Commission Board Meeting on Mon, April 19, 2004 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Information


      -Pledge of Allegiance



      (1)    (a)   Consider approval of  Commission Orders



      (2)    Discussion of possible resolution placing limitations on keeping dogs on property that is unoccupied (Craig Weinaug)


      (3)    Consider approval of letter of commitment for Fire Station #5 (Pam Madl)


      (4)    Consider resolution revising ambulance rates (Pam Madl)


      (5)    Consider approval of Homeland Security Grant Funds Expenditure Request (Paula Phillips)


      (6)    Consider approval of twenty (20) Out-District College Tuition Statements in the amount of $155,125.20 (Debbie Sparkes)


      (7)    Other Business

(a)   Consider approval of Accounts Payable (if necessary)

(b)   Appointments

Jones called the meeting to order at 8:34 A.M. on Monday, April 19, 2004 with all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

CONSENT 04-19-04
There were no consent items.

The Board discussed the possibility of adopting a resolution placing limitations on keeping dogs on property that is unoccupied. Jones stated he had received numerous complaints regarding barking dogs in the County. He contacted the owner of the dogs and received a less than responsive attitude. Jones questioned whether there was a serious enough problem to pursue such a resolution. Midge Grinstead, Director of the Lawrence Humane Society, was present for the discussion. Grinstead stated she receives numerous calls monthly regarding cruelty and neglect.

McElhaney questioned how the County would handle property that isn't occupied, such as keeping barn cats to help control mice. He noted problems on his own property where stray dogs were dumped and he started feeding them and then couldn't get rid of them.

Jones noted the County currently has a resolution in place that addresses cruelty and neglect -- maybe a nuisance provision could be added.

Grinstead stated that Shawnee County has animal control for the entire County and may have such a resolution in place.

It was the consensus of the Board that Grinstead be directed to work with Evan Ice, County Counselor, to draft a resolution addressing a nuisance provision. No action was taken.

AMBULANCE 04-19-04
The Board considered approval of a letter of commitment for Fire/Medical Station #5. Pam Madl, Director of Administrative Services, stated she and McElhaney attended a presentation made to the City Commission regarding Fire Station #5 which will be located at 19th Street & Stewart Avenue. Madl explained that per the Cooperation Agreement with the City, the County's share of most of these expenses is 25.64%. Two options were presented -- Option 1 included the fire station and administrative offices and Option 2 was for construction of the fire station only. Madl recommended approval of Option 1 of which the County would be responsible for approximately $1,260,616. Madl noted the latest Capital Improvements Program shows $900,000 reserved for this project. It should also be noted that the Endowment Association donated the land for the station. Jim McSwain, Chief, and Mark Bradford, Deputy Chief of the Lawrence-Douglas County Fire & Medical Department, were also present for the discussion. Bradford stated that the construction was a different -- something the Endowment Association wanted.

McElhaney noted he would like to see the County become more actively involved in the negotiations/purchasing and administrative decisions of the department. He requested further information regarding buildings that will be vacated once the station is complete.

Jones suggested the Commission support the new station with the omission of the City's 2% arts requirement. However, Jones indicated he would be interested in talking to the City about the arts requirement. Bradford noted the art requirement is 2% of the construction cost and d s not include equipment.

Johnson made a motion to endorse a commitment to the City of Lawrence for Option 1, for construction, including contingency, testing/inspections, furnishings, fixtures and equipment, indicating the County will not share financial responsibility for the cost of a new Quint or the City's 2% arts requirement. Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board considered approval of a joint Resolution/Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas and the City Commission of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, concerning charges for ambulance services. Mark Bradford, Deputy Chief of the Lawrence-Douglas County Fire & Medical Depart ment, explained that the proposed resolution was drafted by the City and County attorneys (Dave Corliss and Evan Ice). After discussion, Jones made a motion to approve Resolution No. 04-18, a Joint Resolution/Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas and the City Commission of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, Concerning Charges for Ambulance Services. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Paula Phillips, Director of Douglas County Emergency Management, appeared before the Board requesting approval to utilize FFY 2003 Homeland Security Grant Funds to replace the existing local command center. Phillips explained that the State of Kansas will receive $7,401,000 in FFY2003 Homeland Security funds. Additionally, $19,603,000 in FY2003 Homeland Security Supplemental Grant funds has been granted to the State. Douglas County has been allocated $84,473.05 of Part I Funds and a supplemental allocation of $241,475.25. Representatives from all of the County first responder agencies have met several times to discuss how the funds would best be used based on results of a recent assessment update.

Each functional group (i.e., law enforcement group, fire group, etc.) Developed a prioritized list of equipment needs. This information, and the grant process has been shared with the elected and administrative bodies of the cities in Douglas County. The number one priority of each functional group, and agreed to by the city elected bodies, is to purchase a new mobile command center to replace the existing 1983 school bus which serves a command center. The bus has served all agencies well, but a school bus was never meant to handle the functions of an effective, efficient command center. Additionally, in its current condition, the vehicle is in need of major repairs that will cost more than its current value. The first responder agencies feel that a new mobile command center will serve all of the agencies and meet the most needs within the stated parameters of the grant. June 30, 2004 is the deadline to design and place an order for this purchase. The State's vendor (for all Homeland Security equipment purchases) has contracted with Brown Cargo Company, Lawrence, KS, to build any mobile command centers purchased with grant funds.

Phillips also explained that a cost estimate of the vehicle had not been obtained - - the design, floor space, electrical requirements, equipment, etc., will determine the costs. Funds not used for the command vehicle will be used on the following prioritized functional group list:

Law Enforcement Prioritized Requests

Fire/EMS Prioritized Requests


Command Bus


Command Bus


X-Ray/metal detector for JLE ($50,000)


CBRNE personal protective gear



CBRNE personal protective equipment for law enforcement evidence collection ($25,000)


IR Detection to identify unknown liquids and solids ($65,000)


Small trailer to house personal protective equipment ($10,000)


In-suit communications equipment ($10,000)


Upgrade building security for Baldwin PD ($10,000)


Scene lighting equipment ($20,000)


Portable repeater(s) ($15,000)


Detection equipment for chemical weapons & radiological weapons ($8,000)


Upgrade radio capabilities in Baldwin area ($40,000)


Detection to identify unknown gases ($25,000)


Escape gear ($50,000)


SCBA face pieces ($5,000)


Bomb detection & response equipment ($75,000)


SCBA adapters ($15,000)


APR cartridges ($1,200)


Level B suits ($8,700)


Portable generator ($4,000)


Decon patient transfer liter ($2,000)


Lighting for Decon tent ($550)


ATV transportation vehicle ($10,000)

Emergency Communications Requests

Emergency Management Requests


Mobile Command Center


Mobile Command Center


Interoperability System ($25,000)


Upgrade radiological detection and monitoring equipment ($5,000)


Virtual EOC capability ($50,000)

McElhaney noted the Board received the list just before the meeting. McElhaney
questioned how many times the command vehicle was used each year. Phillips
responded that it was used approximately 25 times per year.

Jones requested that Phillips come back with a specific bid. He stated he was
not comfortable approving something that wasn't on paper. Phillips stated there
wasn't enough time and if the money wasn't used, it would return to the State.

Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, suggested the Board ask the committee to
come back with a specific recommendation and dollar limit.

The Board directed Phillips to provide a proposal with more specifics to be
considered at their meeting on Monday, April 26, 2004. No action was taken.

Jones made a motion to approve the twenty (20) Out-District College Tuition
statements im the amount of $155,125.20. Motion was seconded by Johnson
and carried with McElhaney opposed.

Jones moved approval of accounts payable in the amount of $294,324.00 to be
paid 04/19/04; and accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $2,134.24.
Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Jim Denney, Director of Emergency Communications, conducted a brief presen
tation regarding the legislation recently approved by the governor regarding the
911 tax on cell phones. No action was taken.

At 10:05 A.M., Jones made a motion that the Board recess to go into executive
session until 10:35 A.M. with Evan Ice, County Counselor, Keith Dabney,
Director of Zoning & Codes, Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, to discuss
potential litigation. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.
The Board returned to regular session at 10:33 A.M. No action was taken.

Jones moved for adjournment; McElhaney seconded and the motion carried

______________________________ ________________________________
Charles Jones, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member


______________________________     ________________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk         Jere McElhaney, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA