Commission Board Meeting on Mon, October 8, 2007 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

-Consider approval of minutes for September 19, 2007

 (1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
  (b) Consider approval of acquisition of Right-of-way for structure No. 5.83N-24.00E, Project No. Joint Douglas/Johnson County project No. 46C-3974-01 (Michael Kelly); and (backup attached to above 10-08-07 file)
  (c)  Consider approval of Cereal Malt Beverage License Notices to Townships.(backup attached to above 10-08-07 file)

Planning Items:
(2) Consider the following items related to the Revised Southern Development Plan.
(a) Consider approving the Revised Southern Development Plan. (PC Item No. 7; approved 8-1 on 8/29/07, CC approved 5-0 on 9/25/07) (Michelle Leininger)(backup attached to above 10-08-07 file)

(b) Consider approving CPA-2007-3 an amendment to Horizon 2020, Chapter 14 Specific Plans, to add a reference to the Revised Southern Development Plan and adopt City Ordinance 8160/County Resolution if appropriate. (PC Item No. 8; approved 8-1 on 8/29/07, CC approved 5-0 on 9/25/07) (Michelle Leininger)(backup attached to above 10-08-07 file)

(c) Consider adopting, joint City Ordinance No. 8097, and County Resolution to replace Chapter Seven - Industrial and Employment Related Land Use, in Horizon 2020  with a revised Chapter 7 entitled "Chapter 7 - Industrial and Employment Related Land Use in Horizon 2020, CPA-2004-02 Edition", and repealing the existing chapter. (PC Approved CPA 10-0 on 11/16/05, CC approved CPA 5-0 on 12/6/05, BCC approved CPA 3-0 on 1/8/07, CC Approved Ordinance 3-2 on 9/25/07) (Amy Miller)(backup attached to above 10-08-07 file)

 (3)  Consider approval to initiate an area plan for Grant Township (Chet Fitch)(backup attached to above 10-08-07 file)

 (4) Presentation on Blueprint for Douglas County Senior Services, Inc. (John Glassman)(backup attached to above 10-08-07 file)

 (5) Management Assessment Presentation for Treasurer's office (Paula Gilchrist,
  LaVerne Epp) No-backup, handouts at meeting

 (6) Other Business
  (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
  (b) Appointments
  (c) Miscellaneous
  (d) Public Comment

(7) Adjourn

Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, October 8, 2007 with all members present. 

Jones moved to approve the minutes of September 19, 2007 (as amended). The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Johnson moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Commission Orders Nos. 07-162 and 07-163 (on file in the office of the County Clerk); 
 ► Acquisition of Construction Easement for structure for Project No. 46C-3974-01, Bridge No. 5.83N-24.00E; and   
 ► Cereal Malt Beverage License Notice to Townships for Walter Ewert.

The motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board considered the approval of the Revised Southern Development Plan and revisions to CPA-2007-03, an amendment to Chapter 14 of the Comprehensive Plan. Michelle Leininger, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, was present for discussion. The purpose of the Revised Southern Development Plan is to update the boundaries of the study area and update the plan regarding land use, existing facilities, and transportation to show current information. The planning area has been expanded to include property north of West 31st Street between Ousdahl and Louisiana  and to the west and east of the original study area. Staff recommends approval of the plan and the comprehensive plan amendment to Horizon 2020, Chapter 14, Specific Plans. The Planning Commission approved the plan and the CPA 8-1, with Commissioner Harris in opposition, and student Commissioner Robb voting affirmative. Planning Commission recommended approval with the following two changes to the plan: the addition of a reference to T2030 and subsequent transportation plans and changing the maps on pages 21 and 22 related to the Snodgrass property to medium-density residential, also making a corresponding change on page 18 in the descriptions, and forwarding to the city and county for approval. The City Commission approved with a 5-0 vote, a similar plan outlining several small acreage properties as low-density residential, including the Snodgrass property and the addition of a reference to T2030.

Johnson opened the item for public comment.

Bill Flemming, representative for Savannah Holdings property owners, stated the 20 acre Snodgrass property is shown in the revised plan as low-density residential use. The property is surrounded by duplexes and triplexes to the north. The owners would prefer the property to be medium-density, which would allow for medium or low-density development.
Jones moved to close the public comment; McElhaney seconded and it carried unanimously.

McElhaney proposed the Board approve the Planning Commission recommendation to keep property contingent with medium-density to the north.

Jones proposed the Board approve the recommendation made by the City Commission because the density issue is more of a city issue than a county issue. He stated he did not want to go against the City's 5-0 vote.

Johnson stated he was in favor of the Planning Commission recommendation for medium-density and felt the Board should take into consideration the wishes of the property owners.

After further discussion, McElhaney moved approval to affirm the Planning Commission recommendation and with the following changes made by the Planning Commission: the addition of a reference to T2030 and subsequent transportation plans and changing the maps on pages 21 and 22 related to the Snodgrass property to medium-density residential, also making a corresponding change on page 18 in the descriptions. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried 2-1 with Jones in opposition.

PLANNING 10-08-07
The item CPA-2007-3 an amendment to Horizon 2020, Chapter 14 Specific Plans listed on the agenda was not addressed at the meeting because the previous item regarding the City Commission's Revised Southern Development Plan did not pass.

The Board commended Adrienne Wurtz and Shelly Buchanan, Treasurer's office, for their outstanding work in heading up the United Way campaign for the second year in a row.

PLANNING & HORIZON 2020 10-08-07
The Board considered the adoption of a joint City Ordinance and County Resolution relating to CPA-2004-02, amending Chapter Seven - Industrial and Employment Related Land Use in Horizon 2020. Amy Miller, Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, was present for discussion. Miller stated this document is the last technical step in enforcing the Comprehensive Plan amendment. The Planning Commission approved the original Comprehensive Plan unanimously on November 16, 2005 and the City Commission approved the chapter revisions unanimously on December 6, 2005. The County Commission considered the item on December 7, 2005 and deferred until the Economic Development Board could review and comment on the proposed changes. No comments were received. The County Commission approved the document unanimously at a public hearing on January 8, 2007. The joint City Ordinance and County Resolution was considered on April 16, 2007, but the Commission indicated they had received some questions from the public and it was deferred to give Staff time to respond. No questions were received. On July 17, 2007, the City Commission deferred consideration for Staff to make revisions. The City Commission passed the item at the ordinance level with a 3-2 vote.

Johnson stated he is aware he voted for the item in January 2007. However, the dynamics are very different now then in 2005. There is a new Planning Director and different Planning Commission members then in 2005. Johnson stated that the Board has spent a lot of time discussing traffic conditions and the need for potential industrial development at major intersections and major roads, for example I70 and 10 Highway. He feels the item needs to go back to the Planning Commission for revisions to reflect industrial development opportunities at these interchanges

Miller stated the interchange lies outside the UGA and that is why it is not included on the map. Johnson stated it is outside for now, but the UGA is not going to stay where it is. He stated he could not support the resolution.

Scott McCullough, Lawrence/Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Director, stated Staff needs to use the language as a guide for future development and he would like to push it forward. He suggested adopting the language today and then work on an amendment.

Jones stated it is not a good idea to add the 154 acres at the SLT and I70. The growth period we set is for 25 years. It d s not make sense for the County to have to run a lagoon system if an industrial area is developed. He feels water and sewer should be available before industrial growth is possible. Also from a planning standpoint, the City would be competing against itself with the airport industrial development moving forward.

McElhaney stated he d s not want to limit potential benefits to the community especially along major corridors. He feels the City should compete against itself. We have had stagnant growth for some time and we should open up these opportunities for citizen relief in taxes.   

Johnson stated once a dot is placed on a map, it is almost impossible to be changed. We are talking about a conceptual. If it is not conceptually identified on the map as an ideal, local place for an industrial site, it will not happen. If we place it on the map, there is an opportunity for the development to occur. There are several notable sites not listed on the map: one located on Highway 59, and a space east of Baldwin on Highway 56 towards Gardner that should be considered due to the intermodal facility that is going to occur.

Jones stated he would agree to add the locations to the map as long as the development would require ample infrastructure.

McElhaney stated he d s not want to limit us on personal property rights and private ownership if they have the means to be a benefit to our community. He would prefer to rely on the private sector to provide industrial growth rather than a governing body. McElhaney referenced another site to consider adding to the map as N1100 Road at Highway 59.

McCullough stated he did not have the City Commission minutes, but the split vote came about because several Commissioners felt there should be industrial site criteria that should be met, not just a placement on the map. The Planning Department is opposed to adding sites on the map without having public comment.

Johnson opened the item for public comment.

Duane Schwada, developer, stated there are sites listed on the map that are outside the UGA and not served by municipal utilities. The City Commission minutes are not available at this meeting. However, he believes some of the City Commission members wanted flexibility with the plan. Schwada agreed that sending the map back to the Planning Commission for revisions will go through the public process quicker and more efficiently.

Johnson stated the process is essentially the same whether we redevelop the plan or approve and then amend it. He feels the item should go back to have the benefit of the new planning director and the new City Commissioners. It is a better process. It delivers a clearer message to the community that we are serious about this issue. 

Jones stated he d s not agree. The process is the same. Sending the map back to  Planning Staff would be a disservice by holding up the process. It would be counterproductive. He feels we need an industrial park near the airport. We need to meet staff concerns and show we are serious about industrial growth.

McElhaney stated this map would either go through the amendment process, or back through the planning process. Either way, Staff will have a significant amount of time involved in the process. The amendment will drag it out longer. Keeping good faith with ECO2 partners shows we will look in good faith at any type of development we can to provide for our community, either inside or outside our urban growth boundaries.

After further discussion, McElhaney moved to send the Joint Ordinance to the City of Lawrence, Kansas, and Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan "Horizon 2020: pursuant to K.S.A. 12-747, by adopting "Chapter Seven - Industrial and Employment related land use contained in Horizon 2020, CPA-2004-02 Edition" prepared by the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office and incorporating by reference said amendments; and repealing the existing Chapter Seven in Horizon 2020, back to the Planning Commission for revisions. They are to look at the County and economic benefits as a whole and revise the text to emphasize the value of the intersections at K10 and I-70 to allow for industrial growth, and to conceptually allow for development at these two intersections. The document d s not suggest lack of support for the airport location for industrial growth. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried 2-1 with Jones in opposition.

Chet Fitch, Grant Township Trustee, asked the Board to consider initiating an area plan for Grant Township due to increased public interest in the proposed Industrial Airport Development Park.

Johnson asked what would happen if the Board approves an area plan versus denying the request. Scott McCullough, Lawrence/Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Director, stated the initiation of an area plan could possibly cause a delay on the Industrial Airport Development Park, if the Planning Commission or City Commission chose to wait on the industrial development until the planning process is completed.

Fitch commented that it is not the township's intention to block the industrial development. He asked if there is a possibility of moving the UGA. Johnson replied he would not be supportive of changing the UGA at this time. The reason the Board extended the UGA to the north boundary was to control the development and its effect on flooding in North Lawrence.

Jones stated he would support a resolution that specifically stated the development of the industrial park and the area plan could run parallel.

Johnson stated he supports the idea of the concept, but d s not want to run the risk of delaying the industrial development. He suggested Linda Finger, Planning Resource Coordinator, set up an informational/educational meeting with Scott McCullough and Chet Finch to discuss the positive and negative impact of having an area plan, but the meeting is not the initial steps of beginning an area plan.

John Glassman, Director of Senior Services, made a presentation to the Board on his goals for 2007-2009 to increase services, which will be affected by the number of baby boomers reaching retirement age. Glassman stated the current building is not set up for senior needs and a new location needs to be considered in the next few years.

TREASURER 10-08-07
Paula Gilchrist, Douglas County Treasurer, presented the Board with the results of a Management Assessment Report made by LaVerne Epp, Organizational and Business Management Consultant. The results of an internal and external survey showed an overall 96% customer satisfaction rate with the services provided by the Treasure's office. Gilchrist has established customer service as the core objective of the Douglas County Treasurer's office and she presented ideas to continue to enhance services and communication with the public.

Jones moved to approve accounts payable in the amount of $361,681.47 to be paid on 10/08/07.The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Johnson commented that he received a revised Southeast Area Map that is different from the previously received conceptual map. He expressed concern as to whether the changes were well thought out. Johnson stated there are public meetings scheduled to discuss the plan and he would like to know the rational behind the changes before the meetings. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, stated he would meet with Johnson to explain Staff's reasoning behind the revisions.

Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting; Jones seconded and the motion carried. 


____________________________    ____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                         Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________   ____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                      Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA