Commission Board Meeting on Mon, December 10, 2007 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

Meet in the <1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />JLE Building, EOC Room 2nd Floor



-Consider approval of the minutes for October 24, November 5, November 9, November 12,    November 13, and November 28, 2007



      (1)       (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;

(b) Consider approval of resolutions granting Cereal Malt Beverage licenses for Cecil Monday's Bar & Grill; Area Management Corp; Flamingo Enterprises/The Bird of Lawrence; Flamingo Enterprises of Lawrence; Midland Farm Store; and Zarco, Inc.(Clerk's office);

(c)  Consider approval of the 2008 County employee holiday schedule (Pam Madl); and

(d) Consider approval of Agreement for County Treatment of Noxious Weeds on KDOT Right-of-Way (Keith Browning)

Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:39 a.m. on Monday, December 10, 2007 with all members present.

Jones moved to approve the minutes of October 24, as amended, November 5, November 9, November 12, as amended, November 13, and November 28, 2007, as amended. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Commissioners Order Nos. 07-174, 07-175, 07-176, 07-177 (on file with the office of the County Clerk);
► Resolution No. 07-52 granting a cereal malt beverage license to Midland Farm Store;
► Resolution No. 07-53 granting a cereal malt beverage license to Zarco, Inc;
► Resolution No. 07-54 granting a cereal malt beverage license to Flamingo Enterprises of Lawrence;
► Resolution No. 07-55 granting a cereal malt beverage license to Flamingo Enterprises/The Bird of Lawrence;
► Resolution No. 07-56 granting a cereal malt beverage license to Cecil Monday's Bar & Grill;
► Resolution No. 07-57 granting a cereal malt beverage license to Area Management Corp.;
► Pull the item "Consider approval of the 2008 County employee holiday schedule" for discussion; and
► Approve the agreement with the Kansas Department of Transportation for the treatment of noxious weeds on state rights-of-way in 2008.

Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

PERSONNEL 12-10-07
The Board discussed the recommended 2008 County employee holiday schedule.  The recommended holidays are:

            New Year's Day                                Tuesday, January 1

            Martin Luther King's Day                  Monday, January 21

            Memorial Day                                    Monday, May 26

            Fourth of July                                     Friday, July 4

            Labor Day                                          Monday, September 1

            Thanksgiving                                     Thursday-Friday, November 27-28

            Christmas                                          Thursday-Friday, December 25-26

            One (1) Personal Discretionary Day

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, explained that a survey was being conducted regarding the Christmas holiday. Employees were being asked whether they would prefer Wednesday and Thursday, December 24th and 25th, or Thursday and Friday, December 25th and 26th. Since the results were still pending, Weinaug requested that he be authorized to approve the holidays administratively once the results have been tallied. (The County Administrator subsequently confirmed that the Christmas holiday for 2008 would be December 25 and 26, Thursday, Friday, based on feedback received from the employees.)

After discussion, Jones moved that the 2008 County holiday schedule be approved giving the County Administrator the discretion to change the Christmas holiday, if needed, once the survey results have been tallied. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Judy Billings, representing Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area, appeared before the Board requesting that the County sponsor the Heritage Trust Consultant Contract. In October 2006, Congress approved Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area. A management plan is required to be completed by October 2009. The Board of Trustees of Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area has been working diligently to attract private resources for the purpose of funding this initial management plan and has raised approximately $150,000 in public and private funds. The total contract cost is $300,000. Douglas County is being asked to guarantee the remainder of the funds if the fundraising falls short.

Johnson moved that Douglas County agree to lend a maximum of $150,000 to Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area on an as needed basis. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Teri Smith, Director of Emergency Management, presented a Disaster Resolution for the Board's consideration due to the impending ice storm predicted for Douglas County. 

Jones moved approval of the Disaster Resolution to be put into place if the impending storm materializes. McElhaney seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Teri Smith, Director of Emergency Management, requested authorization to apply for a 2008 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Planning Grant. She explained that the State of Kansas Emergency Management has announced a grant opportunity for funding to provide planning and training for hazardous materials emergencies. The HMEP are distributed to Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC's).

Grants may be used to support hazardous materials training, commodity flow assessments, enhancing emergency response plans, maintaining information systems, assessing response capabilities, technical staff planning, hazard analysis, and hazardous materials drills and exercises. Smith proposed that the grant be utilized for hazardous materials certification and training which would cost approximately $25,000.

The grant requires a 20% "soft or hard" match. She plans to meet the match requirements through use of "soft" matches such as salaries, voluntary contributions, equipment and facilities usage. Any required matching amount not met through "soft" matches could be funded from the Emergency Management budget.

Jones made a motion to authorize application for a 2008 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Planning Grant up to $25,000. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $139,294.94 paid on 12/03/07; $330,118.86 to be paid 12/10/07; and accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $320.83. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved to reappoint Eric Struckhoff to the Lawrence-Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved to adjourn the meeting; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


____________________________     ____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                         Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________   ____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                     Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA