Commission Board Meeting on Wed, January 19, 2011 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information

4:00 p.m.

(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b)  Consider approval of a Temporary Set Aside Agreement and Cross Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement for Certificate of Survey [CSU-3-2-10] a 20-acre site located in Section 31, Township 13S, Range 20E for May-West, LC Property owner of record. Property is located southeast of the intersection of N 1000 and E 1450 Roads.(Mary Miller is the Planner);
(c) Consider approval of a Cross Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement [CSU-3-1-10] on a 25 acre site located in Section 31, Township 13S, Range 20E for May-West, LC Property owner of record. Property is located on E 1450 Road south of the intersection of N 1000 and E 1450 Roads.(Mary Mille is the Planner);and
(d) Acknowledgement of November and December 2010 Fee Reports (Clerk's Office)

(2) Update on fuel contracts (Jackie Waggoner/Mike Perkins)

(3) Discussion on purchase of vehicles (Jackie Waggoner)

(4) Consideration of Dust Palliative Program for 2011 (Keith Browning)

(5) Report from Lawrence Community Shelter leaders on homeless issue (Loring Henderson)-No backup

Reconvene at 6:35 p.m.
(6) Presentation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage Task Force's preliminary report (Ken Grotewiel)

(7) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment

(8)  Adjourn  


Flory called the regular session meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 with all members present.
Flory moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Commission Order Nos. 11-001 and 11-003 (on file in the office of the Clerk);
► Temporary Set Aside Agreement between May-West, L.C., Douglas County and the City of Lawrence for Certificate of Survey [CSU-3-2-10]. Property is located southeast of the intersection of N 1000 and E 1450 Roads;
► Cross Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement between May-West, L.C. and the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County for a 20-acre site located southeast of the intersection of N 1000 and E 1450 Roads;
► Cross Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement between May-West, L.C. and the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County for a 25-acre site located on E 1450 Road south of the intersection of N1000 and E1450 Roads; and
► Acknowledgement of additional fee reports for November and December 2010.

Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Jackie Waggoner, Director of Purchasing, gave the Board an update on fuel contracts. Mike Perkins, Operations Manager, was also present for discussion. In 2006, the Board approved the County's current fuel contract which was established using a "fixed cost plus" approach over the daily Oil Producer Index Survey (OPIS). As we look at renewing our contract for the third year, our contractor, Capital City Oil, asked the County to consider participating in fixed price contracts for diesel and unleaded fuel.

For the past two renewal periods (2009 & 2010), the County has committed up to 50% of our volumes for diesel and unleaded to fixed price contracts while allowing us to lock in prices quarterly. In 2009, the unleaded fixed contract cost produced a savings of $8,380 over the OPIS contract, while the diesel produced an additional cost of $18,914, leaving the County with an average increase of $10,534. In 2010, the fixed contracts produced an additional cost for diesel for $350.40, and unleaded with a savings of $1,498.14.

For the past two years the fixed price contract reflects a cost increase, but staff feels this approach protects the County against fuel spikes and provides a way to budget our fuel cost. Our contract ends on 12/14/11. Waggoner submitted the following options: 
1) Purchase all fuel using the "fixed cost plus" approach over the
 daily OPIS.  
2) Purchase 50% of our fuel using the "fixed cost plus" over the daily OPIS, and 50% on fixed contracts.
3) Purchase/lease fuel tanks at county site(s).

Staff stated that there is only one vendor to provide this service, along with using the OPUS index and the cardlock system.

After discussion, Flory moved to accept Option 2, purchasing up to 50% of our fuel using the "fixed cost plus" over the daily OPIS, and 50% on fixed contracts; and to allow Staff to negotiate with Capital Oil. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.  
The Board considered the purchase of two (2) sedans for Administration, three (3) three-quarter pickup trucks and one (1) compact SUV for Public Works. Jackie Waggoner, Director of Purchasing, presented the item.

The sedans will replace a 1998 Ford Taurus and a 1997 Chevrolet Cavalier both with mechanical issues. Public Works will replace a 2003 F-350; a 2002 F-250; a 2001 F-350; and a 1999 Ford Explore with high mileage. Douglas County participated in a regional cooperative bid for 2011 vehicles through Mid-America Council of Public Purchasing (MACPP). Shawnee Mission Ford was the awarded contractor for all three vehicle types. The attached table summarizes the cost (based on quantity) of the vehicles to be replaced, and identifies hybrid options for the sedans and the SUV.





(Return on Investment)

Avoided CO2

(Hybrid model)


Annual Fuel Cost

Fusion $1,187

Fusion $1,854

12 years

2.7 ton annually


Escape $1,599

Escape $2,109

21 years

2 tons annually

 $34,664 (2 standards), or $50,432 (2 hybrids), or $42,748 (1 standard, 1 hybrid)
Public Works: $88,838 (3 trucks & 1 standard SUV), or $99,580 (3 trucks & 1 hybrid SUV)

The Board asked Waggoner to lead a discussion in the spring regarding the use of a Cooperative Contract versus using local vendors.
Flory opened the item for public comment.

Hank Booth, Chamber of Commerce, stated he would like to see the County utilize local vendors in future decision on vehicles contracts.

After discussion, Gaughan moved to authorize the purchase of two hybrid 2011 Ford Fusions for administration in the amount of $50,432; 3 trucks/1 standard SUV for Public Works in the amount of  $88,838 all from Shawnee Mission Ford using the cooperative contract. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.

Flory moved to continue the brokerage of the Dust Palliative Program for 2011 with the user fees remaining at 2010 levels, i.e. an up-front user fee of $1.60/linear foot ($1.00/l.f. for dust palliative material and water, and an additional $0.60/l.f. user fee to cover road preparation costs), plus an administrative fee of $45.00 per applicant, plus a late fee of $15.00 per application submitted after the deadline; and authorize the treatment of additional roads to include 1140 l.f. of roadway on Route 1039 south of the town of Lone Star, two sections of E 1750 Road north of Route 460 (1300 l.f.), Route 458 from E 1 Road to E 100 Road with funding coming from the Road and Bridge Fund 201. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.  
Flory moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $205,888.69 for checks issued in 2010 and 2011 paid on 01/13/11, and $284,772.52 to be paid on 01/20/11; payroll in the amount of $493,707.59 paid on 01/14/11; FICA in the amounts of $36,618.06 for 2011 Budget paid on 01/14/11 and $36,618.07 for 2010 Budget paid on 01/14/11; and KPERS of $44,616.75  for 2011 Budget paid on 01/14/11. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Gaughan moved to adjourn the meeting; Thellman seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 


_________________________  __________________________
 Jim Flory, Chair                            Mike Gaughan, Vice-Chair


 _________________________  ____________________________ 
Jamie Shew, County Clerk               Nancy Thellman, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA