Commission Board Meeting on Mon, July 2, 2007 - 6:00 PM

Meeting Information


-6:00 P.M. - Discussion and possible action on interlocal agreement with the City of Eudora to provide first responder services in the City of Eudora and surrounding unincorporated area surrounding Eudora (at Eudora City Hall)

Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, July 2, 2007 at the Eudora City Hall with all members present. The Douglas County Commission was meeting in joint session with the Eudora City Council. Mayor Pyle also called the meeting of the City Council to order.

Craig Weinaug, Douglas County Administrator, provided some background on the proposed Cooperation Agreement between the City of Eudora and Douglas County to provide first responder services in support of the Lawrence/Douglas County Fire Medical Department (LDCFM).

The Douglas County Commission and the Eudora City Council heard a presentation from the Eudora Township Fire Department who requested that the two governing bodies consider an offer from the Township Fire Department to provide on-call services within their jurisdiction. Under this proposal, the City of Eudora would provide first responder services to the residents of the City of Eudora and the Township Fire Department would provide first responder services to the residents of Eudora Township. Commissioner Johnson asked for an estimate of the number of calls that are received from the residents of the City of Eudora and the residents of Eudora Township. Eudora Fire Chief Randy Aytes, estimated that there were approximately 500 calls per year that originate in the City of Eudora and approximately 50 calls per year that came from Eudora township. Others at the meetings agreed that those numbers were reasonably close to the actual numbers. Commissioner Johnson expressed the view that 50 calls per year is probably not enough to run an efficient operation. The representative from the Eudora Township Fire Department disagreed.

Dr. Scott Robinson, Douglas County's medical director, gave a brief summary as to why he preferred the proposed agreement to the alternative that had been presented.

After further discussion, various Eudora City Council Members expressed their views with regard to the proposed agreement. Lori Fritzel moved and Jeff Peterson seconded that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the proposed Cooperation agreement. The vote was unanimous. The Douglas County Commissioners instructed the County Administrator to place the Cooperation Agreement on the Consent agenda for the meeting to be held on Monday, July 9, 2007

Johnson moved to approve a manual check amount in the amount of $895,708.49 paid on 07/02/07. The motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Johnson moved to adjourn; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried.

_____________________________ ________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                        Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________  _________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                    Charles Jones, Member 


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA