Commission Board Meeting on Wed, June 28, 2006 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information


      -Pledge of Allegiance

      -Consider approval of minutes of June 7 and <1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />June 12, 2006



      - Proclaim the week of June 25-July 1, 2006 as "CASA Week" (Kerry Tummons)



      (1)    (a)   Consider approval of Commission Orders



      (2)    Consider approval of Application for Class B Public Fireworks Display requested by Stull United Methodist Church - Youth Fellowship (Keith Dabney)


      (3)    Discussion of Continuity of Operations Plan (Paula Phillips)


      (4)    Discussion of deck replacement project for Kansas River Bridge at Lecompton: Joint meeting with Jefferson County Commission to review engineering report and make decisions regarding several project issues (Keith Browning)


Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 with all members present. Also present were Jefferson County Commissioners David Christy, Lynn Luck and Francis Grollmes. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones moved approval of the minutes of June 7 and June 12, 2006. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

Kerry Tummons, Executive Director of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), read a Proclamation proclaiming the week of June 25-July 1, 2006 as "CASA Week." Jones moved approval of the Proclamation as read; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order Nos. 06-159 and 06-160. Orders are on file in the office of the County Clerk.

Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

ZONING 06-28-06
The Board considered approval of an Application for a Class B Public Fireworks Display Permit received from Stull United Methodist Church -- Youth Fellowship. The location of the display will be held at 215 N 1600 Road, Lecompton, Kansas on Saturday, July 1, 2006 at 9:45 P.M. McElhaney made a motion to approve the Application; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Paula Phillips, Director of Emergency Management, presented a Continuity of Government/Continuity of Operations Plan proposal for the Board's consideration. Phillips explained that federal, state and local governments have determined that it is imperative that each level of government and jurisdiction develop and maintain a Continuity of Government/Continuity of Operations Plan (COG/COOP). COG/COOP planning is designed to develop and maintain a plan that enables a unity of government to preserve, maintain, and/or reconstitute its capability to function effectively in the event of the threat or occurrence of any disaster or emergency that could potentially disrupt government operations and services.

The Department of Homeland Security and FEMA have developed guidance documents and provided funding to assist local governments in COG/COOP activities. Kansas is using State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funds to assist county government in this effort.

Douglas County Emergency Management has been provided FFY06 EMPG funds specifically for COG/COOP activities. The State developed plan guidance and proposals, and selected Tallgrass Technologies as the vendor for this activity. Tallgrass has been working with counties throughout the State completing the COP/COOG Plans according to State requirements and with State funds. This ensures that all county Continuity of Operations Plans also meet the federal guidelines. Tallgrass Technologies proposes COOP/COG Plan activities begin August 1, 2006 and conclude by November 30, 2006. The cost of the project is $55,000. The FFY2006 Emergency Management Performance Grant will cover the entire cost of the COOP/COG Plan.

After discussion, Jones made a motion to accept the Continuity of Government/Continuity of Operations Plan proposal as arranged by the State of Kansas using Tallgrass Technologies as the vendor, authorize the use of FFY06 EMPG funds to pay for the project, and authorize the Douglas County Emergency Management Director to sign the Letter of Engagement. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the deck replacement project for the Kansas River Bridge at Lecompton. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer; Mark Workman, Civil Engineer; Mike Perkins, Public Works Operations Division Manager; George Pogge, Jefferson County Public Works Director, and Craig Mattox, Finney & Turnipseed, were present for the discussion. Browning noted that a study report prepared by Finney & Turnipseed examining alternatives for the bridge rehabilitation and deck replacement has been submitted and circulated. 

Mattox conducted a presentation of the report and its findings, which includes the following issues:

Issue #1 -- Construction Alternatives
The report concludes that it is possible to phase construction to allow one lane to remain open during construction. Concerns with phasing construction include:

  • Estimated construction duration of 320 days vs. 125 days (using incentives) if the bridge is closed during construction.
  • Even if one lane is left open, it is estimated the bridge would require closure to all traffic for approximately 60 days (of the total 320 days) during and following concrete pours. These closures could not workably be planned in advance.
  • Temporary traffic signals would require a long cycle time of 2 minutes, 40 seconds. It can be anticipated that some drivers will not elect to wait through the long cycle time. In addition to the obvious safety concern, drivers not obeying the traffic signals may cause significant traffic tie-ups on the bridge.

Concerns with closing the bridge to all traffic during construction are clear, i.e. long detours would be required to cross the river at either Topeka or Lawrence. The report estimates the costs to users of the long detours.

It should be noted that estimated construction durations for both alternatives do NOT include the time required to repaint the superstructure. For both alternatives, this would be done under traffic (likely using flaggers or possibly temporary signals) following completion of the deck replacement.

Issue #2 -- Replacement Deck Width
The report concludes it is possible to replace the existing 28' roadway width bridge deck with a 30' roadway width bridge deck. However, a 30' roadway width bridge deck would result in significantly lower load ratings which could reduce the bridge's remaining life.

McElhaney asked what the time frame would be between closures if the phased option were chosen. Mattox stated there would be several weeks in between closures.

McElhaney questioned whether OSHA allows crews to work 24 hours per day. Mattox noted they were allowed to work around the clock; however there is a noise ordinance in Lecompton.

Jones noted that construction could take longer in the phased construction (anticipated 320 days) since we're dealing with more seasons/weather situations. He then questioned the center joint issue if the phased construction was pursued. Mattox stated that from an engineering viewpoint, joints typically become maintenance problems.

Jones stated that the critical question in his mind is how to get kids to school -- which option would be the least disruptive to school attendance. He cited an example of a pour in October when the bridge would have to be closed for several days and children will be required to use the detour during daylight savings time when conditions are not as favorable. He questioned how much notice would be given and how residents would be notified when the bridge would be closed for the pours. Mattox noted that 72 hour notice is typical, but seven (7) days notice can be required as a contractual issue. They will likely use a message board on both sides of the bridge as notification.

Luck pointed out that the report made no mention of the impact of total closure on businesses in Lecompton. The summer months are the busiest time for these businesses because of Lake Perry. She also noted concerns about losing school students to other school districts because of the closure. This could result in long-term hardships.

Christy questioned whether enough rain days were built into the estimated time lines.

Johnson then asked for public comment.

Bruce Liese thanked the Boards for their time and openness. He presented a petition containing 1,500 signatures asking that the bridge remain open. Liese conducted a brief presentation outlining the economic impacts if the bridge were closed.

Hannah Fair read a letter urging the Board not to close the bridge.

Les Hannon suggested building another bridge alongside the main bridge. He noted the army's technique of building temporary bridges.

Steve Johnston, Superintendent of the Perry Lecompton School District, noted concerns about the cost to taxpayers and citizens of the school community. He also discussed concerns about the length of time the students will be on buses. He suggested that if the Boards choose to close the bridge, they consider starting the project in April instead of May in the hope that the project would be completed before the next school year.

Brenda Hastert, cosmetologist, noted that 30% of her business travels across the bridge. She read a letter from the owners of the Perry Carpet Shack urging the Boards to keep the bridge open.

Vicky Bahnmaier, Postmaster of Lecompton, discussed the impact on mail service should the bridge close.

Tiffany Ball read a letter from the owners of Worthington's Hardware Store. She noted that there are still activities at the schools during the summer months. She also noted that the designated detours are not very good roads -- Midland Junction has had several terrible accidents and Highway 40 is also a dangerous road.

Robin Kofford read a letter from another business owner who is in favor of leaving one lane open. She pointed out that the school lunches are delivered from Perry to Lecompton and closure of the bridge would have an impact on that delivery.

Greg Foley spoke in support of keeping one lane open.

Bill Smith suggested the possibility of building a second bridge.

Paul Bahnmaier thanked Browning for keeping the Lecompton United Methodist Church updated on the progress of the project so they could include it in their newsletter. He noted that the ECO2 Commission has proposed a two million dollar footbridge across the river which should be considered a luxury. He asked the Board to consider the economic impact on Lecompton should the bridge be closed. He then requested that signage be clear on the turnpike no matter the decision.

Johnson made a motion to close the public hearing. Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

McElhaney stated that it is clear that the best case scenario for this project is the temporary closure of the bridge. However, he supports keeping one lane open in order to defeat the social injustices.

Jones stated he was concerned about safety and no matter which choice is made, there will be risks involved. Kids will have to drive an alternative route at some point no matter which option is chosen. He stated he believed it would be better to close the bridge during the summer months when there is maximum daylight and the chances of severe weather are lesser. There is also some degree of safety for the workers to close the bridge.

Johnson stated he was moved by the testimonies of the speakers. He stated he believed it would be best to close the bridge. We have almost a year to plan in advance how to handle mail delivery concerns and work something out between the school districts. Johnson then made a motion that the Board replace the existing deck in-kind with a 28' roadway width bridge deck and to subscribe to the idea of total closure of the bridge during construction. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried with McElhaney opposed.

Jones moved approval of accounts payable in the amount of $1,215,276.39 to be paid 06/26/06; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn; Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


_____________________________ _____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                       Jere McElhaney, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA