Commission Board Meeting on Mon, January 14, 2008 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

Amended Agenda

-The Pledge of Allegiance

 (1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Consider approval of application for an authorized Emergency Vehicle Permits for Randall D. Ates and Louis Disney (Sheriff's Department):
(c)  Consider approval of Construction Engineering force account agreement with KDOT for replacement of Bridge located at 697 E 100 Road, Project No. 23 C-4122-01(Keith Browning); and
(d) Consider approval of Joint Ordinance 8230/Resolution to approve the December 2007 addition of the Subdivision Regulations (Text amendments approved by County Commission 11/14/07) (Linda Finger)

 (2) Discussion with Scott McCullough, Director of Planning, on build out plans and the purpose of building envelopes. (No backup)

 (3) Consider approval of a resolution to allow cooperation between the Lawrence and Douglas County -Advocacy Council on Aging (LDC-ACA), Douglas County agencies and Kansas Department on Aging (KDOA) (Linda O'Donnell and Blanch Parks)

(4) Consider approval to solicit bids for construction of sanitary sewer improvements in Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit Districts Nos. 1, 2 & 3, Project Nos. 2006-13, 2006-13A, 2006-14, 2006-15 (Keith Browning)

(5) Consider approval of easement acquisition contracts for the Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District Nos. 1, 2 & 3 DGCO Project Nos. 2006-13, 2006-13A, 2006-14, 2006-15 (Keith Browning)

(6) Consideration of Dust Palliative Program for 2008 (Keith Browning)

(7) Consideration of Lease with Baldwin State Bank for part-time County Treasurer office in Baldwin City (Paula Gilchrist, Treasurer)

(8) Consideration Staff recommendation for County facility energy audit (Jenny Hesseltine)

(9) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment

(10) Adjourn

12:00 P.M. - Douglas County Commission/Judges annual lunch meeting in the Citizen Review Board conference room at the JLE Center.


 Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. on Monday, January 14, 2008 with all members present. 

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

 ► Commission Order Nos. 08-005 (on file with the office of the Clerk);
 ►  Emergency Vehicle permit for Randall D. Ates and Louis Disney;
 ►  Construction Engineering Force Account Agreement with the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) for Public Works department personnel to perform construction inspection services for the Replacement of Bridge No. 06.97N-01.00E, Project No. 23 C-4122-01.(Under the contract, Public Works will perform construction inspection for the project and KDOT will reimburse the County for 80% of all inspection costs. The remaining 20% will be paid from the budget as regular salaries. The upper limit of compensation is $82,353.67 of which 80% would be reimbursed.); and
 ►  Joint Ordinance No. 8230 of the City of Lawrence, Kansas and Resolution No. 08-03 of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas amending the "Subdivision Regulations for Lawrence and the Unincorporated areas of Douglas County, Kansas, December 19, 2006 Edition" by incorporating by reference the "Subdivision Regulations for Lawrence and the unincorporated areas of Douglas County, Kansas, December 4, 2007 Text Amendments" prepared by the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office and Repealing the existing sections.

The motion was seconded by McELhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board considered an appeal of a certificate of Survey for Cluster Development CS-U-08-01-07 located along the south side of N 1100 Road, approximately one-quarter of a mile west of the intersection of N 1100 Road with E 1200 Road as tabled from the January 9, 2008 meeting.

Scott McCullough, Director of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan  Planning, Department, presented a discussion on the purpose of build-out plans, building envelopes, and the concepts to support the proper planning within the Urban Growth Area, which requires a higher level of detail to economically plan for infrastructure. Build-out plans require lots and blocks. The consequences for not following the build-out plan will inadvertently increase service costs to the area, the potential for disconnection of streets and non-uniform lot sizes. McCullough stated the plans should be meaningful, not just a template. A quick analysis would be to maintain the build-out plan at some level, and initiate a text amendment to allow for more flexibility on lot parcels.

Jones stated he is not sure that the regulations won't allow for more flexibility now. Text amendments take a long time to develop. The real issue is applying common sense to site-specific decision making. Jones stated he feels McCullough did exactly the right thing to deny the certificate of survey based on the requirements. He questions though if authority was given to assign placement of a building within the building envelope. The building envelopment would maximize the property value, but the decision would be up to the property owner.

McCullough stated the code requires that the setbacks be respected in staff's opinion. He stated what might serve the city/county residents better would be to stop planning at the street and block level. Jones suggested that the design be brought to lot level and street perimeter setbacks. If the property owners place their structures within the building envelopes, a text amendment would not be required. Johnson and McElhaney agreed. Jones suggested that staff work on the interpretation of the regulations and handle administratively.
It was the consensus of the Board to return to the Planning Director to re-review   the application for the Certificate of Survey and handle the issue administratively, if possible.

The Board considered a request from Linda O'Donnell, Lawrence-Douglas county-Advocacy Council on Aging, and Blanch Park, Kansas Department on Aging, to seek permission and support Lifelong Communities Initiatives to start a year-long, county-wide, collaborate assessment with all Douglas County agencies and to evaluate and review the community for the need for additional services to meet the growing number of seniors.

Each participating community would be required to develop and implement a detailed action plan to address areas needing improvement found in the initial assessment. The project would be funded through 1) KDOA whose staff provides the assessment tool, data analysis and technical assistance; 2) LDC-ACA whose memorial gift will cover incidental costs and consulting with KU gerontology Center; and 3) resources from participating agencies whose staff will help conduct the study.
Johnson stated he felt it might be better to have the local agencies come forward to support the effort rather than telling them they must support the initiative. He also stated concern that the organization may seek out problem areas and then come to the board for funding. Parks stated the organization would be willing to help find grants and funds.

Judy Bellome, Visiting Nurses Association, stated she applauds the group's efforts but supports the idea of sitting down with her group and discussing their proposals.

Marsha Goff, Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging, also agreed with the Commission that all the organizations need to work together. JAAA is also looking at a needs analysis.

After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that they support the concept of the program, but do not agree with signing a resolution. Lifelong Communities Initiative should seek a note of support by all local agencies and that the County Administrator will provide a list of all local organizations involved. 

The Board considered a request to solicit bids for the Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Benefit District Nos. 1, 2 & 3. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, and Aaron Gaspers, Peridian Group, Inc., were present for the discussion.  Construction plans, contract documents and easement acquisition for the three benefit districts are substantially complete. The correction construction cost estimates for the three benefits districts are as follows:

Benefit District             Approximate Estimated Construction Cost
No. 1                                            $  2,096,00
No. 2                                            $   666,000
No. 3                                            $   526,000

Plans and contract documents include work in all the three benefit districts and will be bid as one project. It is planned to open bids the last week of January or early February 2008.

Browning stated the County still needs to grant one easement to the City of Lawrence on property located in the East Hills Business Park for the sanitary sewer. The Administrator and legal counselor are working to ensure that the easement will not negatively impact future development of the property. The easement should be ready for approval next week.

Jones asked if the remaining easement was a reason to hold up action today. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, responded it is not.
Jones moved to approval to solicit bids for the construction of sanitary sewer improvements to Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District No. 1, 2 & 3, Douglas County project Nos. 2006-13, 2006-13A, 2006-14 and 2006-15, contingent upon approval of final plans by City of Lawrence Utilities Department and Douglas County Public Works and subject to acquisition of all necessary easements. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.
The Board considered the approval of easement acquisition contracts between Douglas County and the following two property owners: O'Connell Youth Ranch, Inc. and Ralph and Roger Kitsmiller, for the Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District No. 1, 2 & 3. The cost of the easements will be assessed to the benefit districts. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, and Aaron Gaspers, Peridian Group, Inc., were present for the discussion.

Jones moved to approve easement acquisition contracts for the construction of improvements associated with the Southeast Lawrence Sanitary Sewer Main Benefit District Nos. 1, 2 & 3; Douglas County project Nos. 2006-13, 2006-13A, 2006-14 and 2006-15. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board considered the approval of a dust palliative program for 2008. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works, stated he anticipates the cost for magnesium chloride to increase approximately $.07 per gallon or 10.1%. For 2008, a target total applications rate of 0.45 gallon/S.Y. is desire for more effective dust control. Considering the anticipated material cost increase and a target total application rate of 0.45 gal/S.Y., it is recommended to increase the material fee from $0.70/l.f. to $0.85/l.f. He also recommends the continuation of an upfront application fee.

McElhaney moved to approve the continuation brokerage of a dust palliative program with an up front user fee of $1.45/linear foot ($0.85 l.f/ for dust palliative material and an additional $0.60 l.f. user fee to cover road preparation costs), plus an administrative fee of $45.00 per applicant and give permission to advertise for bidders once the application process has been complete. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

TREASURER 01-14-08
The consideration of a lease with the Baldwin State Bank for a part-time County Treasurer's office in Baldwin City was deferred to the Wednesday, January 16,   2008 meeting.

Jenny Hesseltine, Administrative Intern, asked the Commission to consider her recommendation for a County facility energy audit. The idea stemmed from staff conferences on energy efficiency. The program will save County money on building efficiency and will not cost anything until the County approves a formal energy audit.

The Kansas Corporation Commission has developed the Facilities Conservation Improvement Program (FCIP) as a way to provide a streamlined and tax-exempt process for public agencies to use energy saving performance contracting to create greater efficiency within their facilities. Within the program, public agencies contract with state-approved private Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) who identify and evaluate energy-saving opportunities and recommend packages for improvements that are paid for through savings. The ESCO guarantees that savings meet or exceed annual payments to cover all project costs. If savings do not materialize, the ESCO pays the difference, and the public agency is not responsible for those costs.

The first step is the viability study for which there is no cost. The second step, if recommended, is the comprehensive energy audit with an estimated cost of $19,000, which would be rolled into the energy-saving projects. The buildings to be reviewed include the Courthouse, JLE Building, Youth Services, Public Works (excluding the sanctuary and the facility on 23rd Street), Extension Office, Fairgrounds Arena, Fairgrounds Storage Building, and the Jail.

Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, suggested adding fairground Building 21 to the list.

It was the consensus of the Board to continue with the viability study.

Jones moved approval of accounts payable in the amounts of $329,585.73 for 2007 Funds to be paid on 01/14/08 and $73,576.56 for 2008 Funds to be paid on 0/14/08; and a wire transfer in the amount of $103,293.20 paid on 01/10/08. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.  

Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting; Jones seconded and the motion carried. 


____________________________     ____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                         Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________   ____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                    Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA