Commission Board Meeting on Mon, June 1, 2009 - 8:10 AM

Meeting Information

-Consider the approval of the minutes of May 18, 2009

(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Consider approval of the Proposed Assessments: Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District No. 1 - Sanitary Sewer Improvements; Resolution No. 06-30; Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District No. 2 - Sanitary Sewer Improvements; Resolution No. 06-31; and Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District No. 3 - Sanitary Sewer Improvements; Resolution No. 06-32; and Approve the following: (a)Statement of Final Costs; and (b)Proposed Assessment Roll; and (c)Notice of Public Hearing and Proposed Assessment Resolution;
(c) Review and Approve Juvenile Justice Authority Grant Conditions for FY 2010 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010)(Pam Weigand);
(d) Consider acquisition to print and mail tax statements (Jackie Waggoner); and
(e) Consider recommendation for Resource asset inventory contract (Jackie Waggoner)

(2) Consider request from Lecompton township board for assistance in purchasing land for a new township shop (Jay Robertson)

(3) Consider request from Health Care Access for Valley View Funds for a portion of the cost of clinic relocation (Nikki King)

(4) Consider authorization to solicit bids for Project No. 2009-8, a multi-layer polymer concrete overlay for the Route 1061 bridge over the Kansas River (Keith Browning)

(5) Presentation by the County departments (Sheriff, Emergency Communications and Youth Services) No backup for Sheriff and Youth Services

(6) Presentation by Courts (District Court, Court Trustee, Community Corrections; Citizen Review Board) No backup

(7) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment

(8) Adjourn

Thellman called the regular session meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. on Monday,  June 1, 2009 with all members present. 

Thellman moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

►  Waived the formal bidding process and authorized extending last year's contract with Mail Services in an estimated amount of $48,871 to print and mail tax statements; and
► Negotiated proposal of $40,000 to State and Local Emergency Management Consultants to develop a multi-jurisdictional resource asset inventory.

Motion was seconded by Flory and carried unanimously. 
Items pulled from the Consent Agenda:
Thereupon, and among other business, there were presented certain documents relating to the following described improvements heretofore authorized by the Board:

Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District No. 1 -
Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Resolution No. 06-30;

Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District No. 2 -
Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Resolution No. 06-31; and

Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District No. 3 -
Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Resolution No. 06-32

The documents presented are as follows:

 (a) Statement of Final Costs;
 (b) Proposed Assessment Roll; and
 (c) Notice of Public Hearing and Proposed Assessment Resolution.

After full consideration thereof, Commissioner Flory moved to take the following action:

 1. Approve each of said documents in substantially the form attached hereto;
 2. Establish June 24, 2009 at 6:35 p.m. to meet for the purpose of hearing any and all written or oral objections to the respective assessments set forth therein;
 3. Cause the County Clerk to publish Notice of Public Hearing and Proposed Assessment Resolution in the official County newspaper not less than 10 days prior to such public meeting date;
 4. Mail Notice of Public Hearing and Proposed Assessment Resolution to each and all owners of property affected by such assessments at their last known post office address on the same date as the publication of Notice of Public Hearing and Proposed Assessment Resolution; and
 5. File each of said documents of record in the office of the County Clerk and make the same available for public inspection.

The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gaughan, and approved by the following roll call vote:

 Yes: 3.

 No:  0.

 [The public hearing was scheduled for July 24, 2009 at 6:35 p.m.]

The Board reviewed and considered the approval for the Juvenile Justice Authority Grant Conditions for FY 2010 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010). Pam Weigand, Director of Youth Services, presented the item.

Flory moved approval of the Agreement of Grant Conditions between the Douglas County Board of Commissioners and the Kansas Juvenile Justice Authority. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried unanimously.

Jay Robertson, Lecompton Township Trustee, asked the Board to consider purchasing for the township three acres of land, located at 632 N 1851 Road. The present building housing the township office is in need of major repairs. The township wishes to build a new 60' X 80' metal building with office, parts room and shop area. The three acres would be purchased from William and Homer Leslie for $6,000 per acre. The township will reimburse the County with 80% of the cost paid by idle funds and the remainder will be on a lease/purchase with the First State Bank of Perry.

Flory moved to direct staff to work with Lecompton Township to draft the necessary legal documents to move forward. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried unanimously.

The Board considered a request from Health Care Access to use Valley View Funds for a portion of the cost to relocate the clinic from 1920 Moodie Road to a new location at 330 Maine. Nikki King, Executive Director of Health Care Access, presented the item. The relocation is an effort to expand healthcare services to more than 12,000 uninsured residents of Douglas County. Health Care Access has outgrown their current location which is leased from the City of Lawrence. They wish to purchase the building at 330 Maine. The purchase, closing costs, inspections and first floor renovation is estimated at $350,000. A potential total project cost for the 2nd floor addition is $700,000. Health Care Access had a $96,266 State Grant that must be matched and spent by June 30, 2009. There is currently money in the Valley View Nursing Home Fund which has been reserved for significant maintenance of the former Valley View Nursing Home, owned by the County. After projected repairs, the estimated amount left in the fund is $160,000 which would cover the $96,266 in matched funds.

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, stated he will research if a budget amendment is necessary to proceed with using the Valley View funds. The County has tried to use the funds for something close to a nursing facility.

After discussion, Thellman moved to approve $96,266 to be used from the Valley View fund to match the existing facility grant for the relocation of the Health Care Access Clinic. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried 3-0.

The Board considered the solicitation of bids for Project No. 2009-8, a multi-layer polymer concrete overlay for the Route 1061 bridge over the Kansas River. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, presented the item.  The approved CIP fund includes $337,400 for this project. The bridge will see increased traffic after the Kansas Turnpike Association (KTA) opens the new interchange on Leavenworth County Route 1 south of Tonganoxie. The latest inspection revealed the bottom of the deck as several traverse cracks.

Flory asked if the work will be completed prior to the opening of the interchange. Browning stated "yes" the work should be completed in August.

Thellman moved to authorize the Public Works Director to solicit bids for Project No. 2009-8, a multi-layer polymer concrete overlay for the Route 1061 bridge over the Kansas River. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried unanimously.

Sheriff Department

Ken McGovern, Douglas County Sheriff, made a presentation to the Board on the responsibilities of the Sheriff's Department to Douglas County.  McGovern explained the organizational chart to the Commissioners and gave a brief overview on the jail and how it averaged in confinements for 2008. The maximum capacity of the jail is 194, and normally averages 171 inmates. So far this year, the average is running about 130 inmates.
Emergency Communications
Selma Southard, Director of Emergency Communications, discussed the role of the dispatcher and how the Emergency Communications (ECC) department responds to Law Enforcement, Fire and Medical. ECC handles 650-900 incoming phone calls as well as dispatching 500-800 calls for service each day. Every dispatcher is trained to the same level. The department is currently understaffed with 14 employees. The department should have 20 dispatchers. Southard discussed the need for a new recording system. For liability reasons, all calls are recorded. Some highway patrol channels are not currently being recorded due to a lack of storage space.

Youth Services
Pam Weigand, Director of Youth Services, made a presentation to the Board regarding the role of the Youth Services Department and discussed the following youth program areas: Substance Abuse Diversion, Conditions of Release Supervision, JJA Case Management, Intensive Supervised Probation, Detention Day School, Juvenile Detention and Services, and 7th Judicial District Grant Management.

District Court, Court Trustee, Community Corrections, and Citizen Review Board
Linda K ster-Vogelsang, Court Administrator, reviewed the roles of the District Court, Court Trustee, and Community Corrections and briefly discussed the Citizen Review Board. This position was originally setup to expedite child support cases. The position hears more than 5,800 cases per year. K ster-Vogelsang also discussed the updates in technology for the Pro Tem and Division I courts. In the event of a high profile case, judges try to use the two rooms with the updated technology. In many of the courtrooms, due to architectural setup, the judges and jurors have a difficult time viewing the evidence.

MINUTES 06-01-09
Flory moved to approve the minutes of May 18, 2009 as amended. Motion was seconded by Thellman and carried unanimously. 

Janice Puderdaugh, resident of Douglas County, stated concerns that inmates at the Douglas County jail are not treated humanely. She has heard complaints from inmates regarding food, mail, and conditions of cells. Flory asked if Puderdaugh has addressed these issues to the Sheriff. She stated she has attempted to contact the jail. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, asked Puderdaugh to meet with him after the Commission meeting and he will help her set up an appointment with the Sheriff or Under Sheriff. If she is not satisfied with the results of her meetings, she is welcome to return to the Board of County Commissioners.

Thellman moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $462,686.86 to be paid on 06/01/09 and a manual check in the amount of $57,923.10 paid on 05/29/09. Motion was seconded by Gaughan and carried unanimously.

Thellman moved to adjourn; Flory seconded and the motion carried.

____________________________     ____________________________
 Nancy Thellman, Chair                           Jim Flory, Vice-Chair


 _____________________________ _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                      Mike Gaughan, Member





County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA