Commission Board Meeting on Mon, November 1, 2004 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information


      -Pledge of Allegiance

      -Consider approval of minutes of March 17, March 31, April 5, April 7, April 9, April 12, April 14, April 19, April 26, April 28, May 3, May 11, May 12, May 17, May 19, May 24, May 26, June 7, June 14, June 21, June 23, July 12, July 14, July 19, July 26, August 6, August 23, August 25, September 1, September 13, September 15, September 20, September 27, September 29, October 11, October 13, October 20, and October 27, 2004.



      (1) (a)   Consider approval of Commission Orders

            (b)   Consider approval of 2005 Holiday Schedule (Pam Madl)



      (2)    Consider approval of request to purchase equipment for two (2) new medic units (Chief McSwain)


      (3)    Planning Item: SP-09-63-04: A site plan for Bulldog Tow, locating to an existing commercial building at 1881 E 1450 Road (<1/2xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />U.S. Highway 24/59). Submitted by Jeffrey Jacob for Marjorie LaFrentz, property owner of record. (Paul Patterson)


      (4)    Work session to discuss platform issues (Craig Weinaug)


      (5)    Other Business

(a)   Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)

         (b)   Appointments

         (c)Jones called the meeting to order at 8:38 A.M. on Monday, November 1, 2004 with all members present.

Johnson moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:

Approve the 2005 Holiday Schedule as follows:

New Year's Day Friday, December 31, 2004
Martin Luther King's Day Monday, January 17
Memorial Day Monday, May 30
Fourth of July Monday, July 4
Labor Day Monday, September 5
Thanksgiving Thursday-Friday, November 24-25
Christmas Monday, December 26
Two (2) Personal Discretionary Days

Personal Discretionary Day:
Eligibility: Employee's status must be full time or part time with benefits, with an employment date on or before October 1, 2005. Employees hired after June 30, 2005 (but before October 1) are only entitled to one (1) personal discretionary day.
Definition: One (1) normal work day.
Scheduling: Must be taken all at one time (may not be split into hours). Must be scheduled in advance through the employee's supervisor and according to departmental procedures. Must be utilized during the calendar year 2005 and PRIOR to December 17, 2005.

McElhaney seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Mark Bradford, Deputy Chief of the Lawrence-Douglas County Fire & Medical Department, appeared before the Board requesting approval to purchase the following items from the Ambulance Capital Reserve Fund:

Extrication Equipment (1) $13,500
Life Pak 12 (1) $21,300
Mobile Data Computers -- MDC (2) $21,400

This equipment will be placed on the two new medic units that were recently approved by the County Commission. The extrication equipment pricing is from the only vendor authorized to sell in our region. The Life Pak 12 and MDC items are on state contract and reflect competitive bidding at the state level. Jones made a motion to waive the Purchasing Policy and authorize the purchase of the equipment as outlined above. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

PLANNING 11-01-04
The Board considered SP-09-63-04: A Site Plan for Bulldog Tow, locating to an existing commercial building at 1881 E 1450 Road (U.S. Highway 24/59). Submitted by Jeffrey Jacob for Marjorie LaFrentz, property owner of record. Paul Patterson, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Department, presented this item. Patterson explained that this site has an existing commercial building and is located along the west side of U.S. Highway 24/59. The property backs up to railroad tracks. The applicant also proposes the sale of used vehicles as an accessory use. The display of vehicles for sale outside of the screened storage area is limited to four vehicles at any one time.

The applicant has recently installed a screened fence area to the south of the building and is making improvements to the property. The applicant will need to obtain a sign permit from the Douglas County Zoning Administrator for signs on the property. The applicant will also need to obtain any required building permits for improvements to the property.

Patterson recommended approval of the Site Plan (SP-09-63-04) subject to the following conditions:

1. Provision of a revised site plan to include the following revisions:
a. Include the required handicap parking sign and handicap parking space at the entrance to the building per Section 16-102.
b. Label the area where vehicles for sale may be located.
c. Label the number of parking spaces required/provided.
d. Label width of driveway.
2. Provide the following notes on the face of the site plan:
a. "Exterior lighting to be shielded so as not to glare off-site per Sec tion 19A-4.12."
b. "The site plan has been designed to comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) for buildings and facilities, appendix A to 28 CFR part 36."
3. The applicant will obtain a building permit from the County for all work including the signs and lighting and any work on the building that requires a building permit.
4. The building will need to comply with all applicable requirements for the occupancy (i.e., wiring, plumbing, mechanical, and the actual building construction).
5. The applicant will obtain a sign permit for any signs on the property.
6. Display of any vehicles for sale, outside of the screened storage area, will be limited to a maximum of four at any one time.

Jones expressed concerns regarding the access off of Highway 24/59 with increasing traffic. Patterson explained that they will be using an existing driveway that has good site distance.

Jones then questioned whether there would be an alternative location for the vehicles for sale so they weren't as visible from the road.

Jeffrey Jacob, owner of Bulldog Tow, stated he wouldn't typically have vehicles for sale -- he is just trying to get rid of the ones he currently has.

Johnson made a motion to approve SP-09-63-04 subject to the above conditions and subject to the condition that the Site Plan be modified to indicate it's a 24' driveway per KDOT regulations. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

A concerned citizen appeared before the Board expressing concerns about campaign signs being located too close to voting places and brochures being placed in the polling places at previous elections. The Board directed staff to discuss these concerns with Patty Jaimes, County Clerk.

The Board conducted a work session to discuss platform issues. No action was taken.

Johnson moved approval of the following minutes:

March 1, March 31, April 5, April 7, April 9, April 12, April 14, April 19, April 26, April 28, May 3, May 11, May 12, May 17, May 19, May 24, May 26, June 7, June 14, June 21, June 23, July 12, July 14, July 19, July 26, August 6, August 25, September 1, September 13, September 15, September 20, September 27, September 29, October 11, October 13, October 20, and October 27, 2004.

Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Johnson moved approval of accounts payable in the amount of $120,383.20 to be paid 11/01/04; accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $1,368.24; payroll in the amount of $598,849.37; and electronic funds transfers in the amounts of $45,848.23 for FICA and $37,837.93 for KPERS to be paid 10/29/04. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

Jones made a motion to adjourn; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

_______________________________ _______________________________
Charles Jones, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member


_______________________________ _______________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Jere McElhaney, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA