Commission Board Meeting on Wed, May 16, 2012 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information

4:00 p.m.
-Consider approval of the minutes for April 4, 2012.

(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Consider approving the 7th Judicial District Capital Outlay Grant Award from the Juvenile Justice Authority. (Pam Weigand);
(c) Consider approval to the purchase of a Ford Fusion Hybrid with Shawnee Mission Ford in the amount of $26,005 for Youth Services (Jackie Waggoner/Pam Weigand);
(d) Consider waiving formal bidding process and authorizes staff to access the State of Nebraska contract with Murphy Tractor for a motor grader in the amount of $191,960 with the buy-back provision, and accept the amount of 67,635.07 not under contract for a total cost of $259,595.07. (Jackie Waggoner); and
(e) Consider approval of acquisition of right of way for bridge no. 11.00N - 12.40E (Michael Kelly)

(2) Consider proposed reorganization of economic development functions (Weinaug, Ross)

(3) Consider acceptance of dedication of right-of-way for Final Plat, PF-1-1-12, for Sadies Lake Addition, a one-lot subdivision of approximately 205 acres located at 778 E 1300 Road. Submitted by Grob Engineering Services, for Sadies Lake LC, property owner of record. The Planning Director administratively approved the final plat on April 27, 2012. (Mary Miller will present the item)

(4) Commission discussion of the Resolution Implementing Open Burning Regulations in the unincorporated areas of Douglas County. (Jim Flory)

(5) Other Business 
 (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
 (b) Appointments: 
-Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission - 05/12
-Property Crimes Compensation Board - 04/12
-Heritage Conservation Council (2) Positions - 05/12
(c) Public Comment
(d) Miscellaneous

6:35 p.m.


(6) Discuss KDOT removal of climbing lane on existing US-59 at Pleasant Grove prior to turning over the roadway to Douglas County (Keith Browning)

(7) Receive a presentation from KDOT on the planned interchange at Bob Billings Parkway & K-10 highway (Keith Browning)

(8) Adjourn




Gaughan called the regular meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 with all members present. 

MINUTES 05-16-12
Thellman moved to approve the minutes of April 4, 2012. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.

Flory moved approval of the following Consent Agenda items:

► 7th Judicial District Capital Outlay Grant Award from the Juvenile Justice Authority in the amount of $28,582.00;
 ► Purchase of a Ford Fusion Hybrid with Shawnee Mission Ford in the amount of $26,005.00 for Youth Services. The JJA Grant will contribute $18,134.00 toward the purchase with the remaining balance of $7,871.00 to be paid by the Sustainability and Energy Reinvestment Fund;
   ► Waived the formal bidding process and authorized staff to access the State of Nebraska contract with Murphy Tractor to purchase a motor grader in the amount of $191,960 with the buy-back provision, and accept the amount of $67,635.07 not under contract for a total cost of $259,595.07.
Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

The Board considered a proposal on the reorganization of economic development functions.

Gaughan opened the meeting for public comment.

Jean Milstead, interim vice president of Economic Development for the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, stated she envisions the function of the Joint Economic Development partnership to oversee the budget and make policy decisions, assist with work force development in the community, determine incentives for projects to be located in the community and review what the community has to offer the terms of locating business here.

Kirk McClure, Professor of Urban Planning, University of Kansas, suggested   the current use of the Chamber is ineffective and there is a need for more skilled professionals on staff.
Carrie Lindsey, President of League of Women Voters, stated a letter was submitted to the City outlining some concerns and she wanted to make sure the County was aware of those concerns.  Lindsey said she is excited about the opportunity to bring new jobs.

Hank Booth, Executive Vice President of Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, stated because of input received at the City Commission meeting, there is still ongoing consideration for the makeup of the Economic Development partnership. He noted Greg Williams, the new president of the Chamber, brings with him the experience of adding $500 million in economic development to the Springfield, Missouri area over the past 10 years. His number one goal coming in is to retain the jobs our area already has. 

Carrie Lindsey, a private citizen, suggested the Economic Development Partnership have specific meeting opportunities to involve the local universities; school districts, neighborhood associations and to add two ex-officio interns from the Planning Department at the University of Kansas. 

The item will be brought back before the Commission for discussion at a
later date.

PLANNING 05-16-12
The Board considered the acceptance of dedication of right-of-way for Final Plat, PF-1-1-12, for Sadies Lake Addition, a one-lot subdivision of approximately 205 acres located at 778 E 1300 Road. The application was submitted by Grob Engineering Services, for Sadies Lake LC, property owner of record. The Planning Director administratively approved the final plat on April 27, 2012 with conditions. Mary Miller, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Staff, presented the item.

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Thellman moved to accept the dedications of right-of-way Final Plat, PF-1-1-12, for Sadies Lake Addition, based upon a certification by the Planning Director, and subject to the following conditions:

1)  Provision of a revised final plat with the following changes:
a)  General Note 4 revised as follows:
"Pursuant to Subdivision Design Standards Section 20-810(k) regarding Protection Standards for Environmentally Sensitive Lands - Unincorporated Area of the County, the Owner has elected to provide provisions to protect environmentally sensitive lands with a Temporary Set-aside Agreement (TSA) which has been filed with the Douglas County Register of Deeds, Book            , and Page                ."

b)  The areas marked on the plan as 'protected by the Temporary Set-aside Agreement' should include the wording "Details of the protected area provided in exhibit provided with Temporary Set-aside Agreement."
2)  Provision of a Temporary Set-aside Agreement for Board of County Commissioner's approval.

Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.

Commissioner Flory opened a discussion regarding the consideration of a resolution to propose burning regulations in the unincorporated area of Douglas County. Originally the Commission asked Emergency Management to create a simpler way to implement a burning ban when conditions warrant. However, the resolution brought forward seems to go beyond the original request setting forth regulations of activities he d sn't want to regulate. Flory said as is, the resolution would need to be modified before he could support it. The fire chiefs indicated the resolution was following Kansas administrative language which is enforced by KDHE. Flory agreed KDHE should continue to enforce their language. However, there are so many common everyday activities in Douglas County that under the new resolution would arguably be prohibited. He questions in particular agricultural opening burning language not addressing brush burning. The resolution currently presented could have unintended consequences and needs further consideration.

Gaughan asked if the administrative regulations define agricultural open burning or if KDHE d sn't enforce brush burning. Flory responded he d sn't honestly know. He feels the County needs to look at addressing a ban when severe conditions warrant it's unsafe to burn, and not regulate normal activities.

Thellman agreed there needs to be further study as the resolution will affect a large number of people.

Gaughan stated the point is to make it easier on the Commission to complete a ban process and easier for the citizens to understand. The resolution as proposed is overly complicated.

Flory offered to work with Teri Smith, Director of Emergency Communications,
to find a way to more easily and expeditiously impose a burn ban.

Kay Pesnell, Douglas County Register of Deeds, stated she also lives in the county and is concerned about this resolution prohibiting residents from keeping their farms clean, such as burning hedge row debris.

No action taken.

Gaughan moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $783,553.71 to be paid on 05/17/12. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Prior to a discussion of particular nominees, Commission Flory expressed his ongoing concern about the lack of rural representation on the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission. Thellman then moved to appoint Chad Lamer to the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission for a three-year term to expire 05/31/15. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 2-1 with Flory in opposition.

Note: Commissioner Flory opposed the appointment of Lamer, not because of his qualifications, but because Flory was looking for a candidate with a rural perspective to represent the unincorporated area of Douglas County.

RECESS 05-16-12
At 5:00 p.m., the Board recess until the 6:35 p.m. meeting.

RECONVENE 05-16-12
At 6:35 p.m., the Board reconvened to regular session.

Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, opened a discussion regarding whether KDOT should remove a climbing lane on existing US-59 at Pleasant Grove prior to turning over the roadway to Douglas County. The cost to maintain the 3-lane road with climbing lane would be 50% higher than maintaining two lanes. The road will no longer be a federal highway but a county minor collector road and should see a large reduction in traffic. Browning's position was to remove the lane but retain a 6'-wide asphalt paved shoulder.

Browning said he discussed the issue with Steve Baalman, KDOT Area Engineer, prior to the meeting. Mr. Baalman was in attendance. Mr. Baalman suggested, as an alternative to removing half of the width of one lane, the road centerline could be shifted approximately 6' westerly.  This would allow paving two through lanes with two paved shoulders. It would also better accommodate replacement of the existing guardrail to current standards. 

Gaughan opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

It was the consensus of the Board that Browning work with Steve Baalman, KDOT Area Engineer, to shift the road's centerline such that the final road section will consist of two through lanes with two paved shoulders, each at least 6 feet wide.

The Board received a presentation from Ryan Simms, KDOT Road Designs Department, on the planned interchange at Bob Billings Parkway & K-10 Highway. The state T-Works program is funding a large majority of the project. The current estimate on the construction for this project is $17,000,000. KDOT has requested that the City of Lawrence and Douglas County participate in the project in a total amount of $2,000,000. The project includes a standard diamond interchange with two through lanes and two left-turn lanes for each travel direction, with sidewalk and bike lanes on each side of the bridge.

No action was taken.
Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting; Flory seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 

____________________________  ____________________________
 Mike Gaughan, Chair                         Nancy Thellman, Vice-Chair


 ____________________________  _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                    Jim Flory, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA