Commission Board Meeting on Wed, March 8, 2006 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information


      -Pledge of Allegiance



      (1) (a)   Consider approval of Commission Orders

            (b)   Consider approval of Renewal Agreement for Housing of Inmates in the <1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Douglas

                    County Jail (Sheriff McGovern)



      (2)    Consider approval of Home Rule Resolution Amending the Douglas County Fairgrounds Policies, as Codified at Article 1 of Chapter VIII of the Code of Douglas County, Kansas, to Amend the Usage Fees Relating to the Douglas County Fairgrounds (Harold Stewart)


      (3)    Consider approval of resolution authorizing Sunday Sales of Original Packaged Cereal Malt Beverage and Alcoholic Beverages (Weinaug)


(4)    Other Business

               (a)   Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)

               (b)   Appointments

               (c)   Miscellaneous

               (d)Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:34 P.M. on Wednesday, March 8, 2006 with two members present. McElhaney was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order No. 06-123. Order is on file in the office of the County Clerk; and
  • Approve Renewal Agreement for Housing of Inmates at the Douglas County Jail.

Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried.

Harold Stewart, Douglas County Administrator Intern, presented a proposed plan that would attain the goal set out by the Board to collect 50% of the operating costs for the Fairgrounds as directed at their meeting held on December 12, 2005. The Board previously discussed this at their meeting held on February 20, 2006, but tabled final action in order to allow for public input. Bill Bell, Director of Buildings and Grounds, and Trudy Rice, Douglas County Extension Director, were also present for the discussion. Stewart presented a table comparing the current fee structure with the proposed fee structure.

Johnson asked if the new fee structure was reasonable compared to the public market.

Bell stated that he believed it was. Bell noted that the proposed resolution gives the County Administrator the authority to adjust the rates if reservations drop considerably.

Stewart noted that while the increase seems large, the fees are still low compared to similar facilities.

Rice stated that Douglas County is fortunate to have the facilities we have, but the wear and tear on the buildings is becoming noticeable. The County needs to create some method of bringing in revenue to keep the buildings in a repaired state.

Jones noted that the rule is the fees have to be put back into the buildings.

Johnson stated that the Board felt it was appropriate and equitable to look at the fees and what they generate and determine whether the taxpayers at large should assume the responsibility of maintaining the fairgrounds. The Board determined it would be fair and equitable to raise the fees in order to generate revenue equal to 50% of the cost to maintain the fairgrounds.

Jones added that the cost of utilities have increased considerably as well.

Johnson asked for public comment.

Lloyd Northrop, President of Happy Time Square Dancers Club, stated that the increased rates would triple the rate for their use and would be a hardship on their club, which has approximately 128 members. He noted they have been good tenants and are also taxpayers in Douglas County. He suggested that a more modest rate be considered.

Johnson pointed out that if there were approximately 100 people that attended a dance, the increase would be approximately $1 per person for use of the facility. He then stated that maybe softening the increase over an additional year might make sense.

Norma Leary, representing the Pilot Club of Lawrence, requested that the Board consider lower hourly rates for non-profit organizations. Leary noted that the Pilot Club is a civic organization that d s a lot of different things for the community.

Johnson noted that organizations will have time to prepare for the increases since the new fees will not apply to existing reservations, but will impact new reservations.

Stewart noted that sometimes for-profit entities pair up with non-profit entities in order to get the non-profit rate.

Bob Regold, member of the Happy Times Square Dance Club, voiced opposition to the increased fees.

Frank Alexander, member of the Happy Times Square Dance Club, also voiced opposition.

George Lauppe, representing Lawrence Regional Antique Auto Club, noted they have the largest swap meet in Kansas. He stated that for many years, there were no fees for the use of the fairgrounds and the Lawrence Regional Antique Auto Club made numerous contributions throughout the years. He stated that he believed that the goal to recover 50% of the maintenance was reasonable, but suggested that phasing it in might work better since, in some cases, fees would triple.

Jack Todd, member of the Antique Auto Club, spoke in opposition.

Richard Schaumburg stated that he organizes a three-day flea market but d sn't make much profit with the current rates. His fees would jump from $250 to $1300 which is too steep of an increase to pass along to his vendors.

Donna Oldman, praised the fairgrounds staff. She suggested a different cancellation policy.

Darby Zaremba stated that she agrees with the concept of generating more revenue for the County. She suggested that the County try to market more use during the week.

Connie Northrop, member of the Happy Times Square Dancers Club, spoke in opposition to the increased rates.

Johnson made a motion to close the public hearing. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried.

Johnson stated that he believes the new fee schedule is fair and equitable. He praised staff for doing a great job. He said he was sympathetic to the issue of the major increases and asked staff to take note and return with suggestions on how to limit percentages of increases.

Jones agreed. No action was taken.

Jones made a motion to approve Resolution No. 06-10 authorizing Sunday Sales of Original Packaged Cereal Malt Beverage and Alcoholic Liquor for Off-Premises Consumption. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn; Jones seconded and the motion carried.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman                       Charles Jones, Member


Jamie Shew, County Clerk 


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA