Commission Board Meeting on Wed, August 19, 2009 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information

-Consider the approval of the minutes of August 5, 2009

(1)(a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;

(2) Public Hearing for 2010 Budget

(3) Authorize County to apply for HPRP Funds on behalf of the Salvation Army (Emily Jackson)

(4) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment

(5) Adjourn

Thellman called the regular session meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 with all members present.

MINUTES 08-19-09
Thellman moved to approve the minutes of August 5, 2009 as amended. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried unanimously.

BUDGET 08-19-09
As advertised, the Board conducted a public hearing regarding the 2010 budget. Thellman moved to open the public hearing; Flory seconded and the motion carried. No comment was received. Thellman moved to close the public hearing; Flory seconded and the motion carried. 

Flory moved to approve the 2010 Budget for Douglas County, Kansas. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried unanimously. 

Emily Jackson, Management Intern, asked the Board to consider authorizing an application to the Kansas Housing Resource Corporation for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program Funds. The State of Kansas received allocations in the amount of $8.3 million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), of which the Kansas Housing Resource Corporation (KHRC) is making available to local governments. The Salvation Army approached the County with a request to partner to apply for HPRP funds through KHRC. Other agencies participating in the application include the Women's Transitional Care Services (WTCS), and ECKAN. The application request is for $848,999, plus $21,225 for grant administration costs. 

Representatives present at the meeting included: Captain Wesley Dalberg, Salvation Army; Jeanette Collier, ECKAN Coordinator; and Sarah Terwelp, Women's Transitional Care Services.

Captain Wesley Dalberg, Salvation Army, stated the program is aimed at people who have become homeless recently. The funding can be used for security deposits to get people back in a home or to help pay back rent.

Gaughan moved to authorize staff to submit an application to the KHRC for HPRP funds on behalf of the Salvation Army, Women's Transitional Care Services and ECKAN, and designated the Chair as the authorized representative on the County's application. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried unanimously.

 Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, asked the Board to consider contracting for additional road surface treatments and to consider waiving the Purchasing Policy. The Public Works Director wishes to hire the services of Donelson Construction Company, LLC of Clever, Missouri, to provide two kinds of surface treatment for 4.5 miles of roads, a Modified Aggregate Quick Set (MAQS) and the Chip Lock treatment. MAQS is a durable mircosurfacing treatment and is able to fill ruts and re-establish the road cross-slope. Chip Lock is a polymer-modified slurry coating placed over chip sealed surfaces with the intent of extending the duration of the chip seal.

 Both of these service treatments are new technologies that are only available from one vendor. The Director of Public Works would like to try these new technologies on limited sections of County roads to see whether the new treatments will extend the life of the pavement enough to justify the additional cost. Since these treatments are only available from one vendor, Browning asked the Commission to waive the Purchasing Policy. The cost for the treatment would come from the 201 Fund. 

 Thellman opened the items for public comment. No comment was received.

 It was the consensus of the Board that the treatment is worth testing.

 Flory moved to waive the purchasing policy requirements and award a contract to Donelson Construction for road surface treatment on approximately 4.5 miles of county roads at a not-to-exceed contract cost of $199,000. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried unanimously.

Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting; Gaughan seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 

____________________________  ____________________________
 Nancy Thellman, Chair                         Jim Flory, Vice-Chair


 _____________________________ _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                      Mike Gaughan, Member



County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA