Commission Board Meeting on Wed, October 22, 2003 - 9:00 AM

Meeting Information

Douglas County Commission Meeting Room

  • Public Officials' Meeting to Discuss the Potential Improvements to US-59 in Douglas County

Johnson called meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. on Wednesday, October 22, 2003, with Johnson and McElhaney present. Jones was absent. The Pledge of Alle giance was recited.

There were no consent items.

The Board considered Item No. 6 of the minutes of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission dated 9/27/03. This item is MM-08- 01-03: Request to rescind the "minimum maintenance" road designation for a portion of N 200 Road between E 1100 and E 1225 Roads in Willow Springs Township. Bill Ahrens, staff member of the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropoli tan Planning Department, was present for the discussion. The Planning Commis sion voted unanimously to approve the request to rescind "minimum mainte nance" road status for the portion of N 200 Road between E 1100 and E 1225 Road in Willow Springs and forward it to the County Commission with a recom mendation for approval.

The Board then conducted a public hearing concerning rescinding the "minimum maintenance" designation. No public comment was received. McElhaney made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Johnson and carried.

Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution No. 03-26 rescinding the declara tion of "minimum maintenance" for a portion of N 200 Road; McElhaney sec onded and the motion carried.

The Board noted receipt of a recommendation from the Clinton Township Board to rescind the "minimum maintenance" designation currently in effect for a portion of E 550 Road. Per the standard process, the Clinton Township Board held a public hearing to accept comments regarding a required recommendation to be made to Douglas County on the matter. The next step in the process requires a recommendation from the Planning Commission. Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution No. 03-27 initiating the process of designating a portion of E 550 Road as "minimum maintenance" and requesting a recommen dation from the Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by McElhaney and carried.

Johnson moved for adjournment. McElhaney seconded and the motion carried.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Bob Johnson, Chairman Jere McElhaney, Member


Patty Jaimes, County Clerk


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA