Commission Board Meeting on Wed, February 25, 2009 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information

Amended Agenda

(1)(a) Consider approval of Commission Orders; and
(b) Consider approval of resolutions for the cereal malt beverage licenses for Clinton Marina and Clinton Marina Grill located at 1329 E 800 Road. (Clerk's office)

(2) Discuss Lawrence Freenet Rural Broadband initiative (Josh Montgomery)-Backup provided at meeting

(3) Discussion of Economic Development policies and proposed cost benefit model (Roger Zalneraitis)

(4) Discussion of County Counselor alternatives (Pam Madl)- Backup provided at meeting

(5) Presentation on the impact of the Governor's budget on County financing (Craig Weinaug)-no backup

(6) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment

(7) Adjourn

Jones called the regular session meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 with all members present.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Cereal Malt Beverage licenses for Clinton Marina and Clinton Marina Grille both located at 1329 E. 800 Road.

Motion was seconded by Flory and carried unanimously.

Josh Montgomery, founder of Lawrence Freenet Broadband, made a presentation to the Board regarding ways to expand internet access to rural areas and provide free access to low income families. The pilot project will cost $126,000 to provide access to 180 homes in Southwest Douglas County. Montgomery asked the Board to sign a loan guarantee to help him secure a loan through a private lender in the amount of $150,600, with $24,600 to be held by the County in escrow.

The Commissioners discussed concerns over the current budget situation, the possibility of this project seeking federal funds from the stimulus package, and the risk involved if Freenet would default on payments.

Jones opened the item for public comment.

Kris Adair, Treasurer Lawrence Freenet, stated the program would provide 10% of their services for free to those who can't afford it. They are presently providing services the Lawrence Housing Authority and Habitat for Humanities free or at lower rates to several service agencies in Lawrence. Adair plans to hire a grant writer to assist with collecting stimulus and grant money.

Dave Greenbaum, computer support business owner, stated he has a number of clients in the rural area without access to broadband internet services. He feels Lawrence Freenet would be a great option.
Tom Hartley, resident, stated that while completing his undergraduate education it was essential to have access to internet services. He sees rural broadband as an investment with little risk to taxpayers.

Jones moved to close the public comment. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried unanimously.

Flory stated he would like to exhaust the stimulus option for funding before involving Douglas County.

Thellman stated it is hard to think of committing public money to subsidize a business that is not intentionally making money. The nonprofit idea is great, but it d sn't allow enough money for expansion. She would like more time to review the stimulus option.

Jones stated that there are two main issues of concern: 1) the principle of when you invest public money in a private investment, and 2) the need for due diligence as for any business deal.

It was the consensus of the Board to place the item back on the agenda for Wednesday, March 11, 2009 agenda for further discussion.

Roger Zalneraitis, Economic Development Coordinator and Planner, gave a presentation to the Board following up on items discussed at the January 27, 2009 study session on economic development. As requested, Zalneraitis, provided copies of the following for the Board's review:

- City of Lawrence Economic Goals, Processes and Procedures, the "Overaching Policy"
- Property Tax Abatements: Considerations of Changes to Current Policy;
- Memo on the Benefit-Cost Model;
- Sample Output from the Benefit-Cost Model; and
- A letter from the Sustainability Advisory Board containing additional suggestions for encouraging environmentally-sensitive development.

The Commission gave comments regarding the economic development policies. No action was taken.

Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, presented the Board with a summary of hours and rates reflecting the legal services provided by Stevens and Brand, currently contracted for County Counselor services, along with the hourly rates of the three most utilized firms. The Commission at the February 9, 2009 meeting expressed an interest in exploring the option of hiring an in-house attorney. In addition to the salary cost for an in-house attorney, space and clerical staff would also be a consideration.

After discussion, no action was taken. 

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator; and Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, gave an update report to the Board on the 2009 County Budget due to impacts projected from possible state cuts. Items discussed included the receiving of partial gasoline tax funds in the approximate amount of $855,000 which was an unexpected one-time payment; the assumption that sales tax and mortgage revenues will continue to decline; the County Commission may need to continue a freeze on all types of pay increases (COLA, merit and longevity) for staff; and the possibility of cutting the County Capital Outlay Budget. The Board asked staff to keep them apprised of the situation.

No action was taken.
Jones moved to approve payroll in the amounts of$736,138.53 paid on 02/12/09, $741,209.70 paid on 01/30/09, $235,437.47 paid on 01/16/09,
$769,575.61 paid on 12/31/08, and $1,852.50 paid on 12/22/08; FICA in the amounts of $54,280.96 paid on 02/13/09; $56,882.62 paid on 01/30/09,
$17,573.42 paid on 01/16/09, $41,004.65 paid on 01/16/09, $56,778.38 paid on 01/02/09 and $4,288.64 paid on 12/31/08; KPERS in the amounts of $65,585.32 paid on 02/13/09, $67,599.14 paid on 01/30/09, $48,137.12 paid on 01/16/09; $20,630.19 paid on 01/16/09, $69,627.22 paid on 01/02/09. Motion was seconded by Flory and carried unanimously.
Jones moved to adjourn Flory seconded and the motion carried.

____________________________    ____________________________
 Charles Jones, Chairman                       Nancy Thellman, Vice-Chair


 _____________________________ _____________________________  
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                      Jim Flory, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA