Commission Board Meeting on Wed, July 9, 2008 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information

6:35 P.M. (Meet in the Commission Chamber)

 (1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;

 (2)  Discussion regarding incubator project located West KU Campus (Lavern Epp)

(3) Consider awarding a bid for reconstruction Route 1055 in Baldwin (6th Street) from Orange Street to Indiana Street in Baldwin City (Keith Browning)

(4) Consider approval to solicit bids for overlay Project No. 2008-6 (Route 1061 between 442 and K-10) (Keith Browning)

 (5) Other Business
  (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment 

 (6) Adjourn

At 8:30 a.m., the Board conducted 2009 budget hearings. No action was taken.

Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m. on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 with all members present. 

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:
► Commission order No. 08-053 (on file with the office of the Clerk); 
The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.
The Board discussed an incubator project with the Lawrence-Douglas County Biosciences Authority (LDCBA) to be located on the West KU Campus. Lavern Epp, Chairman of the LDCBA; Beth Johnson, Economic and Development Director for the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce; Carey Novak, Director of Business Relations for LDCBA; and Matthew McClorey, President of the Lawrence Regional Technology Center, were present for the discussion. The project is designed to help develop an infrastructure to house and build companies that will provide long-term economic benefits to the area by focusing on three distinct markets: Kansas University "bridge" companies, start up firms, and recruitment companies.

LDCBA is asking the County to affirm its support of this development by committing to $75,000 in funds annually for the next 10 years. The City of Lawrence has also committed the same amount and LDCBA has committed $500,000 to the project for a total contribution of $2,000,000. 

McElhaney asked if there is an exit strategy. Epp stated LDCBA will not spend the money from the County if they do not get money from the Kansas Bioscience Authority. In the event the project is not successful, the local Bioscience Authority will hold title to the building.  
Johnson moved to authorize staff to draft a letter for the County to commit $75,000 for the next 10 years to the project, and for Staff to discuss the wording with the City, and then bring the letter back to the Board for signature. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board considered the approval to award a construction contract for Project No. 2007-16 Route 1055 (6th Street) from Orange Street to Indiana Street in Baldwin City. Bids were opened on Thursday, July 3 at 3:00 p.m. The road will be constructed to a 31-foot back-to-back of curb urban collector-type roadway with storm sewers and sidewalks. Baldwin City and Douglas County entered into an agreement to equally share all construction costs, except for sidewalks. Bids are    as follows:

King's Construction  $1,109,918.37
LRM Industries, Inc.  $1,128,749.15
Kansas Heavy Const.  $1,166,995.07
Meadows Const.  $1,259,587.43
Killough Const.  $1,376,220.42
Trinity Excavating  $1,346,083.29

Johnson moved to authorize the Public Works Director to accept the low bid from King Construction in the amount of $1,109,918.37 and to authorize the Public Works Director to approve change orders totaling up to 5% of the contract amount. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board considered approval to solicit bids for overlay Project No. 2008-6. The two roadway sections targeted for overlay are: Route 460 from N500/E880 to N600/E1100 and Route 1061 (Church Street) from   K-10 to Route 442.

There was discussion concerning the need to rebuild Route 1061 from K-10 to 12th Street, which is within the proposed 0.8 mile section of overlay. However, we have not received confirmation or commitment of funds from the City of Eudora. At this time we are looking to only mill and asphalt overlay 0.8 miles of surface. Jones asked that between soliciting of bids and accepting a contract, the Director of Public Works speak with the City of Eudora about their intentions and time frame for improvements to that section of road. Browning stated that the 0.8 miles could be added to the contract bids as an add alternate. It was the consensus of the Board for the Public Works Director to determine the best way to bid the project after discussions with the City of Eudora.

Johnson moved to authorize the Public Works director to solicit bids for Project No 2008-6 asphalt overlays for portions of Route 460 and Route 1061 (Church street in Eudora). Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved to adjourn the meeting; Johnson seconded and the motion carried. 

___________________________      ____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                        Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________   ____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                     Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA