Commission Board Meeting on Mon, April 28, 2008 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

8:30 a.m. (Meet in the Commission Chamber)
-Consider approval of minutes for March 26, March 31, April 2, and April 4, 2008.

(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders; and
(b) Consider approval of low bid for supply of highway de-icing salt (Keith Browning)

(2) Consider request from Robert Fairchild, Administrative Judge, to hire Pro Tem (Judge Fairchild)

(3) Consider approval for the Lawrence Douglas County Fire and Medical Department to purchase an Electronic Patient Care Report (ePCR) system (Mark Bradford)

(4) Consider approval of Ambulance Fees and Stand-bys (Mark Bradford)

(5) Presentation by Judy Bellome of Hospice to update proposal to build a 12 bed facility on land adjacent to United Way Building (Judy Bellome)

(6) Consider approval of vehicle purchase of five (5) 2008 patrol cars and one (1) 1/2 ton pickup truck for Sheriff's Department (Jackie Waggoner)

(7) Consider and approve FY2009 Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan (C3P) Grant Application (Ron Stegall, Community Corrections)

Backup for 8a, b, c & d (packaged together)
(8) (a) Approve CPA-2007-8, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020 Chapter 6, Commercial Land Use, to update the identified Neighborhood Commercial Center on the southeast corner of O'Connell Road and E. 23rd Street/K-10 Highway to be identified as a Community Commercial Center. Initiated by Planning Commission on 11-28-07 as part of the Southeast Area Plan. (PC Item 9; approved 7-0 on 2/27/08)( Michelle Leininger is the Planner.)

(b) Approve CPA-2007-9, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020 Chapter 6, Commercial Land Use, to identify a Neighborhood Commercial Center on the northeast corner of Franklin Road extended and E. 28th Street extended. Initiated by Planning Commission on 11-28-07 as part of the Southeast Area Plan. (PC Item 10; approved 7-0 on 2/27/08) )( Michelle Leininger is the Planner.)

(c) Approve CPA-2007-10, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020 Chapter 6, Commercial Land Use, to remove the Neighborhood Commercial Center on the northwest corner of Franklin Road extended and N. 1300 Road (E. 31st Street). Initiated by Planning Commission on 11-28-07 as part of the Southeast Area Plan. (PC Item 11; approved 7-0 on 2/27/08) )( Michelle Leininger is the Planner.)

(d) Adopt Joint City Ordinance No. 8243/County Resolution regarding CPA-2007-8, CPA-2007-9, and CPA-2007-10. )( Michelle Leininger is the Planner.)

(9) Consider approval of SP-02-14-08: A site plan for a 4,000 square foot warehouse addition and expanded storage yard, located at Maple Grove North No. 3, Lot 3, at the end of the Maple-Grove cul-de-sac, (adjacent to the north side of the Maple Grove Cemetery) approximately 700' north and 1,000' east of the intersection of Highways 24/40/59. Submitted by Paul Werner Architects for Maple Grove Real Estate LLC, property owner of record. (Paul Patterson is the Planner)

(10) Consider current practice of salt/sand supply to outside agencies (Keith Browning)

(11) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment

(12) Adjourn

(Large and color maps available in the Administrator's Office)

Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. on Monday, April 28, 2008 with all members present. 

Johnson moved to approve the minutes March 26, March 31, April 2 and April 4, 2008. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Consider approval of Commission Orders 08-036, 08-037 and 08-038 (on file in the office of the Clerk); and
► Low bid from Central Salt for the supply of 3,500 tons of highway de-icing salt at a total cost of $132,230.00

Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Robert W. Fairchild, Chief Judge of the District Court, presented the Board with a letter in support of the Pro Tem Judge position as directed by the Board at the April 14, 2008 meeting.

Jones stated based on numbers supplied in the letter reflecting the case load of courts in surrounding counties, he feels those judges are handling higher case loads. He prefers the Courts improve efficiency without adding more resources and suggested hiring a consultant to review efficiency. Fairchild responded that he d s not have the funds to hire an outside consultant. He stated there is a need to look at a weighted case average. Jones stated according to some research he has done, it appears the Kansas crime rate has decreased. Yet, we haven't seen a drop in jail time to correspond with the drop in crime rate. Fairchild responded all he can look at is the amount of criminal cases filed in Douglas County and the numbers haven't changed.

Johnson stated he would like to see a better comparison of the number of people and cases in Johnson County versus the number of people and cases in the system here. He is reluctant to spend money on studies unless we are prepared to make the adjustments that come out of the studies.

Jones stated he wants a commitment from the Court to aggressively try to hold down costs and to make every improvement they can in operations.

No action was taken.

FIRE & MEDICAL 04-28-08
The Board considered a request from the Lawrence-Douglas County Fire and Medical Department to purchase an Electronic Patient Care Report (ePCR) system. Mark Bradford, Fire Chief, was present for the discussion.

Bradford stated the ePCR system will move from a hand calculated patient care reporting to an electronic process more secure and efficient for processing records and billing. He received a recommendation from the Douglas County and City Information Technology (IT) departments. The program has a one time set up cost of  $85,600, for software and hardware, paid out of County IT fund. The initial startup cost includes the first months of air card cost and the first year of annual software maintenance. For each of the following years, a mobile connection cost would be $500.00 monthly. In addition, the annual software maintenance/subscription fee to ESO Solutions is $11,595. The hardware component would be purchased from the ambulance funds. Additional funding could be generated by increasing ambulance user fees. Bradford stated he sees a life span for the product to be 5-7 years. 

McElhaney asked if additional personnel will be needed to enter the data. Bradford replied that the same people currently handwriting the information will be entering the data.

After further discussion, Jones moved to authorize the use of the Government Contract for the purchase of the Electronic Patient Care Report (ePCR) system with the stipulation that Chief Bradford use money within his existing budget to fund the purchase. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

FIRE & MEDICAL 04-28-08
Mark Bradford, Fire Chief, asked the Board to consider a rate increase for ambulance fees and standbys. An analysis of a 2007 survey conducted by Mid-America Regional
Council Emergency Rescue (MARCER) of ambulance rates revealed that Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Medical is significantly lower than its surrounding community ambulance service providers. The following rate increases were proposed:







<1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />BLS/ Basic Life Support (Emergency)



BLS/Basic Life Support (Non-Emergency)



ALS-1/Advanced Life Support (Emergency)



ALS-1/Advanced Life Support (Non-Emergency)



ALS-2/ Advanced Life Support



 The increased rate to the area averages is an approximate $622,939 increase for 100% of collections. Bradford also recommended that the City and County consider raising the standby charge from $100 to $137 per hour. These rates are set by City/County resolution as a dollar amount per hour normally for the high school games. It has been the decision by the Board to keep the standby rates at a lesser amount for the schools. Other entities pay cost plus administrative fees.

Jones asked where the approximate $623,000 would go. Bradford stated the fees go into the ambulance fee fund, where we would purchase ambulances, life packs, electronic equipment such as the ePCR system, and it's where the County transfers money from to do other related items.

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, stated approximately half of that fund is financed through property taxes and half through fees. The more aggressive the County is in getting the department financed through fees for service, the less burden is placed on the property tax.

Johnson opened the item for public comment. No public comment.

Johnson moved to approve the recommended increase of charges effective July 1, 2008 with the exception that the standby charges for other units of local government serving residents of Douglas County not be increased. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

VNA & HOSPICE 04-28-08
Judy Bellome, RN, CEO for Douglas County Visiting Nurses, Rehabilitation and Hospice Care, appeared before the Board to discuss a proposal to build a 12 bed hospice facility on land adjacent to the United Way offices located at 2518 Ridge Court. Bellome stated through fund raising, Hospice raised $65,000 to pay back their endowment used for the purchase of a Care Cottage located at 26th & Atchison.  Phase I of their plan is to service four patients at a time and in a year begin a capitol campaign for Phase II. She asked for Douglas County to donate the property so VNA can begin a capital campaign for a 12 bed inpatient Hospice House on land located behind the United Way offices.

Jones stated he is supportive of this project. He questioned if a 99-year-lease is more appropriate than a land donation. Bellome stated it d sn't matter to her. McElhaney commented he preferred the County retain ownership of the property.  

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, clarified that VNA needs to know if the County is willing to work with them on this location. VNA is looking for a strong enough commitment so they can fundraise. A letter would be sufficient. 

Johnson opened the item for public comment. No public comment.

Jones moved to direct Staff to prepare a letter for the Board's signature for a 99-year lease arrangement with VNA for purpose of a hospice, expressing that the property be used to serve the public. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board considered the approval for the purchase of five (5) 2008 Ford Crown Victoria Police patrol cars and one (1) 2008 Ford F-150 1/2 Ton Pickup truck for the Sheriff's Department for a total cost of $136,535.00. Jackie Waggoner, Director of Purchasing, and Ken McGovern, Douglas County Sheriff, were present for the discussion. Last year the County participated in a regional cooperative bidding process (KCRPC) for the acquisition of 2008 vehicles. We can continue to purchase from these contracts until the manufacture's production cutoff date.

McElhaney moved to approve the purchase of five (5) patrol cars and one (1) 1/2 ton pickup truck from Shawnee Mission Ford in the amount of $136,535.00. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board considered the approval of the FY2009 Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan and (C3P) Grant Application. Ron Stegall, Chief Executive Probation Officer, was present for the discussion. Stegall introduced Deb Ferguson, as the new Deputy Director replacing Shannon Murphy.

Jones moved approval of the FY2009 Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan and (C3P) Grant Application. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously. 

PLANNING 04-28-08
The Board considered the approval of SP-02-14-08, a site plan for a 4,000 square foot warehouse addition and expanded storage yard, located at Maple Grove North No. 3, Lot 3, at the end of the Maple-Grove cul-de-sac, (adjacent to the north side of the Maple Grove Cemetery) and approximately 700' north and 1,000' east of the intersection of Highways 24/40/59. The application was submitted by Paul Werner
Architects for Maple Grove Real Estate LLC, property owner of record. Paul Patterson, Lawrence & Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, was present for the discussion. Staff recommends approval of the proposed site plan
subject to the following conditions:

1. Provision of a revised site plan that shows the following:
a. As a building is no longer proposed for the southern half of the lot and as the property is entirely within the  100 year floodplain, remove the proposed 4' of fill shown on the southern half of the lot. 
b. Revise the calculation of amount of fill for the property and verify if a state floodplain development permit would be required. 

c. Provide drainage from west to the east, so as not to contribute to flooding or increase the ground water level for the adjacent Maple Grove Cemetery located immediately to the south.
d. Provide the Minimum Exterior Building Opening (MEBO) elevation.
e. Clearly label the outside storage area(s).
f. Update the 3.1 parking information so the parking calculation table matches the 3.1 note.
2.   Approval of local flood plain development permit (and state permit if required) and provide a copy for the Planning Office file [SO-02-14-08].

Paul Werner, Paul Werner Architects, asked that condition 1a be removed, that it is covered under condition 1b, and he stated feels condition 2 also covers the fill issue. The original plan showed a second building on the lot. Because the lot is not six acres, an additional septic system can not be added. However, an addition to the existing septic system can be added according to his discussions with Richard Ziesenis, Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department. The 4,000 sq.ft. addition to the existing building is what his client really needs and storage area to the south of the existing driveway.

After further discussion, McElhaney moved to approve site plan SP-02-14-08 with the following revised conditions:

1. Provision of a revised site plan that shows the following:
a. Revise the calculation of amount of fill for the property and verify if a state floodplain development permit would be required.
b. Provide a drainage from west to the east, so as not to contribute to flooding or increase the ground water level for the adjacent Maple Grove Cemetery located immediately to the south.
c. Provide the Minimum Exterior Building Opening (MEBO) elevation.
d. Clearly label the outside storage area(s).
e. Update the 3.1 parking information so the parking calculation table matches the 3.1 note.
2.   Approval of local flood plain development permit (and state permit if required) and provide a copy for the Planning Office file [SO-02-14-08].

Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

The Board considered the approval of CPA-2007-8, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020 Chapter 6, Commercial Land Use, to update the identified Neighborhood Commercial Center on the southeast corner of O'Connell Road and E. 23rd Street/K-10 Highway to be identified as a Community Commercial Center, as recommended by Staff. The amendment was initiated by Planning Commission on 11/28/07 as part of the Southeast Area Plan. Michelle Leininger, Lawrence & Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented the item to the Board.

Jones moved approval of CPA-2007-8, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020 Chapter 6. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board considered the approval of CPA-2007-9, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020 Chapter 6, Commercial Land Use, to identify a Neighborhood Commercial Center on the northeast corner of Franklin Road extended and E. 28th Street extended. The amendment was initiated by Planning Commission on 11/28/07 as part of the Southeast Area Plan. Michelle Leininger, Lawrence & Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented the item to the Board.

Jones moved approval of CPA-2007-9, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020 Chapter 6. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board considered the approval of CPA-2007-10, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020 Chapter 6, Commercial Land Use, to remove the Neighborhood Commercial Center on the northwest corner of Franklin Road extended and N. 1300 Road (E. 31st Street). The amendment was initiated by Planning
Commission on 11/28/07 as part of the Southeast Area Plan. Michelle Leininger, Lawrence & Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented the item to the Board.

Jones moved approval of CPA-2007-10, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020 Chapter 6. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board consider adopting Joint City Ordinance No. 8243/County Resolution 08-15, regarding CPA-2007-8, CPA-2007-9, and CPA-2007-10. Michelle Leininger, Lawrence & Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department presented item to the Board.

Jones moved approval to adopt Joint City Ordinance No. 8243/County Resolution 08-15, regarding CPA-2007-8, CPA-2007-9, and CPA-2007-10, a joint ordinance of the City of Lawrence, Kansas and Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas approving amendments to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan "Horizon 2020" by amending Chapter Six - Commercial Land Use, Lawrence-New Commercial Area Section and Map 6-1 and repealing the existing section and map. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously. 

Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, asked the Board to review the current practice of salt and sand supply to outside agencies, provide direction to continue, revise or discontinue the program. For several years, Douglas County has been providing sand/salt materials to outside agencies at our cost plus $2.00 per ton to help offset the cost of mixing and handling. Douglas County has not charged for storage or administrative costs. During the 2007-2008 winter, salt supply became a critical issue, which forced the Public Works department to ration mix and materials to outside agencies, causing them to reduce their level of service. Alternatives to the County proving materials include: 1) Larger users can piggyback our bulk salt supply bid, but would have to have adequate storage; 2) Smaller users can contract with commercial providers that produce pre-mixed material. All the agencies have storage issues. 

Mike Perkins, Operations Manager Public Works, discussed the option of expanding the satellite facilities at Lone Star and Vinland so the County can store enough salt for the entire winter, 4,500 tons. The approximate cost for the expansion of each location would be $15-20,000 per facility. The County could store enough salt for our use and all outside agencies.
The Board directed Staff to get more accurate administrative costs for outside agencies, compare that to the amount we are charging now, to calculate the cost of supplying to agencies at 100%, and then bring the information back to the Board for further consideration.

Linda Finger, Planning Resource Coordinator, discussed with the Board an issue involving Bill Graham, Douglas County Resident, who purchased property 15 years ago on a private road. A previous body approved a private road for three divisions of the property, but the owner did not file the divisions. Staff thought the property would have to go through a large parcel division. The property is located within the Urban Growth Area. The owner can not meet public road requirements.

It was the consensus of the Board for the item to be placed on the May 5, 2008 agenda for discussion.

Jones moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $405,676.61 paid      on 04/21/08 and $450,680.86 paid on 04/28/08; and a wire transfer in the amount    of $731,246.00 paid on 04/24/08. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved to adjourn the meeting; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried. 


____________________________     ____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                           Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________   ____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                      Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA