost of $16,000 for a combined cost of $50,174. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.
Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, asked the Board to consider approving the repair of a 2005 Caterpillar Motor Grader in the estimated amount of $25,247.64. Repairs should take 2-3 weeks. The cost of a new grader is approximately $225,000.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Flory moved to approve the cost of repair for the existing 2005 Caterpillar Motor Grader in the approximate amount of $25,247.64 and for staff to work with the County Administrator to determine the appropriate fund for payment. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.
Flory moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $593,457.42 to be paid on 06/21/12 and a manual check in the amount of $25.00 paid on 06/18/12. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Flory moved to reappoint Bob Newton to the Douglas County Emergency Management Board for a one year term to expire July 1, 2013. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

At 5:30 p.m., Gaughan moved to recess until 6:35 p.m. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

The Board reconvened at 6:35 p.m.

Tara Pearce, Fairgrounds CIP Committee, made a presentation to the Board on repairs and upgrades needed at the fairgrounds, projects completed since 2008 and recommendations for new projects as follows:
- Exhibitor RV parking with 20-25 pull through stalls to include bathroom facilities and utility hookups
- Open pavilion for community events, fair livestock showing, dog shows, auctions, horse shows
- Outdoor park area for demonstration landscaping, outdoor seating, stage, outdoor weddings with restrooms
- Meeting hall for family events, weddings, public meetings, business ventures to bathrooms and a kitchen

Sarah Plinsky, Assistant County Administrator, stated over the past few years some repairs have been placed on hold because of the unknown status of the master plan for the facilities. 

There was discussion of the many users of the fairgrounds facilities by outside organizations in addition to local 4-H clubs and Scouts. The facilities are booked on a regular basis. However there are a number of issues that need to be addressed: The Derby Arena presents a number of electrical issues, it's not ADA accessible and the bleachers need replaced; the restrooms in the old judging area are in bad condition and are not ADA accessible. The bare minimum cost for repairs need throughout the facilities is estimated at $329,000.

The recommendation from the committee was for the Board to consider a debt fund of an estimated $244,000 a year for 20 years to make long-term repairs and upgrades.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment.

John Cramer, 818 E 1650 Road, stated the Kennel Club uses the facilities for shows in October. Johnson County just lost a show to Topeka because of the condition of their facilities. He feels the Douglas County Fairgrounds are adequate but his organization has asked him to consider other venue options. He supports the Board improving the facilities.

Murlene Priest, 3521 SE Powell, Topeka, stated she uses Douglas County fairgrounds regularly. Her organization recently brought in 80 people who stayed at a local hotel, ate at local restaurants and shopping in downtown Lawrence. She supports the improvements. 

Thellman asked Priest what she is currently paying for rent to the fairgrounds facilities. Priest replied $1,530 rental and $370 to clean. Priest added she also has to rent tables from an outside supplier because the fairgrounds tables are in poor condition.

Ralph Reschke, 2410 Hazybrook, said he has used the facilities for 50 years for the antique swap meet. He supports improvements to the facilities and added his organization has helped pay for some of the improvements over the years.

George Lauppe, 1309 N 1056 Road, is a member of the Antique Auto Club and stated his swap meet fees jumped from $0 to $2,500. Though he is satisfied with the facilities, he supports improvements as some of the buildings don't work for his event.  

Jim Harmon, Douglas County Master Gardeners, stated he supports improvements to the facilities.   

Jane Tusten, 1517 E Highway 40, uses building 21 for dog shows and training 18 weeks out of the year. She is concerned about a rate increase. Her workers donate their time and they are barely scraping by at the current rate.  

Clarence Brum, 1788 N 300 Road, stated new buildings would be an asset to our youth and a good investment.

Hank Booth, Chamber of Commerce, stated he would like to see the history of the fairgrounds recognized on the fairgrounds campus.

Jenna Brum, 1788 N 300 Road, stated she uses the fairgrounds often for horse riding and we have riders coming from Gardner to use our facilities. She supports the improvements.

Bill Wood, Douglas County Extension Agent, complemented Douglas County on their commitment to talking care of facilities and maintenance.

Frank Male, 861 E 2100th Road, stated the bond rates are low and feels if the Board wishes to entertain the idea of debt financing, now would be the best time. Male also stated the 40 acres adjacent to the fairgrounds that is owned by the City of Lawrence, should also be considered in the financing discussions.

Jason Flory, 576 E 1250 Road, thanked the Committee and Commissioners for their consideration to invest in the fairgrounds which is also an investment in our community. J. Flory said Douglas County is looked up in Kansas as being leaders. Long-range improvement plans come with pain, but the payoff is tenfold. 

Gaughan moved to close the public hearing. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Gaughan questioned if the improvements would cause an increase in actual maintenance costs. He stated he would not want to approve a $3 million investment and not be able to pay for the ongoing maintenance. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, added the Commission would also want to know the increase in operating costs that might result from the proposed improvements. The user fees only cover approximately one-third to one-half of the utilities costs. So there is a net increase in the operating costs. Also the attendees do bring revenue to the community but those funds don't impact the County budget.

Flory stated he is a strong supporter and feels the fairgrounds is one case where the County should seriously look at investing in as the whole community uses the facilities in addition to 4-H and scouts. Until he started working with the subcommittee, he had no idea how much the grounds are used. The revenue brought in by those attending the fairgrounds d sn't come to the County but it d s go into the pockets of the community. This is an ambitious and expensive plan. Flory stated we only have a few County owned properties and we want something we're proud of that serves a purpose and meets the needs of the community. He feels this plan d s that. And if we build it, we won't have trouble filling it. Flory stated he is supportive but not without the reality of the economic times and the budget we have to work with. He agrees we need more numbers. He feels this plan is something we all can be proud of and feels tax payers would agree this investment is appropriate for their tax dollars.

Thellman stated Pearson gave a very important and persuasive presentation. She agrees the maintenance and utilities may require another staff person to manage the facilities. If it's a possibility we need to know about it. She feels the returns on new buildings and improvements will be great. Thellman stated she was originally thinking of a piece-meal approach to the improvements, but after listening to presentation and Commissioner Flory, maybe we should take advantage of the low bond rates. As the Commissioner who represents the eastside of the County, Thellman stated we would be well served with this plan. However, she too would like to see a few more numbers.

Flory moved to direct staff to pursue a financial analysis on how this project can be completed and incorporated into the budget; this motion is a statement from this Commission that the Board wants to look at this project and pursue its feasibility, without a guarantee that it will go through; and with the note that the Board is enthusiastic but willing to listen to stern budget conservations and to act responsibly. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Flory moved to adjourn the meeting; Thellman seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 

____________________________  ____________________________
 Mike Gaughan, Chair                          Nancy Thellman, Vice-Chair


 ____________________________  _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                    Jim Flory, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA