Commission Board Meeting on Mon, November 27, 2006 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information

8:30 A.M.      
 -Pledge of Allegiance
 -Consider approval of Minutes for November 6, and November 7, 2006

(1) (a)  Consider approval of Commission Orders 
(b) Consider approval of Occupational License for Little Reno, Inc., DBA Paradise Saloon (Marni Penrod)
Planning Item:  
(2)  SP-05-39-06: Football field improvements at Forest View Ministries, a site plan for the construction of a lighted football field and concession stand at 1470 N 1000 road. Veritas Christian School applicant, First Church of the Nazarene, property owner of record. (Sandra Day)

(3) Authorize purchase order for structural steel for Kansas River Bridge-Lecompton (Keith Browning)

(4) Discussion of IRS regulations with respect to cell phones (Pam Madl)

(5) Discussion on Cost of Living Adjustment and 2007 Holidays (Pam Madl) 

(6) Executive Session to consult with County Counselor, and to discuss personnel

 (7) Other Business
   (a) Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)
  (b) Appointments
   (c) Miscellaneous
   (d) Public Comment

(8) Adjourn


Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, November 27, 2006 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones moved to approve the minutes of November 6, 2006 and November 7, 2006. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

► Approve Commissioners Order Nos. 06-172, 06-178, 06-179, 06-180 and 06-181 (on file in the Office of the County Clerk); and
► Approve Occupational License for Little Reno, Inc., DBA Paradise Saloon.

The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

PLANNING 11-27-06
The Board considered the approval of SP-05-39-96, football field improvements at Forest View Ministries, a site plan for the construction of a lighted football field and concession stand at 1470 N 1000 Road. Sandra Day, Lawrence/Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, was present for discussion. The applicant for the site plan is Veritas School. Property owner of record is First Church of Nazarene.  The planning staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the following conditions: 

1) Provision of a site plan to include the following changes:
(a)  Show dimension of the field and building on the face of the site plan;
(b)  Show which portion of the drive will be extended with this improvement and note surface material;
(c)  Provide note that no new parking areas are proposed and that off-street parking for game/events shall be in the existing church parking lot;
(d)  Show or provide grading plan for field and direction of stormwater drainage.
2) Approval of the wastewater disposal by the County Health Department prior to use of the new building.
3) Provision of an ADA accessibility off-street Parking Space.
4) Provision of a building permit.

Jones asked Roger Johnson, RD Johnson Excavating, how many games were anticipated and what time the games would take place. R. Johnson stated the Veritas Christian School anticipates about four home games to start at 7:00 p.m., with approximately 150 people in attendance and 50 vehicles involved. McElhaney stated concerns that an increase in traffic may require the need for a turn lane. However, the field would be a great way to expand youth athletics in Douglas County. Johnson questioned whether the concessions would be used for revenue and whether the site plan would need to go through a zoning process if use is for anything other than the church. Commissioner Jones asked the Planning Staff to consider define the term "ancillary use." Since the owners were not present to discuss their intentions, Johnson requested the item be tabled for Day to get a definition of the ancillary use and then to place the item on the December 4, 2006 Consent Agenda.

The Board considered the authorization to issue a purchase order for structural steel for the rehabilitation of the Kansas River Bridge at Lecompton.  Mark Workman, Douglas County Civil Engineer, discussed the need to ensure that the appropriate steel members are available to the construction contractor's fabricator for work beginning in March 2007. It is necessary to order the steel from the mill prior to December 2006. This ensures the required steel members are produced during the steel supplier's next available rolling operation February 18, 2006. The only negative impact would be a possible administrative handling fee which would out weigh the alternative of having the steel arrive late and cause a delay of the project.

Jones moved to authorize the issuance of a purchase order to AFCO Steel, Inc. to secure the required structural steel for Douglas County Project No. 2005-11, the rehabilitation of the Kansas River Bridge at Lecompton. The motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, discussed new IRS regulations on cell phone usage and its definition of fringe benefits. If County owned cell phones are used for personal use, the cost of that use is compensable. Tom Singleton, partner with Lowenthal, Singleton, Webb & Wilson, PA, (contracted with Douglas County to serve as auditing firm) was also present for discussion. Madl outlined three options which would comply with IRS regulations:

- Option 1: Disallow personal calls. This option requires employees to sign a policy acknowledging and agreeing to a policy of no personal calls, incoming or outgoing, on County phones. This option is no additional cost to county, but is time consuming and d s not relieve the County of IRS substantiation requirement.

- Option 2: Do not issue County cell phones. This option requires employees to obtain their own cell phones and establish a stipend amount each month to be given to those employees with the intent to cover part of the costs of the phone. This option would satisfy IRS regulations and save the County money. However, it creates hardships by being difficult to regulate cell phone companies, tracking phones, and ensuring service.

- Option 3: Pay employees a stipend for use of County cell phones. This option maintains the current policy of minimizing personal use of County cell phones and reports as compensable the non-cash value of cell phones, paying employees a cash amount equivalent to the additional taxes resulting from the non-cash benefit. The intent is for the employees to "break even" on their net pay. Douglas County would continue to monitor for excessive personal calls. This option will cost an additional $8,928.24 annually, but meets the IRS regulation and allows personnel to maintain current phones and coverages.

Johnson opened the discussion for public comment.

Ken McGovern, Douglas County Sheriff, stated he feels most department heads are in agreement that Option 3 is the best choice as it makes a break even situation for employees.

Jones moved to approve Option 3 and directed staff to complete a policy and adopt it administratively. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the budgeted amount of 3.0% for the 2007 County Cost-of-Living Wage Adjustment. Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, studied the Consumer Price Index for the Kansas City MO-KS area and used as an example in her research "food at home" increased 3.7% from June 2005-June 2006.  

Jones stated he would like to see Douglas County more on target with the cost-of-living increases. Johnson commented he is impressed with the people at Douglas County and the job they do and wants to make Douglas County more competitive.

Jones moved to approve a 3.5% 2007 Cost-of-Living Wage Adjustment. McElhaney seconded the motion noting 3% was originally budgeted for the 2007 wage adjustment, but after careful review, funds for an additional .5% increase were approved. The motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the holiday schedule for 2007. The Personnel Advisory Committee (PAC) expressed an interest in re-examining the holiday schedule with a preference of having two days off for the Christmas holiday and one personal day, or a day off for the Christmas holiday and 2 personal days; and an interest in receiving Veterans Day off.

Jones moved to approve the holiday schedule as currently outlined: Eight (8) holidays and two (2) discretionary days (one discretionary day to be used for December 24, 2007 and one personal discretionary day) for 2007. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.
McElhaney moved to appoint Bill Roth, Lawrence, Kansas, to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a 3-year term. The motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

McElhaney moved to approve accounts payable in the amounts of $163,585.58 to be paid on 11/20/06, and $452,023.14 to be paid on $11/27/06; payroll in the amount of $696,220.47 to be paid on 11/21/06; FICA in the amount of $50,690.52 and KPERS in the amount of $53,829.84 to be paid on 11/20/06; and a manual check in the amount of $21.00 to be paid on 11/22/06. The motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

At 9:50 a.m., Johnson moved for the Board to go into executive session with Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, and Pam Madl, Assistant County Administrator, for 35 minutes to discuss personnel with the County Counselor. The motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously. The Board returned to regular session at 10:25 a.m. No action was taken.

Jones moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.


_________________________  _____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                 Jere McElhaney, Member


_________________________  _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk            Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA