Commission Board Meeting on Mon, January 28, 2008 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

8:30 A.M. (Meet in the Commission Chamber)


 (1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders; and
(b) Consider approval of Notice to Township Board for applications to sell Cereal Malt Beverages for Clinton Marina Grille and Clinton Marina both located at 1329 E 800 Road (Clerk's Office)
(c)  Consider Approval of Bids for Crushed Rock for Road Maintenance (Keith Browning)
(2) (a) Consider approval of the Southeast Area Plan (Michelle Leininger is the planner.)


(b) Consider approving CPA-2007-4 an amend Horizon 2020, Chapter 14 Specific Plans, to add a reference to the Southeast Area Plan (Michelle Leininger is the planner.)


(c) Consider approving joint City Ordinance No. 8221/County Resolution regarding the Southeast Area Plan and CPA-2007-04, approved by the City Commission January 15, 2008. (Michelle Leininger is the planner.)


(3) Discussion on Douglas County Senior Center Major Objectives for 2008 (John Glassman)


(4) Receive Planning recommendation MM-09-01-07: Request to designate minimum maintenance road status for a portion of E 700 Road in Lecompton Township between 1800

Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, January 28, 2008 with all members present.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Commission Order No. 08-008 (on file with the office of the Clerk); and
► Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses for Clinton Marina Grill and Clinton Marina both located at 1329 E 800 Road; and
► Bids for crushed rock for road maintenance from Mid-States Materials and Hamm Quarries for the supply of 3000-7500 tons of AB-3 base rock and 3000-7500 tons SS-3 road rock from each supplier, and the bid from Mid-States Material for the supply of 1000-3000 tons of shot rock.

The motion was seconded by McELhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board received a planning recommendation for MM-09-01-07, a request to designate minimum maintenance road status for a portion of E 700 Road within Lecompton Township between 1800N and 2000N.

Jones moved to receive the recommendation for MM-09-01-07, a request to designate minimum maintenance road status and directed staff to set a hearing date, draft a final resolution and present the Planning Commission's recommendation at the County Commissioner's public hearing. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board received a petition for a road vacation on E700 Road between 1800N and 1900N. Rockwall Farms, L.C. is the property owner of record. This segment of road is within the approximate two-mile portion of E700 Road currently under consideration for a declaration of minimum maintenance. Rockwall Farms, L.C. has received approval, through the planning process, to establish a chapel/country club on the land abutting the road portion in the petition. Landowner concerns include traffic safety due to limited sight distance for west bound traffic on 438 Road and traffic control for access to the country club.

Jones moved to receive the petition from Rockwall Farms, L.C. regarding the proposed vacation and directed staff to set a date for the final action of public hearing and undertake the appropriate public notification process. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

PLANNING 01-28-08
The Board considered approval of the Southeast Area Plan. Michelle Leininger, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, was present for discussion. The planning area is bounded roughly to the north by E 23rd Street/K-10 Highway; to the west by O'Connell Road; to the south by the north side of the Wakarusa River floodplain; and to the east by E 1750 Road (Noria Road). The plan identifies future primary land use intent within this bounded area.

McElhaney asked why the packet d s not include proposed land use summary acreage and totals. Leininger stated the staff specifically has not added future land use summaries to allow for more flexibility.

Jones stated he is pleased staff has come up with a good compromise. He asked Leininger to described step three of the process. Leininger explained step three is the ordinance/resolution or legal step that basically amends the plan into Horizon 2020. The plan process is completed once the ordinance/resolution is approved, signed and published in the paper.

Johnson opened the item for public comment.

Karen Heeb, Douglas County resident, stated she is pleased with the plan but has concerns regarding 11 homes between 1700 E and 1600 E. She stated according to the plan, N1300 Road is proposed as a principal arterial road, which would require the County to take 150 foot of right-of-way along the lots, wiping out several of the homes. Johnson stated the road is a City issue, but he understands the concerns and questioned how the County and City would move forward when development occurs.

Jones asked how long before this arterial road would be developed. Leininger stated at this time, the road is not on the CIP. It would be a public process.

McElhaney stated that the 31st Street Corridor Study should address some of the concerns and he is willing to come back to these issues as a part of the Street Corridor Study. Heath stated she has no intention of holding up the plan. She just wants to be proactive. Leininger stated the 31st Street Corridor Study is not specific that far east. There are some provisions added to the policy section of the Southeast Area Plan that suggest preserving existing dwelling units and to consider a frontage road, if possible.

Scott McCullough, Director of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, stated this is a great example of local residents being very active in the planning process and keeping the 31st Street extension alignment issue in the forefront. They understand this is not an immediate issue. The property owners have been instructed to keep this an awareness issue.

Steve Glass, resident, stated he supports the plan. He stated that perhaps the City and County could compromise on the width of the right-of-way for 31st Street when it is fully developed. The connection to Haskell and O'Connell would be critical.

Jones stated future improvements to 31st Street would be a City project. The Board should send a note to back to the Planning Commission to have the City to be mindful of the potential connection to 31st street.

Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, stated no decisions have been made on arterials, However, if it was decided 31st street should be a major arterial, the County would be involved.

Jones asked Browning to make arrangements for an update/work session on 31st Street. Johnson and McElhaney agreed.

Johnson addressed the residents concerns by stating those property owners north of 31st Street will want to develop their land, which is a positive note to those living south of 31st Street. He feels the property owners to the north will be more inclined to work with the City and County in order to make the road the way the government wants it and the way the property owners want it, to be able to develop their property. His hope is that as the County stays involved, so that we can represent the property owners to the south and hopefully it will not take 7 to 10 years to get it done. The area plan is to the point where it is acceptable to the City, the County, and the property owners on both sides, north and south. The onus will be on the property owners to keep the issue in the forefront. Jones and McElhaney agreed.

Jones moved approval of the Southeast Area Plan. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

PLANNING 01-28-08
The Board considered approval of CPA-2007-4 to amend Horizon 2020, Chapter 14 Specific Plans, to add a reference to the Southeast Area Plan. The CPA will add the title of the plan, a description of the approximate planning area boundaries, approval dates, and the future review date.

Jones moved approval of CPA-2007-4, an amendment to Horizon 2020, Chapter 14 Specific Plans, to add a reference to the Southeast Area Plan. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously

PLANNING 01-28-08
Jones moved approval of Joint Ordinance 8221 of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, and Resolution No. 08-04 of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas approving amendments to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan "Horizon 2020" by amending Chapter Fourteen - Specific Plans in "Horizon 2020," repealing the existing section, and incorporating by reference the "Southeast Area Plan" prepared by the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office.Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

John Glassman, Director of Senior Services, discussed 2008 Initiatives for the Senior Services Center. He plans improvements and expansions in the following areas: 1) financial independence, 2) positive images of aging through programs and activities, 3) staff development, 4) community partnership, 5) Board of Directors, and 6) operations and infrastructure.

Glassman discussed plans to look for funding opportunities outside of the government and grants, the urgency for independent service organizations to work together to reach more people, a three-year plan for continuing education in Douglas County the desire for more physical space, and a need for an adult daycare program with a location that would accommodate 30 attendants per day.

No action was taken.

Teri Smith, Director of Emergency Management, prepared an Outdoor Warning Siren Placement Policy as directed by the Board of County Commissioners, and brought before the Board for approval. The placement policy outlines the criteria for determining the necessity and placement of outdoor warning sirens to alert the public when severe weather is imminent.

McElhaney moved to adopt the Outdoor Warning Siren Placement Policy with editorial language changes based on comments suggested by the Commission regarding the "one-mile range" and gave Smith authority to edit language as she determines necessary. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board considered the recommendation for two additional outdoor warning sirens to be added in Douglas County with their placements to be determined according to the Outdoor Warning Siren Placement Policy.

Jones moved to approve the recommendation to purchase and install two sirens through the contract with Mid America Regional Council through Blue Valley Public Safety Incorporated for an amount not-to-exceed $20,000 per siren. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved approval of accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $150,000.00 paid on 01/17/08; accounts payable in the amounts of $200,293.06 for 2007 to be paid on 01/28/08 and $441,837.26 for 2008 to be paid on 01/28/08; and wire transfer in the amounts of $14,528.48 and $490,676.25 to be paid on 01/31/08. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved to adjourn the meeting; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried.

____________________________ ____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________ ____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA