Commission Board Meeting on Mon, June 18, 2007 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information


 -The Pledge of Allegiance
 -Consider approval of minutes for May 16 and June 4, 2007 
 -Consider a Proclamation for "Amateur Radio Days" June 23 - June 24, 2007 (Debbie Liddel)
 (1) (a) Consider approval of Commission Orders;
 (b) Consider approval of amendments TA-04-04-07 to Subdivision Regulations regarding access (20-810(d)(2)(iii)). Initiated by Planning Commission on 4/23/07. (Joseph Rexwinkle);
  (c) Consider initiation of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020, Chapter 14 Specific Plans to add a reference to the Southeast Area Plan. (Michelle Leininger)
  (d) Consider approval of a resolution establishing a 45-mph speed limit on Route 442 from Ash Street in Eudora to the Johnson County line (Keith Browning);
  (e) Consider approval of a resolution establishing a 30-mph speed limit for roads in Eagle Ridge Subdivision (Keith Browning); and
  (f) Consider approval of a resolution establishing a 45-mph speed limit for E 1400 Road from Route 458 (N 1000 Road) to 31st Street (Keith Browning)

 (2) Briefing from County Planning staff on Smart Code and follow up discussion
  (Dan Warner)-No backup
 (3) Siren Presentation (Teri Smith)

(4) Review and Consider approval of Community Corrections FY2008 Budget Proposal (Ron Stegall)

(5) Consider approval of plans for new Crow's Nest at fairgrounds (Pam Madl)

(6) Review of plans for Dreher Building at fairgrounds (Pam Madl)

(7) Consider creation of Planning Resource Coordinator position (Pam Madl)

 (8) Other Business
  (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
  (b) Appointments
  (c) Miscellaneous
  (d) Public Comment

 (9) Adjourn   

Note: The Douglas County Commission meets regularly on Mondays at 8:30 A.M. and Wednesdays at 6:35 P.M. at the Douglas County Courthouse. Specific regular meeting dates that are not listed above have not been cancelled unless specifically noted on this schedule.

Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, June 18, 2007 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

McElhaney moved to approve the minutes of May 15 and June 4, 2007. The motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Debbie Liddel read a Proclamation proclaiming June 23 and June 24, 2007 as "Amateur Radio Days. Johnson moved approval of the Proclamation as read; Jones seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Johnson moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Commission Order No. 07-136 and 07-137 (on file in the office of the County Clerk);
► Resolution 07-21 establishing a 45 mile per hour maximum speed limit on a portion of County Route 442 (N 1400 Road) in Eudora Township;
►  Resolution 07-22 establishing a 30 mile per hour maximum speed limit on N 976 Road, E 787 Road and N 988 Road in Clinton Township; and
► Resolution 07-23 establishing a 45 mile per hour maximum speed limit on a portion of E 1400 Road in Wakarusa Township.

The motion was seconded by Jones and carried 3-0.

Items pulled from the Consent Agenda:

The Board discussed proposed text amendments to Chapter 20, Article 8 Subdivision Regulations for Lawrence and the unincorporated areas of Douglas County regarding Access Standards. Joseph Rexwinkle, Lawrence/Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, was present for discussion. The amendment request was initiated by a member of the public requesting an amendment to Section 20-810(d)(2)(iii) proposing a revision to the standards which state the maximum number of residential building lots or dwelling units that may be developed which have only one route of access to an arterial or collector street. The applicant wishes to increase the maximum number of lots or dwelling units from 35 to 100 dwellings per access outlet provided all dwellings have automatic sprinkler systems. Rexwinkle stated that Staff d s not support the change.

Jones moved to not accept the request for amendment changeTA-04-04-07; McElhaney seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the initiation of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020, Chapter 14 Specific Plans to add a reference to the Southeast Area Plan. Michelle Leininger, Lawrence/Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, discussed the project status that the City and County Commissions agreed to send the draft of the plan back to the Planning Commission for consideration with the land use concept provided by Peridian Group as a starting point. Johnson asked what the time line is for bringing the Southeast Area Plan back for County Commission for approval. Leininger stated approximately six months. 

McElhaney moved to initiate the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Horizon 2020, Chapter 14 Specific Plans to add a reference to the Southeast Area Plan with a condition of a maximum six-month period for development. The motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Teri Smith, Interim Director of Emergency Management, made a presentation to the Board for the need of additional warning sirens in Douglas County. The County currently has 33 outdoor warning sirens throughout the county designed to provide an early warning of severe weather for persons who are outdoors. The 2008 budget proposal includes three additional sirens at an approximate cost of $20,000 per siren.

Jones stated the map presented shows five sites for siren locations, but the request is for three sirens. He questioned at which locations the sirens would be placed. Smith asked for guidance from the Board to determine the locations.

After further discussion, Johnson directed Smith to develop a criteria based on population growth for determining siren necessity and placement, when funded by the County.

Jones stated if a group wants to donate the money to the County for the full purchase of a siren, the County could put it in. Otherwise, it would be the County's responsibility to determine necessity. Smith stated any siren would need to be put on the same system the County uses and tied into our system.

Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, stated originally it was planned for the three sirens to be paid for out of the general fund. Then it was determined later that the sirens are normally funded from the CIP.

McElhaney noted that the sirens are not fool proof, but are put in place for the public.

No further action was taken.

Ron Stegall, Director of Community Corrections, discussed the FY2008 Community Corrections Budget Summary. Stegall stated that the Community Corrections received allocated funds for 2007 in the amount of $430,000, but the actual expenses are expected to be $485,000, leaving a deficit of $55,000. The state has reduced allocations for the coming fiscal year to $386,000. He stated due to due     to cutbacks in allocations from the State and increases in department cost, pay and benefit increases, the department is looking at an additional deficit of $40,000 for the next year. Stegall is looking to apply for new funds under a new special legislative grant for programs specific to reducing the number of prison occupants to offset    the deficit. 

Johnson moved to accept the FY2008 Community Corrections and SB 123 Supervision Grant Funds Budget Summary and Budget Narrative. The motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, presented the Board with bid results for the construction of a new Crow's Nest for the Douglas County Fairgrounds. According to Madl, the present crow's nest in the outdoor arena at the Fairgrounds is in a state of disrepair to the point of being dangerous. The bids are higher than expected. Bids for the construction of a new Crow's Nest are as follows:
                                                     Bid Amount            Prep. Days                Construction Days
B.A. Green                                   $49,225                  20                             90
Penny Construction                       $40,530                  14                             51
GSR Construction                         $63,870                  75                             30

The bid design is basic, with no glass, and an open window. The Fair Board has agreed to commit $10,000 toward the cost of a new Crow's Nest. Bill Bell, Director of Maintenance, stated the Crow's Nest is used for a bird's eye view of the arena for speakers and judges. It is mostly used one week during the fair and when the arena is rented out. Madl stated the County could save money on construction by putting in a wooden staircase, instead of steel, but in the long run, the maintenance would be far greater.

Jones questioned if there is another option other than using the Crow's Nest. Bell stated the other option is putting people in the stands. Johnson asked the life expectancy on the new structure. Bell replied approximately 50 years or more. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, stated there is money in the 2007 Budget for the project. Madl clarified however, there is only about $25,000. There is money in the CIP, but not tagged for the Crow's Nest. 

McElhaney stated this is the beginning process of upgrading the fairgrounds. The Crow's Nest will be used by the Boy Scouts, 4-H groups and local school districts.  Johnson stated in the scope of things, the structure will last 50 years and the cost is not a lot for that length of time.

Johnson opened the item for public comment.

George Lauppe, Chairman of the Antique Auto Club, questioned if a portable Crow's Nest could be considered to save costs. McElhaney responded that a portable structure would not protect users from weather.

Johnson moved to close the public comment; Jones seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Johnson moved to accept the low bid from Penny Construction in the amount of $40,530 for the Crow's Nest; and accepts the Fair Board's agreement to commit $10,000 toward the cost of the Crow's Nest; and authorized Pam Madl to sign the contract. The motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the placement and layout of the new Dreher building to be constructed at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, led the discussion. Madl stated, the County Counselor, proposed an agreement between the 4-H Board and the County, in which the County agrees to construct the building with reimbursement from the Fair Board. The contract would be written for a maximum of $600,000, the amount established by the Fair Board. The County would issue a Project Sales Tax Exemption Certificate for the work.

Madl also addressed the proposed location and placement of the new building between the Extension Office and Building #21. There is a possibility the parking lot may need to be restructured.

Johnson opened the item for public comment.

George Lauppe, Chairman of the Antique Auto Club, stated concerns regarding the placement of the new building causing parking issues for the swap meet, and affecting the booth location of about 25-30 vendors.

Johnson moved to close the public comment. Jones seconded that motion and it carried unanimously.

McElhaney moved that the County enter into a grant agreement between the 4-H Board and the County, in which the County agrees to construct the building with reimbursement from the Fair Board with a maximum project costs of $600,000; and accepts the building design and building location between the Extension office and Building #21. The motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the need for a full-time position to work with the Building and Zoning, and Public Works Departments to implement the new Access Management standards and the new Subdivision Regulations.

Johnson moved to approve a new Planning Resource position and to waive the personnel policy to do a search. Jones seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

PLANNING 06-18-07
Dan Warner, Lawrence/Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department gave a follow-up presentation to the Board on the new Smart Code policy and how it would impact Douglas County. Jones questioned how the Smart Code would affect the unincorporated area of Douglas County. Warner stated, it only affects the City Code. It will not affect the unincorporated area of the County until property is annexed into the City. Jones asked if the Smart Code affects areas ready for annexation. Warner stated, yes, in areas in which Staff did master plans. The city could say it will not accept annex unless the property owners follow the Smart Code. Johnson stated, if the Smart Code is mandatory, it affects the County. Owners can reject annexation. This could be a huge obstacle causing owners to have to come to the Board for a unanimous vote with a petition. Johnson suggested making the Smart Code optional.

Jones asked Warner to clarify if the City needs County action. He also asked for a copy of the Smart Code report for review.

Jones moved to approve payroll in the amounts of $762.50 paid on 05-07-07, $758,548.28 paid on 05/28/07, and $747,260.56 paid on 06/07/07; KPERS in the amounts of $62,938.43 paid on 05/25/07, and $61,216.57 paid on 06/08/07; FICA in the amounts of $56,093.05 paid on 05/25/07, and $55,192.77 paid on 06/08/07; and accounts payable in the amount of $402,367.86 to be paid on 06/18/0. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved to adjourn; Johnson seconded and the motion carried.

_____________________________ ________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                       Jere McElhaney, Vice Chair


_____________________________ _________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Charles Jones, Member 


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA