Commission Board Meeting on Mon, April 25, 2005 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information


      -Pledge of Allegiance

      -Consider approval of minutes of March 16, March 21, March 28, March 30, April 4, and <1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />April 8, 2005



      -Proclaim the month of May as Older Americans Month

      -Proclaim April 29th as Direct Service Professional's Day (Peggy Wallert)



      (1)    (a)   Consider approval of Commission Orders

               (b)   Consider approval of Notice to Willow Springs Township for Aman Enterprises,

                       d.b.a. Baldwin Junction Conoco (Jamie Shew)

               (c)   Consider authorization to purchase one (1) used dozer (Jackie Waggoner)



      (2)    Consider request submitted on behalf of the Lawrence-Douglas County Economic Development Board, for direction from the County Commission on various industrial development and open space issues (Lynn Parman)

Jones called the meeting to order at 8:33 A.M. on Monday, April 25, 2005 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Johnson moved approval of the minutes of March 16, March 21, March 28, March 30, April 4, and April 8, 2005, as amended. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Annette Thornburgh, representing the Jayhawk Area Agency of Aging, read a Proclamation proclaiming the month of May as "Older American's Month." Jones made a motion to adopt the Proclamation as read; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Peggy Wallert, representing Cottonwood, Inc., read a Proclamation proclaiming April 29, 2005 as "Direct Service Professional's Day." McElhaney made a motion to adopt the Proclamation as read; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Johnson moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order No. 5314. Order is on file in the Office of the County Clerk;
  • Authorize Notice to Willow Springs for Aman Enterprises, d/b/a Baldwin Junction Conoco; and
  • Waive the bidding process of the Purchasing Policy and authorize the purchase of one (1) used dozer to replace the existing 1950 model for the Public Works Department, and authorize the existing model to be considered for a trade-in allowance or sold on e-Bay.

Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board considered approval of a request submitted on behalf of the Lawrence-Douglas County Economic Development Board (ED Board) for direction from the County Commission on various industrial development and open space issues. Lynn Parman, Vice President of Economic Development, was present for the discussion. Parman requested direction to research, develop and recommend a plan for implementation to the City and County regarding the following issues:

  1. As aided and informed by the ECO2 report and formula for evaluation tool, how much acreage d s the ED Board recommend is needed for industrial development between now and 2012;
  2. Identification and ranking of potential areas where industrial development should occur between now and 2012, along with the Board's underlying rationale;
  3. Prioritization of development sequence or phasing of that potential industrial acreage;
  4. Infrastructure issues related to that potential industrial development (particularly wastewater treatment and roads); and
  5. Ranking of open-space opportunities for each identified potential industrial site -- as is consistent with the goals of ECO2 -- and priority sequencing or phasing and costs of realizing such open-space opportunities.

Jones stated that he believed the ED Board should be the central player. They are is willing to take on this challenge and will look into the questions and return to the commissions with recommendations. At that time, the City and County will need to seriously consider making commitments to extend or provide infrastructure, improve roads, etc.

McElhaney questioned the time frame. Parman stated that she believed it would take a couple of months to complete the tasks.

McElhaney noted that he would like to see something before the budget process starts in case any funds would need to be put into this.

Jones stated that the goal is to know the answers to the questions in May and conduct a joint meeting some time in June.

Johnson stated that he believed the challenge is the fact that we have too many strengths which can quickly become weaknesses if we don't capitalize on them -- we need to recognize our potentials.

Lavern Squier, President and CEO of the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, noted that we need to capitalize on K-10 and I-70.

Jones then made a motion to advance the above questions to the ED Board on the County Commission's behalf. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

The Board considered approval of Douglas County Community Corrections FY 2006 Comprehensive Plan. Ron Stegall, Director of Community Corrections, was present for the discussion. After discussion, Johnson moved approval of the Comprehensive Plan; Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed improvements to E 600 Road near Clinton. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, explained that the Clinton Lake office of the Army Corps of Engineers (AC ) has requested the surfacing or stabilizing of E 600 Road between N 1200 Road (Douglas County Route 4) and the AC  property line at West Bloomington Park. This 1577 foot section of E 600 Road is currently maintained by Clinton Township and is surfaced with unstabilized crushed rock. Route 4 is chip sealed as is the roadway within West Bloomington Park. The AC  has indicated that many visitors avoid using the facilities at West Bloomington Park due to the dust generated from the gravel portion of E 600 Road. Browning recommended adding 4 inches of aggregate base and stabilizing the base using a product called Earthbind. This product is "user friendly" in that it washes off vehicles and has very low toxicity. It has been used to stabilize roads with heavy truck traffic, e.g. quarry and mining roads, with good results. In addition, the supplier is willing to provide free of charge a substantial portion of the material required for this project.

It is estimated that the material and equipment rental cost for this work would be $15,927 without any donation of material from the supplier. The supplier has indicated they will donate 3000 gallons of the total 4857 gallons of diluted product mix needed for the project. This would lower the total cost for material and equipment rental to approximately $12,600. This cost includes delivery of the AB-3 crushed rock base material to the site.

It is expected that a topical application of Earthbind or a routine dust palliative will be needed annually for the first couple years after stabilizing the base. Thereafter, it is anticipated the need for palliative application would likely be reduced. Alternatively, the stabilized base could be primed and double chip sealed as part of the County's annual contract at an approximate cost of $7,200. The cost of adding base rock, priming and double chip sealing this road section by contract is estimated to be approximately $31,000.

Following base stabilization it is recommended that Douglas County rather than Clinton Township maintain this portion of E 600 Road. Browning suggested that these improvements be paid from the Capital Improvement Program.

After discussion, Jones moved approval to proceed with base stabilization improvements to E 600 Road between N 1200 Road (Route 4) and the AC  property line at West Bloomington Park and to fund the improvements from the Capital Improvement Program. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board considered approval of a Contract for Engineering Services for the replacement of Route 442 Bridge over Captain Creek -- Project No. 23 C-4121- 01. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, explained that the referenced project involves the replacement of Bridge No. 14.00N-23.66E on Route 442 (old K-10) approximately 0.34 miles west of the Johnson County line. The project is on the county's five-year plan for federal funding and is scheduled for a KDOT bid letting in January 2007. Federal funds will cover 80% of the construction costs, but the total cost of engineering design services is the responsibility of Douglas County. Purchasing policy procedures were followed to select the consulting firm of HNTB (Overland Park, KS) to perform the engineering design services for this project. The contract is a cost-plus-net-fee contract with a not-to-exceed cost of $89,972. The not-to-exceed cost includes $14,000 for a required geotechnical study by Terracon, a subconsultant. In addition to engineering design and geotechnical study, the not-to-exceed cost includes $2,709 in construction phase services including review of falsework plans, load rating the completed bridge, and completing a new Structure Inventory and Appraisal form for the completed bridge as required by FHWA and KDOT.

In addition to replacing the existing bridge (total bridge length = 150 feet) the project will likely entail widening the rock cut just west of the bridge to allow construction of shoulders. Currently, there is adequate roadbed to construct shoulders east of the bridge and west of the crest just west of the bridge.

The current construction cost estimate for the project is $734,000. This is significantly higher than the original estimate of $445,000 indicated on the five-year plan for federally funded projects. The original estimate did not include any grading work for the approach roadways and also underestimated the cost of the bridge itself. The five-year plan is to be updated this spring and the estimated construction cost will be revised.

After discussion, Johnson made a motion to approve the contract with HNTB for engineering services at a not-to-exceed cost of $89,972 for the replacement of the Route 442 bridge over Captain Creek, KDOT Project No. 23 C-4121-01. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried unanimously.

The Board considered Project Scope Addition for Project No. 23 U-1956-01 -- Replacement of Route 438 (Kasold) Bridge Over Kansas Turnpike. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, was present for the discussion. The referenced project is funded by the City of Lawrence (providing 80% federal funding for construction), the KTA (providing 58% of 20% local match plus 58% engineering costs), and Douglas County (providing 42% of 20% local match, 42% engineering costs, and 100% right-of-way and utility relocation costs). The last cost estimated provided to the Commission in July 2004 indicated Douglas County's total project cost estimate to be approximately $301,000.

Since the July 2004 estimate, an issue was raised concerning the existing 14' span x 8' high reinforced concrete box (RCB) culvert north of the bridge. The RCB was constructed in 1955 and extended in 1969. The original plan was to further extend this RCB due to the necessary raising of the road profile over the RCB. In preparing plans for the RCB extension, the consultant (PEC) discovered that the top slab of the RCB was exhibiting structurally related cracking and that the placement of additional fill over the RCB would require constructing a new slab over the existing top slab of the RCB. It was estimated that strengthening and extending the existing RCB would cost $141,300 with the County's cost totaling $11,870.

In February 2005 PEC submitted a report on the hydraulics associated with the existing 14' X 8' RCB under Kasold north of the KTA bridge. The report was initiated by KTA's concern of the effect of this RCB on the turnpike. This RCB is immediately downstream of another 14' x 8' RCB under the turnpike. The RCB under Kasold greatly effects the flow capacity of the RCB under the turnpike since the "headwater" upstream of the Kasold RCB becomes the "tailwater" of the RCB under the turnpike. When the headwater for the Kasold RCB is high, then the flow carrying capacity of the turnpike RCB is severely diminished. The study determined that due to the effect of the existing RCB under Kasold, the RCB under the turnpike lacks capacity to pass the required 50-year storm without overtopping the turnpike.

PEC has updated the Kasold bridge plans to include total replacement of the RCB north of the bridge. The replacement structure is a Triple -10' x 8' x 243' long RCB. It is estimated replacing the RCB will add approximately $361,200 to the total construction cost. It would increase Douglas County's project cost by approximately $30,000. This would be a good deal for the County since we are getting a 50-year old RCB replaced with a significantly larger RCB for a relatively small cost to the County.

In addition, PEC is requesting approval of an addendum to their contract to account for the additional engineering required for the replacement of the RCB. Their original contract was for $124,000, and they are requesting an additional $16,000 for a total design cost of $140,000. This is very reasonable at about 5% of estimated construction cost. Since the KTA and Douglas County are sharing the engineering costs 58% to 42%, Douglas County's additional cost is $6,720.

Jones made a motion to approve the additional project scope to include replacing the existing 14' x 8' RCB north of the bridge for Project No. 23 U-1956-01, the replacement of the Route 438 (Kasold) bridge over the Kansas Turnpike and approve an addendum to design consultant PEC's contract to include the RCB replacement and increase the fees by $16,000 (from $124,000 to $140,000) for which Douglas County is responsible for $6,720; and approve the increase of the CIP project allocation from $301,000 to $343,000. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

McElhaney noted the resignation of Bruce Ausherman as Treasurer of Willow Springs Township and made a motion to appoint Suzanne Evinger, 552 E 1000 Road, Baldwin City, KS, to serve in Ausherman's place. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

ZONING 04-25-05
The Board discussed a text amendment to Article 26 of the Zoning Regulations. Keith Dabney, Director of Zoning and Codes, noted there have been several recent issues involving the discrepancy between the Zoning Regulation six months building permit limitation and the building codes time specification. Dabney also noted the current fee schedule as contained in the Zoning Regula tions is also out of date.

Jones requested that staff prepare a redlined document so the changes could be easily tracked. No action was taken.

Johnson moved approval of accounts payable in the amount of $393,612.76 to be paid 04/25/05; and accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $576.58. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Johnson made a motion to reappoint John Pendleton, Lawrence, Kansas and Larry McElwain, Lawrence, Kansas to the ECO2 Board for four (4) year terms. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Jones made a motion to adjourn; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Charles Jones, Chairman                     Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Jamie Shew, County Clerk                   Jere McElhaney, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA