Commission Board Meeting on Mon, August 17, 2009 - 8:10 AM

Meeting Information

-Consider approval of the minutes July 13, July 15, July 29, August 3, and August 10, 2009

(1)(a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Consent: Consider acquisition of right-of-way for structure No. 0.00N-1.79E (Keith Browning)
(c)  Consider approval for the purchase of seven Motorola mobile data computers for the Sheriff's Department (Steve Hornberger)
(d) Acknowledgement of fee reports for July 2009, and additional items for April, May and June 2009.

(2) Consider awarding construction contract for Project No. 2009-5, rehabilitation of Route 458 bridges over the Wakarusa River and Rock Creek arms of Clinton Lake. (Keith Browning)

(3) Consider awarding contract for overlaying portions of Route 458 and Route 1055 Project No. 2009-6 (Keith Browning)

(4) Other Business
 (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
 (b) Appointments
 (c) Miscellaneous
 (d) Public Comment

(5) Adjourn

Thellman called the regular session meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. on Monday, August 17, 2009 with two members present. Flory was absent.

Thellman moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Commission Order Nos. 09-033 and 09-034 (on file in the office of the Clerk);
► Contract for Highway Purposes, Road No. 315 (N100 R) Project No. 01000179 for Ben William Wray and Leah R. Wray, Pomona, Kansas; and Charles M. Fawl and Roxane M. Fawl, Overbrook, Kansas.
► Purchase of seven (7) Motorola mobile data computers from TFM Communications via State Contract No. 28440 at a cost of $36,090.60 for the Sheriff's Office; and
► Acknowledgement of fee reports for July 2009 and additional items for April, May and June 2009.

Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 2-0.

MINUTES 08-17-09
Thellman moved to approve the minutes of July 13, July 15 and July 29 (all as amended), August 3 and August 10, 2009. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 2-0.

Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, presented the Board with the bids for Project No. 2009-5, abutment modifications and deck repairs for Route 458 bridges over the Wakarusa River and Rock Creek arms of Clinton Lake, Bridge Nos. 10.92-03.46 and 09.64-04.82. The project includes removing both expansion joints for Bridge No. 09.64-04.83 and removing the expansion joint at the southeast abutment and replacing the expansion joint at the northwest abutment for Bridge No. 10.92-03.46. The project also includes abutment modifications, deck repairs, silica fume concrete overlays and asphalt approach transition for both bridges. The project will begin no later than August 31, 2009. The engineers estimate for the project was $549,638.00.

Thellman moved to approve awarding a construction contract to the low bidder, Wildcat Construction, in the amount of $424,512.42 for Project No. 2009-5, rehabilitation of the Route 458 bridges over the Wakarusa River and Rock Creek arms of Clinton Lake, and authorized the Public Works Director to approve change orders totaling up to 15% of the total contracted amount. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 2-0.

Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, presented the Board with the bids for project No. 2009-6, asphalt overlay and paving shoulders on Route 458 from 1500 feet east of US-59 highway to Route 1055 (E 1500 Road) and milling and overlaying Route 1055 from Route 458 to 31st Street. The engineers estimate was $782,644.30. RD Johnson Excavating was the low bidder with a total bid of $608,767.36. RD Johnson's bid for the Route 458 portion was $331,313.20 and the Route 1055 portion, $277,454.16.

The Route 458 funding will come from the CIP with $500,000 earmarked for this project. The Route 1055 funding will be paid from the Road & Bridge Fund 201 with $459,360 allocated for the project.

Thellman moved to approve a contract with RD Johnson Excavating in the amount of $608,767.36 for project No. 2009-6, asphalt overlay and paved shoulders on a portion of Route 458, and mill & overlay on a portion of Route 1055; and to authorize the Public Works Director to approve change orders totaling up to 5% of the total contract amount. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 2-0.
Thellman moved to approve payroll in the amounts of $763,387.12 paid on 07/15/09, $741,526.44 paid on 07/29/09 and $744,622.03 paid on 07/12/09; FICA in the amounts of $56,037.14 paid on 07/17/09, $56,905.07 paid on 07/31/09 and $54,884.64 paid on 08/14/09; KPERS in the amounts of $62,230.15 paid on 07/17/09, $62,267.96 paid on 07/31/09 and $62,390.03 paid on 08/14/09; and accounts payable in the amount of $467,338.24 paid on 08/17/09. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried 2-0.  
Thellman moved to adjourn the meeting; Gaughan seconded and the motion carried 2-0. 



____________________________  ____________________________
 Nancy Thellman, Chair                         Jim Flory, Vice-Chair


 _____________________________ _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                      Mike Gaughan, Member



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1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA