Commission Board Meeting on Wed, May 12, 2010 - 4:00 PM

Meeting Information

4:00 p.m. Convene
-Consider approval of a proclamation declaring May 2010 as "Mental Health Month" (David Johnson)
-Recognition for Emily Jackson
-Consider approval of minutes of April 7 and April 21, 2010

(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Consider approval for 2010 radio purchases for the Sheriff's Office (Gary Bunting);
(c) Consider approval of right-of-way contracts for 01.30N-05.50E (Michael Kelly);
(d) Consider approval of right-of-way contracts for 01.42N-05.50E (Michael Kelly);
(e) Consider awarding contract for asphalt overlay and paved shoulders Route 1023/458 from Stull to Route 1 Project No. 2010-12 (Keith Browning); and
(f) Consider approval of Notice to the Township Board for cereal Malt Beverage License for Clinton Marina Parking Lot Special Event to be held on June 19, 2010 at 1329 E 800 Rd (Clerk's Office)

(2) Consider approval of Emergency Purchasing Task Force (Jackie Waggoner/Gabe Engeland)

(3) Consider approval to access the HGAC contract for equipment for Public Works (Jackie Waggoner)

(4) Introduction of Eileen Horn, Sustainability Coordinator-No backup

(5) Presentation on the principles of No Adverse Impact (NAI) (Tom Morey)

(6) Presentation by KDOT of 3 bridge replacement projects East of Baldwin on Highway 56 in 2012 or 2013 (Earl Bosak)-No backup

(7) Presentation on draft the Environmental Chapter to Horizon 2020 (Amy Brown)-No backup

(8) Consider approval of design engineering services agreement for Project 2010-9 to replace Bridge No. 15-89N-04.50E carrying E 450 Road over a tributary to Deer Creek (Keith Browning)

(9) Executive Session on for (2) items: 1) for the purpose of consultation with staff for the purpose of discussing security matters. The justification is so as to not jeopardize security measures that protect public buildings of Douglas County; and 2) for the purpose of acquisition of right-of-way and consultation with the County Counselor.

(10) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment


6:35 p.m. Reconvene

(11) Consider Fairgrounds CIP (Bill Woods)-No backup

(12) Discuss proposal to transfer Pearson Park to a Blackjack Battlefield Trust (Carol von Tersch)

(13) Consider approval of Planning Commission Appointment

(14) Adjourn

Thellman called the regular session meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 with all members.

Thellman moved to approve a proclamation declaring May 2010 as "Mental Health Month." Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0. David Johnson, CEO of Bert Nash, showed a video presentation on a success story from one of Bert Nash's programs.

The Board recognized Emily Jackson, Management Intern, for her service to Douglas County from June 2008 through May 2010.

MINUTES 05-12-10
Flory moved to approve the minutes of April 7 and April 21, 2010 (as amended). Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Thellman moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Purchase of 17 Motorola XTS 5000 portable radios, 8 Motorola XTL 5000 mobile radios and accessories in the amount of $87,961.05 made with TFM Communications via state contract number 28440.
►  Contract for Highway Purposes for an acquisition of easement with Dudley N. Fishburn and Belinda L. Cook-Fishburn, 134 E550 Rd, Overbrook, KS; Road No. 4A Route 1029 (E550 Rd); Project No. 01300550 and Project No. 01420550 for the replacement of Drainage Structure No. 1.30N-5.50E and 1.42N-5.50E;
►  Contract with Bettis Asphalt in the amount of $2,453,699 for Project No. 2010-2, asphalt overlay and paved shoulders on Route 1023/458 from Stull to Route 1and authorized the Public Works Director to approve change orders totaling up to 5% of the total contract amount; and
► Notice to the Township Board for the sell of cereal malt beverages for Clinton Marina Parking Lot Special Event at 1329 E 800 Road on    June 19, 2010.

Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Earl Bosak, Kansas Department of Transportation, made a presentation on three bridge replacement projects on Highway 56 between US 59 and Baldwin City scheduled for 2013. KDOT is proposing to do all three bridges at one time. Construction will start in the spring and be finished before the Maple Leaf Festival in October 2013. The plan is to close a portion of Highway 56 with the official state detour to be US 59 to Ottawa, K35 to K33 and back to Hwy 56. There are also many local roads that can be utilized. No one will be landlocked. The bridge closest to the Baldwin Intermediate Center will be three lanes; the other two bridges will be two lanes with 6' shoulders.

Gabriel Engeland, Management Intern; and Jackie Waggoner, Director of Purchasing, asked the Board to consider the adoption of an Emergency Purchasing Taskforce. The principle objective of the taskforce is to provide qualified personnel and assistance from various taskforce entities during an emergency. This will enhance efficiency during an incident as to not create duplicate efforts and purchases made in haste without proper authorization and receipt of documentation. The taskforce has created a standardized electronic procurement form that addresses acquisition, donations (temporary and permanent), and an approval process.

Thellman opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Flory moved to approve the adoption of the Emergency Purchasing Taskforce, along with the $200 annual sponsorship fee, and commits to allowing Douglas County purchasing staff to be available for training and incident response. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried 3-0.

Jackie Waggoner, Purchasing Director, asked the Board to consider approving the purchase of a 2010 tractor mower to replace a 1994 Ford Mower Tractor with 4,515 hours equipped with a 10' pull behind mower deck. The mower will be used in areas that cannot be mowed with conventional mowers. The contractor, Sellers Equipment, has provided a trade-in offer of $6,300 that is in line with the condition of the equipment. If approved, the item will be purchased through a cooperative contract at a government pricing. The tractor will have a 2-year warranty and the mower a 1-year parts and labor warranty.

Thellman opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

Thellman moved to approve the purchase of a 2010 Kubota 4WD Tractor with cab, along with a 2010 Tiger mower, accepting the trade-in offer of $6,300.00 for a total cost of $93,946.80. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, introduced Eileen Horn as the Lawrence-Douglas County Sustainability Coordinator. 

Tom Morey, Kansas Department of Natural Resources, made a presentation to the Board on the Principles of No Adverse Impact (NAI) for floodplain management. The goal is to ensure that the development we allow today will not have a negative economic or environmental impact on someone else tomorrow. NAI Floodplain Management is a managing principle developed to address the shortcomings of the typical floodplain management program. Rather than depending on minimum requirements of federal or state programs, NAI provides tools for communities to provide a higher level of protection for their citizens and to prevent increased flooding now and in the future. Typically, prevention is more costly method of development, but keeps people from being at risk.

Thellman asked staff where we are on changes to our current floodplain maps. Keith Dabney, Director of Zoning and Codes, stated a meeting has been scheduled for June 2, 2010 at the Courthouse and JLE Building with local engineers, realtors and surveyors to discuss 1575 parcels added to the floodplain and the removal of 387 parcels. Information will be added to the website in the next week that will answer frequently asked questions.    

PLANNING 05-12-10
Amy Brown, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, made a presentation to the Board on the first draft version of the Environmental Chapter to Horizon 2020.

Linda Finger, Planning Resource Coordinator, asked the Board if they have follow-up questions and information regarding the presentation on Air Quality made by Richard Ziesenis at the March 24, 2010 meeting. It was the consensus of the Board for Ziesenis to make comments for the Environmental Chapter of Horizon 2020 that addresses air quality.

The Board considered the approval of an agreement for design services on Project No. 2010-9 for the replacement of Bridge No. 15.89N-04.50E carrying E 450 Road over a tributary to Deer Creek. The bridge is classified as "structurally deficient" and is posted for a 5-ton maximum load. The selection committee chose Delich Roth & Goodwillie, P.A. Engineers (DRG) as the preferred firm for engineering services with a cost proposal for a precast concrete structure with a not-to-exceed cost of $49,886.58. If their study reveals a pre-stressed beam or cast-in-place span structure is required, the not-to-exceed cost is $71,794.64. The CIP includes $290,000 for this project.

Thellman opened the item for public comment. No comment was received.

After discussion, Thellman moved to approve the agreement for engineering services with Delich Roth & Goodwillie, P.A. Engineers (DRG) to replace Bridge No. 15.89N-04.50E carrying E 450 Road over a tributary to Deer Creek. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

At 5:25 p.m., Thellman moved that the Board recess into Executive Session for 30 minutes (until 5:55 p.m.) on two items: first session for consultation with staff for the purpose of discussing security matters in public buildings owned by Douglas County. Attendees included: Jackie Waggoner, Purchasing Director; Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator; Pam Weigand, Director of Youth Services; Leigh Housman, Youth Services; and Craig Weinaug, County Administrator; and the second session was for the purpose of acquisition of right-of-way and consultation with the County Counselor. Attendees included: Evan Ice, County Counselor; Michael Kelly, County Engineer; Craig Weinaug, County Administrator; Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, and Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator.

At 5:55 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.

Thellman moved to waive the purchasing policy to approve a contract with Latta Technical Services for professional services in the amount of $28,888, and authorized the County Administrator to approve change orders up to 15% of that amount. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Thellman moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $146,291.63 paid on 05/06/10 and $149,653.60 to be paid on 05/13/10, wire transfers in the amounts of $15,777.64 paid on 04/30/10 and $100,000.00 paid on 05/07/10; and a manual check in the amount of $35,021.00 to be paid on 05/12/10. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 3-0.

Flory updated the Board on his attending the Kansas Association of Counties Commission Meeting in Junction City. He also met on the Noise Ordinance; and met with the secretary of transportation at KDOT regarding the Board's request for a reduction of speed limit on Hwy 40 in front of the Methodist Church. KDOT will do a traffic study to determine if a speed reduction is necessary. 

Thellman moved for the Board to recess until 6:35 p.m. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.


The Board reconvened at 6:35 p.m.

Tara Pearson and Bill Woods with the Fairground Committee gave the Board an overview of a proposed Fairgrounds Capital Improvement Plan. More than 80,000 people use the fairgrounds per year. The committee proposes the following improvements/additions to the fairgrounds: 25 RV parking stalls; open pavilion; outdoor park area where buildings 1 & 2 are located, and a meeting hall which would serve for replacement of buildings 1 & 2. The total projected cost of the improvements is $3,200,000 to $3,530,000.

Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, discussed a proposed funding of the project as follows: 1) The Board could issue bonds for the entire project and get it started (using a 20 year issue for $3.5 million with an approximate annual payment of $220,000) or 2) Establish an annual CIP allotment. Madl stated there are safety concerns issues regarding buildings 1 & 2.

Flory suggested he might consider issuing a bond for two of the projects. Madl stated we could devote a portion of the building use fees to repay the bonds. However, we would need to raise the fees.

Flory also stated is it may be worth looking at doing the entire project at once because many contractors are hungry for business and may give a better proposal. Madl added the improvements would attract additional users. 

Thellman opened the item for public comment.

Hank Booth, Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, stated it is the consensus of Chamber that this is an open door for those that are not typical Lawrence visitors.

Glen Jackson, 802 Elm, Eudora, said he is a Scout Master in Eudora and supports the improvements to the fairgrounds. The open park area will be great for scouts and other outdoor ceremonies.

George Lauppe, 1309 N 1956 Rd, stated he has used the fairground facilities for swap meets, but people have a hard time finding the location. He thinks there should be a sign on 23rd and Harper.

Stan Ring, 4505 Winger Foot Court, stated he is a Master Gardner and on the Fairgrounds Committee. He said we have a place where people can go, but we want it to be a place where people want to go.

Hubbard Collinsworth, resident, asked if the County did the whole project at once when would the project be completed. Madl replied the construction could take a couple of years. The schedule would be discussed as we move forward.
Madl added it is not the committee's intent to raise the mill levy to make the improvements.

No action was taken.

Carol von Tersch, President of Black Jack Battlefield Trust, made a request to the Board for Robert Hall Pearson Park (a 1/4 acre property) to be transferred in title to the Black Jack Battlefield Trust. They would like the entire property to be listed as part of the Black Jack Battlefield and Nature Park. She asked the Board for permission to proceed with the removal of a chain link fence which surrounds the park on the south and west sides to allow better access to mowing and upkeep. Tersch also showed a video on the upcoming reenactment scheduled in June of John Brown's Battle of Black Jack.

It was the consensus of the Board for the "Trust" to look into the transfer of title process and to bring back to the Board for approval after giving the public an opportunity to respond to the request.
It was the consensus of the Board to continue interviews with the candidates for the upcoming Planning Commission vacancy. Commissioner Flory pointed out that presently eight members of the Planning Commission are residents   of Lawrence and two members are residents of the unincorporated area of Douglas County. 
Thellman opened the item for public comment.

Gary Price, Treasurer of Farm Bureau, has a farm five miles west of Lawrence.  He stated he hopes the Board will appoint Planning Commissioners that reside in the unincorporated area of Douglas County.
Hank Booth, Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, stated he served on the Planning Commission when there were five commissioners that resided in Lawrence and five commissioners that resided in the unincorporated area of Douglas County. He thinks it is very important that the active farming community be represented on the commission. Some people are appointed with an agenda, which is not productive.

Loren Baldwin, 1171 E 550 Rd, stated he is a farmer in western Douglas County. He sometimes feels his interests are not well represented, and an 8/2 split is unfair. Their decisions will affect his livelihood as a farmer.

It was the consensus of the Board to defer an appointment decision to the
May 19 meeting.

Thellman moved to reappoint Bob Newton to the Douglas County Emergency Management Board for a one-year term to expire July 2011. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.

Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting; Gaughan seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 


______________________________  ____________________________
 Nancy Thellman, Chair                           Jim Flory, Vice-Chair


 ______________________________ _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                       Mike Gaughan, Member




County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA