Commission Board Meeting on Wed, June 8, 2005 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information


      -Pledge of Allegiance



      (1)    (a)   Consider approval of Commission Orders



      (2)    Consider approval of Home Rule Resolution providing for the temporary prohibition of the issuance of permits for the construction or placement of dwellings and mobile homes on certain tracts relying on the 5-acre exemption (Craig Weinaug)


      (3)    Consider approval to solicit bids for hot-in-place recycling work on 3.8 miles of county routes during the 2005 contract maintenance season (Keith Browning)


(4)    Other Business

               (a)   Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)

               (b)   Appointments

               (c)   Miscellaneous

               (d)   Public Comment


       (5)   Adjourn


Jones called the meeting to order at 6:37 P.M. on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

There were no consent items.

Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, appeared before the Board requesting authorization to solicit bids for hot-in-place recycling work on 3.8 miles of county routes during the 2005 contract maintenance season. Browning stated that road inspections conducted this spring identified three route segments for which hot-in-place recycling (HIR) could be used to rehabilitate deteriorating surfaces. Hot-in-place recycling is an on-site, in-place method that rehabilitates deteriorated bituminous pavements and thereby minimizes the use of new materials. This process may be performed as either a single pass (one phase) operation that monolithically recombines the restored pavement with virgin material, or as a two pass procedure, wherein the restored material is recompacted and the application of the new wearing surface then follows a prescribed interim period that separates the process into two distinct phases. It is designed to address surface distresses or deterioration on pavements that have a sound base.

The three locations for HIR work are:

Route 1061 from N 1300 Road to N 1200 Road
Route 1055 from N 450 to N 550 Road (Baldwin Hill)
Route 460 from US 59 Highway to E 1452 Road

After discussion, Jones made a motion to authorize the solicitation of bids for hot-in-place recycling work on 3.8 miles of county routes during the 2005 contract maintenance season. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

The Board considered approval of a Home Rule Resolution providing for the temporary prohibition of the issuance of permits for the construction or placement of dwellings and mobile homes on certain tracts relying on the 5-acre exemption. Bill Harmon, J  Skeeha and Leslie Renard made brief comments. After discussion, Johnson made a motion to approve Home Rule Resolution No. HR-05-6-5 providing for the temporary prohibition of the issuance of permits for the construction or placement of dwellings and mobile homes on certain tracts relying on the 5-acre exemption. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Jones made a motion to adjourn; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Charles Jones, Chairman                      Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Jere McElhaney, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA