Commission Board Meeting on Wed, October 10, 2007 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information

(Meeting in Commission Chamber, Douglas County Courthouse)

-Consider approval of a Proclamation for "National 4-H Week" October 7-13, 2007(Emily Morehouse) (backup attached to above 10-10-07 file)
-Consider approval of a Proclamation for "Community Planning Month" (Dan Warner)(backup attached to above 10-10-07 file)

(1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
(b) Consider approval of acquisition of Easement for structure No. 4.00N-10.37E (Michael Kelly); (backup attached to above 10-10-07 file)
(c) Consider approval of resolution establishing a 30 MPH speed limit for a portion of E 600 Road near Clinton Lake (Keith Browning); (backup attached to above 10-10-07 file)
(d) Consider approval of resolution establishing a 40 MPH speed limit for a portion 438 (E 1200 Road, Kasold extended) (Keith Browning); (backup attached to above 10-10-07 file)
(e) Consider approval of resolution establishing a 30 MPH and 25 MPH speed limits for portions of E 1452 Road north of Route 460 (Keith Browning); (backup attached to above 10-10-07 file)
(f) Consider approval of resolution establishing a 40 MPH speed limit for a portion of N 1850 Road in Lecompton Township (Keith Browning); and (backup attached to above 10-10-07 file)
(g) Consider approval of resolution establishing a 30 MPH speed limit for a portion of N 600 Road in Palmyra Township (Keith Browning).(backup attached to above 10-10-07 file)

(2) Discuss letter regarding trafficway from Federal Highway Administration to County Administrator, and letter responding to FHA letter. (Craig Weinaug)(backup attached to above 10-10-07 file)

(3) Other Business
(a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
(b) Appointments
(c) Miscellaneous
(d) Public Comment

(4) Adjourn

Meeting held Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. to provide briefing for County Commissioners on Transportation 2030 process. All three Commissioners were in attendance. Meeting was not called to order and no county business was conducted.


____________________________     ____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                         Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________   ____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                    Charles Jones, Member

Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. on Wednesday, October 10, 2007 with all members present.

Will Pendleton, Douglas County 4-H representative, read a Proclamation proclaiming the week of October 7-13, 2007, as "National 4-H Week." McElhaney made a motion to approve the Proclamation; Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Joseph Rexwinkle, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, read a Proclamation proclaiming the month of October as "Community Planning Month." Jones made a motion to approve the Proclamation; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

McElhaney moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Drainage Structure Replacement for Bridge No. 4.00N-10.37 E Acquisition of Easement for WJCJM, L.L.C., Donald C Schwartz and Jane C. Schwartz; and Joanne M. Hastings and Donald L. Hastings; for Douglas County, Kansas Contract for Highway Purposes;
► Resolution No. 07-40 establishing a 30 MPH speed limit for a portion of E 600 Road near Clinton Lake;
► Resolution No. 07-41 establishing a 40 MPH speed limit for a portion 438  (E 1200 Road, Kasold extended);
► Resolution No. 07-42 establishing a 30 MPH and Resolution No. 07-43 establishing a 25 MPH speed limit for portions of E 1452 Road north of Route 460;
► Resolution No. 07-44 establishing a 40 MPH speed limit for a portion of N 1850 Road in Lecompton Township; and
► Resolution No. 07-45 establishing a 30 MPH speed limit for a portion of N 600 Road in Palmyra Township.

Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.
The Board discussed a letter directed to the County Administrator from the U.S. Department of Transportation dated August 27, 2007. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) with the cooperation from the Kansas Department of Transportation in the process of completing Section 4(f) Evaluation for the South Lawrence Trafficway project, asked for a response to questions regarding issues of development south of 31st Street. The Board discussed the administrator's response. Linda Finger, Planning Resource Coordinator, was present for discussion.

Jones asked if the growth planned for the next 20 years between Highway 59 and   E 1600 Road is mostly residential. Finger stated the development would be residential with six houses per acre.

Johnson stated the letter did not come to the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, but was directed to staff asking specific questions related to south area development requiring professional, planners to answer.

Johnson opened the item for public comment.

Laura Ruth, Lawrence resident, asked the Commission whom the County consulted prior to the draft of the letter. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, stated the Federal Highway Administration and Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) officials. No Commissioners were present. The response was generated by staff with virtually no input from Commissioners. Ruth asked what role the Planning Commission and City officials played in the response. Weinaug answered, none, specifically because it was asked to be a staff response.
Dan Wildcat, Lawrence resident, stated the alignment through the wetland is comparable to a desecration of the history of Haskell University. The land represents more than real estate, it is sacred ground. 

Les Hannon, Lawrence resident, stated the 32nd Street route is close enough to take a significant traffic load off 23rd Street. He feels both 42nd and 47th streets are too far south to have any impact on 23rd Street.

Johnson stated for the public that this meeting is to address the letter to staff requiring specific answers regarding existing development regulations. This meeting has no bearing on the preferred alignment of the SLT, nor will the letter reflect any comments from citizens.

Erin Paden, Lawrence Resident, stated the land has an emotional impact for generations and she is in favor of preserving the wetlands.

Lisa Harris, Lawrence resident, stated the intermodal facility planned for Ottawa was not mentioned in the response letter and will affect development and traffic patterns. 

Mike Ford, Baldwin City, stated he prefers 42nd Street as a route to preserve the wetlands.

Stan Ross, Lawrence Resident and Spokesperson for Haskell University, commented that he is opposed to a 31st or 32nd Street alignment.

Dayna Carleton, Lawrence Resident, stated she sees the wetlands as a spiritual place and feels placing the SLT through the wetlands is disrespectful. 

Boog Highberger, Lawrence City Commissioner, encouraged the Board to consider the option of a southern route by creating a boulevard at grade, using the existing right-of-way interchanges. He stated the environment impacts and costs should be less.   

Gwen Klingenberg, Lawrence resident, stated the biggest growth will be south of the Wakarusa River and the SLT should be moved south to tie into 59 Highway.

Carey Maynard-Moody, stated this is not a transportation project, but a highway project. She agrees with City Commissioner Highberger's suggestion of making 1100 or 1000 Road into a boulevard.  

Michael Caron, Executive Director of Save the Haskell Wetlands, stated the letter should be addressed by the Metropolitan Planning Department, because the Planning Staff has a wide variety of training to address the big picture. He is opposed to the development of the SLT through the wetlands.

Savannah J , Lawrence resident, is opposed to the development of the SLT through the wetlands. She invited the Board to attend a WPO meeting at Haskell to learn more about the wetlands.
Dave Stano, Lawrence resident, stated it is the businessmen, CEOs and Wal-Mart who will benefit from the SLT. He can not support its development. He said he is paid hourly and sitting in traffic d s not bother him. He feels the "no build" option is best.

Dennis Domer, Douglas County resident, stated he feels the letter is too subtle, and wherever the SLT g s, there will be new development.

Jones moved to close public comment; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 

Johnson apologized for not making statements or comments, but this meeting is not the proper venue for comments. The meeting is meant to address the letter and its review before signing. The public has a right to make comment. However, the question at this meeting is not whether the Commission favors the SLT, but whether the Commission approves the letter.

Jones stated Bob and Jere are in favor of the SLT, he is not. He stated the County Administrator is doing what the majority has directed him to do, which is his job. Jones thanked Craig and his follow Commissioners for circulating the letter so the public would have a chance for comment. He stated the letter is poorly written. A simple question should be answered in a simple way. The wastewater treatment plant plan indicates there will be 20,000 new people south of the Wakarusa River. He feels that simple answer should have been given to that question. Jones stated the other thing that troubles him is the myth that the SLT was intended to improve traffic on 23rd and Iowa. That was the original purpose. Later it was found that purpose could not be met and it was changed to say the SLT would move traffic around town. With or without the SLT, in 20 years, 23rd Street will be a crisis we have to fix. KDOT modeled the impact on roads and it was determined in 12 out of 18 road surface segments, 42nd street was better. In response to the question, "What's going to happen south of the Wakarusa River1/2" Jones agrees there will be growth. He feels we should put the highway south of the river. Jones last point includes Iowa Street. On three of the four segments, "no build" was better than building out 32nd Street. He feels that the 32nd Street option would make traffic worse on Iowa Street. Jones stated this information should be included in the letter. He will consider writing a (dissenting) letter in reply. He feels the County should provide simple numbers and let the FHWA come to their own conclusions.

McElhaney stated the letter answers five simple questions. He feels the response letter was well crafted. The answers or responses are an accumulation of many years of input, and many years of transportation plans put together by the City of Lawrence, Douglas County and the Highway Department. During the 5:00 p.m. Transportation 2030 briefing, it was stated the SLT would relieve traffic on Iowa and 23rd Streets.

It was the consensus of the Board that the letter met Commission approval and could be signed by the County Administrator and mailed.

CJ moved to approve an accounts payable wire transfer in the amount of $306,252.40 to be paid on 10/10/07. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously. 

Jones moved to authorize the other Commissioners to sign on behalf of the Chairman through October 22, 2007 during his absence. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously. 

Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting; Jones seconded and the motion carried. 


____________________________     ____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                        Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________   ____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                     Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA